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Carrie Moon

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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. :butt:I have done this and love it.. but it has to be with a client I really trust. As you can imagine it might be tempting to just stick it a little closer to a mucous membrane area than is allowed :)
  2. 10 best seinfeld scenes... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsKNvGeNKyE although missing one of my personal faves. The contest! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXNXlEERkXc
  3. I see the other thread on guys falling for escorts. Falling in lust is a completely different thing that what I am talking about. I have fallen in lust many times.. way more than 2. But probably only 5-10% of the time. When I compliment a guy with gusto they sometimes don't believe me.. and it's understandable.. but a shame. The 2 relationships I had with guys I met as clients were both very long term and based on more than lust.
  4. Oh.. I don't think that's at all a healthy fantasy. Twice in the last month I've been asked by a client if I'd date him.. right in the middle of a session and once when the guy was inside me! Way to put me on the spot and I just said no to the one.. that I didn't date right now and to the other.. can we talk about after the session? where I then told him the same thing. Uh.. I will ask you out if I'm interested and it's happened twice in over 20 years of doing this.. so to clarify it's pretty rare. Yup.. in both cases it was pretty much a done deal within the first few minutes of meeting... shot through the heart.
  5. Hell ya! I've done it several times over my 22 years in the business... my last serious boyfriend was a client. I asked him out right after our first session.. and we still see one another about once/month after ending the relationship.
  6. eek.. that's horrible.. seems it's always the fetish and oral loving guys who want to do everything but fuck that you really want to fuck you eh?:bddog:
  7. That show freaking rocks! I kept watching it initially and yelling ''that's my life!!!'' at the tv. It's a great one to show my non-sp friends so they can get a handle on what I do as well.. Exactly! Been there.. done that.. lesson learned.. and painfully so..:exagerefesses: you do?? you're such a slut! oops.. I am too..
  8. One major misconception among both sp's and hobbiests is that membership on cerb somehow means you've crossed the line into a special club that makes you immune to bad behaviour. Simply because the tolerance of cerb doesn't allow you to behave publically on here doesn't change the actual real life mentality of a person who's a member here. Girls mistakenly assume because a client is a ''cerb member'' that he should be trusted. No way. Anyone can be a member until proven a problem. Another misconception is that because CL isn't monitored the same way cerb is that it should not be used to advertise or to find sp's. Of course I advertise there. More people in the whole world know CL and only a few thousand are on cerb.. and several are non-active members as you pointed out. I personally come to cerb simply because several of my other sp friends are here.. I don't ''work it'' to get new clients on chat... but clients do book me from finding me on here sometimes. Most however have booked me from E-C, CL or other sites including my own blog. I often see posts of disillusionment that a ''cerb member'' would do this. Cerb didn't provide a verification of personality or even gender when you signed up. All they know is your ip address and your email etc.. Remember.. always trust your gut and if someone stands you up.. don't get mad.. just let it go.. because the next guy will make your day. Yin and Yang people.. My boyfriend several years ago was a chiropractor and would make a special trip in on his day off to see a new client on several occasions. He would often change our plans to do something which I was completely okay with to create new business.. Almost 20% of the time he would do this the person was a no-show. Frustrating for him but part of doing business.. This was well over 10 years ago so it's not a new phenomenon and certainly not specific to our industry. Having said all that Emma.. your situation would piss me off too! what a nerve..
  9. Yes. I'm hoping to come to Halifax, Moncton, Fredericton etc as well..
  10. I had the air supply on cassette tape and it was in my clock radio alarm when I was in first year in residence. I woke up to air supply every morning.. That was my all time fav song for so many years. I love anything beatles or beatles related. I admit that I listened to the Bay city rollers when I was a kid.. regularly shouting out ''S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night!'' When I was working night shift in my polyester security guard uniform, studying for my post-grad whenever I would start to fall asleep.. I'd put on my tape walkman and listen to Rick Astley and dance all over the place.. One time I was doing this with my headphones on when my supervisor dropped by to check on me.. and gave me crap for not hearing him come in.. That tape got me through many night shifts.. then of course I eventually quit that gig to be an escort :) I still like his music though.
  11. I for one have been sticking up for the younger clients.. and always do. Rude is rude and many of those have been young. But I don't think paint all younger clients with a full thick brush. Many ladies have a mature clients only policy. I don't. I have a 'respectful clients' policy. Simple as that. Age guarantees nothing.. I love you Nikki... but I've had clients well over the age of 50 pull the type of crap on me that one young guy did. The only guy I ever had to stop a session with and remove from my apt was easily 55 or 60. It certainly wasn't pleasant but I didn't then also paint him with a cultural brush based on his background. It was him individually and solely responsible.
  12. You sure your carpal tunnel wasn't from all the wrist action? :handjob:
  13. yay.. soleil is back.. honey I wish you had told me... please please please take some homeopathic ruta, vit b6 100 mg twice/day and some chondroitin sulfate with glucosamine. I was told about B6 a very long time ago preventing tendonitis and also curing carpal tunnel syndrome and it's saved me sooo much agony. How I first heard about it believe it or not was when I went tree-planting. Those of us who took the advice didn't get tendonitis from the repeated trauma of slamming the shovel into the ground 100's of times/day. Those who ignored almost all got it. That proved it to me..
  14. Nope.. I'm just lucky I have a few good friends who send me stuff on email.. then if I really like it I look it up on youtube.. I do watch a ton of tv however :) oh.. and thanks. I will! ps.. you should see all the good porn clips I get from one of my friends.. unfortunately I don't post them here..lol:bddog:
  15. now that's payback! good for him.. I agree with Meg on this one.. it's a barbaric sport I would never pay to watch.
  16. ha ha.. well my innuendo lawn needs to be mowed more regularly than my actual grass lawn.. but I swear my backyard isn't that big.. it would only take a few minutes.. right.. so get off my lazy butt and just mow it.. away I go! seriously though.. hope you had a great bday!
  17. Whatever you do SA don't smile and whistle at work.. it may happen! Guys have even had the nerve to look up and smile at me after making me cum and say.. ''you should be paying me''.. ugh..
  18. Happy Birthday Steve.. if you get bored I have a lawn that needs to be mowed :):bddog:
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