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Everything posted by d*mm*y

  1. I am not picking on SP's or Emma, and I have no issue with SP's as members in the contest. However Pete is a long time quality contributor with no award yet! My vote this time is for him to get the award, certainly does not have to be everyones. Emma, as an award winner myself I know how much fun the whole thing can be, and I am sure you had a great time getting your SP award. You have got to agree that Pete is very deserving this time? It's not that everyone else is not deserving, all the nominies should be having fun with this, and proud to have been nominated. Anyone who feels strongly about a contestant should voice there feelings, look at insidevoice rooting for the disqualified guy! (would that be doobdude?)
  2. That is one amazing ass and she took to DP like a fish to water :D
  3. Hey that's my Mankini!!! Bastard :) he does fill it out better
  4. I am cooking up a special treat with our hot tub friend and SexxxySophie, will be very very hot and sexy! It is a duo I plan on getting a lot of!! Let me know if any of you want a piece of the action :)
  5. I really would like to see Pete take this one, Emma has her SP award, and Pete has added so many great recommendations he has done his part over and beyond!
  6. And that is most excellent Mr. Boner!! I am getting rather board with thread after thread of pictures of scantly clad ladies, I have google image search for that. But I would have been looking a long time to find this!! :D
  7. I prefer these types of ladies! No Rug for me :)
  8. On the agree vs disagree thing I would rather hit report post the only things I would disagree with are not allowed here, opinions should be encouraged even if you disagree.
  9. I have not had one break in over 15 years (I think in the early 90's they were still working on quality control), of course I am hung like a horse fly!!! If you think for one second that the ladies that do this all admit to it watch out. Pimps don't use condoms often the ladies have sexual experiences outside of the SP business that are unprotected. We have to draw a line at what we think individually is safe practice, there are so many what if's it could make your head spin. The safe course is to only have sex with your SO and they only have sex with you. Or better yet just jerk off or abstain.
  10. yeah welcome SexxxySophie can't wait for Thursday night!!!
  11. Then it was wrong; I still think there is always 2 sides to the story. If this was the first night I can see it being the one you would expect to get the vacation off on a good foot with. And of all nights would have been the best to release a tension on both sides, I guess only one of you got to do that. (Well and of course the unmentioned other member!!) Some people get off on the ability to twist and turn things, to be able to "get away" with something that is what turns them on.
  12. Hahaha that is too funny!! Most of us use THIS account as our alter ego, so you have an alter alter ego?? You are in good company many cerbites have had this same thing happen to them, I think it is through social networking that we test different persona's. Just to bad mr. doob had to cast a vote :o
  13. Sorry for the confusion, I meant no go for me, yes I know it is offered form time to time. If a lady offers it I still see them, what do I care I have a condom on, that's why I have a condom on.
  14. That is what I am trying to say, we get short sighted when SP's give us a little more and start to take it for granted, extra's are the SP version of gifts, accept them graciously don't take them for granted. If I had taken an SP on a trip as a travel companion and expected her to be by my side 24/7 I would also expect to pay $1200-2000 a day + expenses. When I take a lady to diner I do not take into account what the meal cost. If I bring a lady a gift I do not consider that as part of the payment, otherwise it is not a "gift". I can't speak specifically about this trip because I don't know all the facts; I just know that I could never spend 24/7 with a client. I can work 8-10 hours at a time and then I need a break. As for worrying about an SP, I have learned that most of them have very good resources and rarely actually need the White Knight that we want to be. I think it breaks down to how we are wired, some of us are one man one woman types and some of us are poly. Also the SP?s are doing this as a means to make money, they need to be sensitive to the one man one woman types and we would prefer that they not discuss other clients with us. The vast majority of ladies interested int he Poly events demand that we not mention there names. (gee I wonder why??) In this case I don?t know the specifics of what the lady intended or how it went down other than Pokers version, in my experience there are always 2 versions of the events. What I am saying is just general information, SP?s are poly that is how they can do their job. Sp?s have to work at pleasing us, if they met us in real life they would not date let alone sleep with us. Sorry if I am pulling the curtain down and exposing the Wizard, but it?s a business and a job guys, if you pay the lady a healthy 4 figures (at least $1200 a day) over and above the expenses than yes she is yours for the trip if not? It takes a large amount of effort to keep up the hot sexy looks and the illusions that they are into us, even more if it?s for an extended period of time. If I paid for 2 hours and the lady only gave me one and half hours I would not care what she did with the other half hour I would wonder why I did not get it. An all night'r is usually $1200-2000 same thing if I pay the $1200 I expect breakfast, I have gotten Breakfast and the all night'r for a lot less but that does not establish a new price, it was just a bonus. A diner date is usually around $500- 1000 with a little play time at the end, it does not include the price of diner (if it did there would not be much left for the SP). Tim Hortens never qualifies as any kind of a date!! Poker: did she cut into the agreed to and paid for time? or did you feel she was two timing? Or both? because I would argue that there is no such thing as two timing with an SP, they are actullay 50 timing!! in a month. I don't expect most of you to get it, and some of the SP's will rather carry on the illusion of GF than point out this is a job (even in posts on Cerb because they are that professional), I just read the post and imagined a diferent perspective that is all.
  15. I think they are referring to BBBJ, the pimps in town are back to pushing the ladies to reduce there service back to no kissing and CBJ, or the ladies are "dirty girls". Of course if I were a provider I would not worry about keeping the other girls happy, I would be worried about building up my clientele. As for other BB services that is clearly a no go zone!!!
  16. A little off topic but if anyone needs rep points just add some to me and I will return the favor :)
  17. Easily done!! Have the ladies ready it would be mind blowing :) $1000 per guy "vulcan I agree with PistolPete ... in order to create an intimate & sensuous environment the ratio should be approx three men and four or five ladies."
  18. Just because you plan a trip with a lady does not mean she is yours 24x7? If she took a little down time who cares?? Whats the big deal?? If she told you it was first time and it wasn't that was part of the fantasy wasn't it? One of the secrets to a hot GFE is her ability to convey that this is the "first time" for anything, even sex!! Guys they are facilitating fantasies for us, they are not actually girl friends. Move on. Sorry if this sounds harsh but if you hire a date for a trip there are some basic facts you need to understand. If you were actually her boy friend you would have to do and see what she wants to do (isn't i funny how what ever you suggest is "just great"), and if she was not happy she would be complaining a lot more. You take the good with the bad.
  19. And for some reason we do not have 300 votes for you in the cerb valued member award? http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=13695 Only 59 votes?? Guys good contributors need to be rewarded, you can vote for more than one person, a few of the nominees are members of this group!
  20. Keep coming back to this man do I miss car sex!! The best car I ever had for it was my 635, the rear seats had a console too and you could lay the front seats almost flat into the back seats it was kind of like a bed! but the console in the middle raised all the right parts on a lady :) plus wide doors and a large sunroof so it was very airy hehehe.
  21. One of my first cars was a 320 with the sun roof :), the seats reclined and with the sun roof open it was very cool the lady could put one leg on each seat straddle the center console and face the back seat then you got lots of clearance with the sun roof open!
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