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Carrie Moon

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. Well I don't have dentist gear but I have hair-cutting scissors, a maid outfit and I can give you a physical.. close enough?:bddog:
  2. Nope... just saw on Entertainment Tonight that he's signed up for a 2 year contract.
  3. Please don't. I rather like your ass! :butt: I agree! It's a hilarious show and puts hobbying in a great light... apparently ''art imitates life'' in his case.
  4. chicken!!! go look! it's a split head on the underside of the cock.. was just trying to clarify if that's what was meant.
  5. ha.. I totally know what you mean - both about the fantasizing and the certain voices revving me up. I have some naughty fantasies I share on my blog but there are some I just can't bring myself to declare out loud. Definitely! We haven't done a duo in quite some time.. we're overdue :bddog:
  6. I like a smooth face...a 5 o'clock shadow or freshly trimmed goatee must be kept from my sensitive parts as much as possible. I like my clit sucked directly like a penis so I differ here from other girls perhaps. Using your tongue like a vibrator doesn't work. Lick and suck like you would french kiss... a few minutes of that and I'm good to go..I can orgasm almost every time when it's done the right way. I don't enjoy being licked everywhere else but there.. - labia, inner thighs..etc. that does almost nothing for me I'm afraid. So only kiss all of that if it's what you want to do. If you don't enjoy performing daty but like to watch I'm very happy to masturbate while you lovingly suck on my tits... sigh.. love it!
  7. Carrie was a random name I picked off of the sheet of names shown me at my first agency.. Moon came because.. well I like to moon people :butt:
  8. Nope.. and never would ask for money in advance either for services if I were tight from a regular client. I would expect my hairdresser/dentist/cleaning lady (if I had one) wouldn't from me either.
  9. I took mine off to let Erin try it on as it turns out we're the same size! But I put it back on after 5 minutes.. Angela took hers off and kept it off.. forgot to put it back on and voila.. went home without one.:boobeyes: Hey.. how many guys have gone home with a girl's panties.... accidentally of course:butt:
  10. A true bartering system is done by a group with a variety of members and a variety of services available. A value is set for each person's goods/services and then you can dip into each other members offerings for the same dollar value. If only we could do this for our services.. http://www.canadianbarterexchange.com/ hmmm. they do have an entertainment section :p
  11. what length of time are we talking about? tongues get tired.. necks get sore.. I try to cum in 10 minutes I'd guess but I"m not watching the clock.. but hey I've seen you cum in way less time than that sometimes Christine. I'm usually not good for 2 so I try to enjoy the first one.
  12. Mmmm.. Annessa is so yummy.. all her lips :) ah.. so many women ...so little time. It's one of the 7 deadly sins.. but then again.. 7 is a lucky number!:bddog:
  13. I think you mean a hypospadias view here I've seen it twice... Additional Comments: re: blood in general. Many people are blood aversive.. not just menstrual blood. Some faint at the mere sight of blood. Women have to get over this obviously.. Until I lived in the UK I gave blood as often as I could as I'm not only not blood squeamish but have great veins for poking.. now I can't do it anymore for the fear of madcow dz. One of the first things I had to learn how to do in my post-grad education as a clinician was to take blood..and no.. we didn't practice on oranges but rather each other.
  14. Only you know your capabilities.. but an overnighter is always a lack of a good night's sleep for me so I would never plan anything the next morning until I see how I feel. I saw a client a few months back who had come into the city with a plan to see 3 or 4 different girls. I think I was the 2nd or 3rd one and he had a follow up after me. I thought it was hilarious and good for him! However.. no overnighter was involved.
  15. uh.. did you all read this part? "After she terminated her relationship with the “third party” in August 2007, the jilted lover, himself a married father of three, called Rogers and obtained her secret password to her voicemail and used it to access it to harass her and taunt the husband, the statement of claim alleges."" If that's true they're in trouble on a whole other issue.
  16. I too find the site quite useful and like anything in life if you look at it as 1/2 empty it is.. if you look at it as 1/2 full it is as well. An interesting book I'm reading basically says..there is no such thing as evil.. there is useful and useless :) discard the useless and focus your attention on the useful. The book FYI is called the Law of Attraction (way before the movie the secret came out).
  17. ah.. I have seen that. Not a fan of hot spicy food.. but I love chili! I often put it on my nachos. Chili cheese fries is another one I haven't had in a long while. I used to get it at Toby's in Toronto but I think they're gone now :( Additional Comments: How could you forget the garlic bread? that changes everything... mmmm nummy nummy
  18. I have one! not crotchless but my catwoman suit is.. we could cut a hole out of it.
  19. um.. what??? spicy chili? I'll have to try that with you but I'm dubious...
  20. Carrie Moon


  21. Carrie Moon

    G7CM2 357

    From the album: red

  22. Carrie Moon

    G7CM2 277

    From the album: red

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