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Carrie Moon

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carrie Moon

  1. Carrie Moon


  2. My mom still bugs me when I say anyways instead of anyway. I have noticed that about 1/2 of people say anyway and 1/2 say anyways..but I wouldn't have even noticed had she not been pointing it out to me. You're right about habits. She only seemed to notice me saying it as a full grown adult so it was already a habit. I wonder if anyone else notices or even cares..
  3. Carrie Moon

    100 1454

    thanks Doll. See you tonight!
  4. Carrie Moon

    100 1469

    that's exactly what that leather strap is for.. spanking your ass!
  5. oh Antoine.. that one bugs me too! or people who say ''I seen" when they should be saying "I saw"
  6. You can speak 2 languages! That's completely acceptable to have incorrect grammar or spelling when it's not your first language. We are irritated by people who butcher their first language. I was in a car with another escort who was from Montreal many years ago so when she said "cha-oes'' instead of ''K-oss" when using the word chaos I of course asked her if English was her 2nd language.. unfortunately it wasn't... AWESOME!!!
  7. check him out in the movies watchmen and PS I love you and of course on tv he was in last seasons' grey's anatomy where I fell in love with him.
  8. Love Monica and Scarlett.. but for guys it's Jeffry Dean Morgan.. hands down.
  9. aha! the old ''It's not you. It's me" break up line.. Seinfeld reference :) Victoria is right. Usually the person you wish to not see again doesn't take it well.. The main reason you choose not to see someone is their behaviour! so...more often than not they will not take it well. I still see clients whose hygiene may lack or their appearance/lack of skills may be a turn off but if they are respectful that goes a much longer way than any thing else and I continue to see them. So.. it's the disrespectful ones I spurn who get angry. Usually I'm able to tell if they are going to be disrespectful before we even meet now.. so it's much easier to tell them I'm not interested in their business. Save a lot of hassle.. but they still can get nasty. I once made the mistake of telling a guy right after seeing me who asked to be a regular that I wasn't interested in seeing him again. He immediately wrote a horrible review but since it was right after it happened I was able to fight back about why I refused him and several people stuck up for me.. I should have better just said no problem and then avoided his calls.. It's a tough situation to be in.. no answer is necessarily the right one. We all think we'd rather hear the truth.. but sometimes the truth hurts and we react badly. The ones who would react with grace are usually the ones who don't need to be told! IMHO.
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