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E.D. man

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Everything posted by E.D. man

  1. If u ever seen the 2 part episode where stan gets transferred to Saudie arabia, and Steve sells Roger to the Sheik (roger being an Alien). And throughout the last half Roger tries to avoid sex with the Shiek. And the Sheik reveals himself and Roger the Alien goes Oh thats what this little thing is about!!
  2. its the casting not the writing, the guy from rosanne is not a nerd and never will be, the guy who looks 50 should be a professor on the show, and the acting is aweful on the male side and boring.
  3. Well i forgot about Dr.Phil he should be #1 to go away he's way messed up more than anyone I know.
  4. i would sy make it easy accessible to bus routes and have lots of guest parking.
  5. I really hate these shows in order please go away. 1 Survivor time for this show to go away 2 Any idol show which every country 3 The office, the monatone acting is terrible 4 The Big Bang theory, the worst acting and worst cast i have ever seen on the male side. One guy who looks 50, the gay guy trying to act straight and doing a horrible job at it. 5 all the CSI's
  6. ever thought about packing yourself and hopefully your bags will get lost in hawaii or the bahamas
  7. One thing I have to say about once every two years the Ottawa Sun looks at the sex industry from violence to sex slavery from children to adults. Alot of the low end street walkers have to deal with clients and their pimps, who will be violent with them. Unfortunaletly its the pimps who need to be put in jail, not the sex workers. And the ones who force the kids to do it should be hung by their balls , then have them cut off and forced to eat them.
  8. Lets agree to disagree Berlin do you not think it would be more appropraite to start your own thread than argue the merits of who is right. Your own statement makes your early stats mute then. This thread was supposed to be about women violence against men. Could we not stick to the issue of the thread here female violence against men.
  9. University of N.H. did a study of violence of both sides and they found that the women intiate violence more often than men do including stalking. I do not know how to put a link I googled women violence against men and also found that the reported violence to the police was actually more than 25% in the last 5 years. again I do not know how to link. I have had several people try to help on this and I couldn't comprehend.
  10. there was an article in the ottawa sun last year. The fact alot of women to men violence goes unreported. I know of men who won't go to the police because, some of them said they would be charged because its a hesais she said siuation and witout proof they were told they would be charged.
  11. sorry berlin there has been a 25% increase in violence against men by women in the past 5 years, and to dismiss this as a small percent makes me vialy ill as I was a member of the men attacked by a woan in the early 90's where to get help was virtually non existent (sic) If if wasn't for the SP i referred to earlier I probably would be dead. I am sorry but this statement makes me sick that you make above in the 1st paragraph.
  12. as even several other threads i did fall in love again but with an Sp who fell in love with me also, but unfortunately at the time I was 29 and she was 23 and she had a goal of raising money for her own fitness club, she owned afitness depot for about 5 years and then sold it and now is a fitness consultant married with 2 kids. She is and was an amzing woman who got me to trust again and give women a chance again, but I do watch for the signs of abusers now, by listening carefully there are tell signs for these pople, its just like reading a player at a poker table.
  13. LoraLee Reach your an amazing lady for bringing up this thread.
  14. register for all casinos you go too and take the coupon booklets it will save you alot of money for food and playing time. I saved over $100 dollars in shows and restaurants, by taking these free coupon books.
  15. violence against men has increased by women in the past few years, but still police look at it like get a set of balls man. If a man fights back he is the one arrested and charged. The truth is finally coming out about bad behavorial habits by some women. Like my 1st she used other people to do her dirty work. I believe this is why I go to dance clubs and the lovely ladies on cerb. The lack of emotional attachment is a good thing when you need short term comfort for these men. I am willing to bet that 25% of the men you see are affraid of emotional attachments due to violence or emotional abuse.
  16. Some websites by the ladies on cerb are difficult to navigate, thats why the kiss method is best. I have had some ladies websites ask me to register my personal info (uncomfortable with this), others have asked me to download programs for access to thier unsecure site which could be monitored by police. And other sites don't even allow access. If the site is easy to access I will read carefully what they offer and their charges. i also check the scedule(sic) area as what they charge is often there.
  17. theres a very good vegatarian restaurant at Holland and wellington. Haven't experinced a bad rest. in a while. Emeralds Buffet in vanier at Mtl. Rd and Selkirk, the food was so bland the ice cream tasted like milk and no flavor.
  18. Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, my all time favorite 2 & 1/2 Men, House, Cougar Town, my other favorite Grey's Anatomy, my new favorite Hot in Clevland. house season premiere starts next week like most of them.
  19. I am not into kink, but I would pay you to shave me in my package region.
  20. jackie has a great voice if she is going to win over Prince poppycock she needs to sing and english opera so people can understand. Prince Poppycock is what vegas is all about. I think at the end Prince poppycock will win he has sung opera to queen to america. Prince Poppy cock is the ultimate vegas show
  21. the ladies are expensive in vegas it'll just cost you $300 just to get them to the room and another $400 to $500 for around the world. The SP's in Ottawa are much better and more attractive. Your better off spending your money gambling or going to a show or a dance club.(not a strip club)
  22. well since the message is too short i;m writing this crappy sentence for fun HONEST
  23. I'll have no travel time while I'm there ty for the other options.
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