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E.D. man

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Everything posted by E.D. man

  1. yes it does exist and in some countries it can be done contractually by a lawyer. But the farther usually takes custody and the woman gets visiting writes. I know of one arrangement from the 90's where the guy bought a semidetached house and put the mom next door. He went to work she had him for the day and he had him nights and weekends.
  2. there have been everal reported sightings of ghosts in hospitals, most spirits and ghosts will travel to familar places or people. ghosts like to attach them selves to important things in thier past life. some are fixers and others are disturbers.
  3. I believe Angels are a form of spirits if Angels exist I believe ghosts are the waiting for entrance to the other side. My own ghost experience was at the cjoh station outside I looked backed saw my grampa stopped on my bike a few minutes later a guy hit a pole with his car. I believe if i hadn't stopped i'd be dead. So I believe my grampa is my current Angel. So i'm sure some of us, have had experiences and others have had but don't remember. I BELIEVE THE SPIRITS DON'T WANT US TO REMEMBER.! The ones we do remember were lucky if they are good. i have had objects move from where i put them or did i just forget the next second where I put it. Its up to you to decide, what you believe.
  4. its ghost season spirits are watching you or is just the pervs on cerb!!!
  5. myself I had a 2 hour session the girl told me it was one shot per session no matter how long the time was. never booked with that agency again. I have had indies allow me 2 in an hour and one per hour . It all depends on the women. When I can do 2 in two hours i'm happier than a pancake in syrup!!!
  6. One block from lafontaine is a professional massage studio acredited masseusses
  7. i have 4 that i like 1 barbi 1992 2 racheal of Dv 3 sin Cindy 4 kimberly Shea all these ladies are unique and special in their own way.
  8. the mods here are to modest, and the credit we are giving him here is absolutely right.
  9. found $200 in my coat a few years later that i stashed away for christmass, forgot where i put it!
  10. I'm cool with hardest cock best tipper ect. I woul loe to see an SP do a thread like that. Just wondering how many clients ego woild go to their heads.
  11. This thread is way off topic! i think it should be renamed "Ogling is wrong"
  12. i felt the way the thread was going it was best for me to remove the Ladies name as I respect this SP and she happens to be very good at this.
  13. Alot of it has to do with the fact we have to find natural killing agents , which bedbugs are mostly resistant too. You can buy plastic coverings for your bed and box springs, which are best at keeping bedbugs from your bed. vacumming your bed will also help. but clean out your vacum after. If we could go back to the old chemical DDT's we could kill out agtain. But the gov't is over protecting us.
  14. Be careful with emotions. There are many you will connect with and many you won't. I have connected well with 3 women on here, but 2 are currently not working. I do not love any of them. But i have had 2 SP's who thought they conecyed with me cold call me. I could neve go back to one of them as she looked way too much like my 1st and I want to forget her, not the SP's fault. The 2nd I felt our personalities did not match. I like reading the advertising area for SP's and the recco section to see what they offer. And if I can get to their websiye I raed it carefully and see what they have to offer. Just be mindful it is their job to please you and when they do they are hoping for a return time.
  15. theirs a show 18 and going Loralee, are we going to start r own show shooting for 19 and MORE.
  16. i think one of my own threads i started became one of the funniest and controversial "Brown showers" 5 pages of crap"as someone said they got to read " 5 pages of crap"
  17. The peep show in vanier is expensive and not worth it, your better off going to a strip club. As for adult groups just check the social area on here. Hit your name and go to the right hand side.
  18. I believe every June they have them especially hat they call their porn show. IT IS AN ANNUAL EVENT AND THEY HAVE WOMEN, MEN, AND COUPLE SHOWS, during this time.
  19. I think its do to increase immigration. There are many unwanted or accidental pregancies in the teenage group. Do you here some of the conversations in the Rideau center or on the bus. I believe that we are producing alot of uneducated people these days in Canada and other countries. Unfotunately! The way we speak I believe has to do with our sexual emotions and ability to discern what is right i the way of potection, so not to procreate. But I hope I am wrong!
  20. The playmate during their free buffet on wednesday from 12-2 has a lot of women taking advantage of the buffet. Mostly gov't women from Place vanier. Their more interested in the food . but probably will allow your wife to feel comfortable. The NuDen has both men and women and couple shows a few times a year watch for ad in sun.
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