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E.D. man

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Everything posted by E.D. man

  1. I was just wondering if there are any providers in Chatham on Sept 24th as I will be attending a large poker tournament that weekend.
  2. I know you hate, but maybe she hates you because you don't want her. So do them both at once and you might becaome friends and have fun over and over again.
  3. I choose my name as E.D. man so the ladies of cerb would know my medical problem and if they couldn;t help they could turn me down. And some ladies will try to help and succeed and others will turn me down because of my problem, but I believ they have that right.
  4. Dear sin cindy I would never want to be in the dark with you, because then it would be too hard too see your incredible eyes and body from head to toe.
  5. I made it a multiple choice poll so you could picked more than one. So you could be happy and horny at the same time example; I picked the ones that I thought were in the top 8 suited to cerbites. and other because the list is never ending for emotions.
  6. I thought that was called The Hotdog: A WEINER BETWEEN 2 BUNS!!!!
  7. think love is something that just happens, you can't arrange it or choose who, you will fall in love with.
  8. go to the reco section read the last month reviews then choose the top 5 u like read there websites carefully if they have one don't haggle for price and be respectful to he sp you see.
  9. well yes this has happened to many hobbiest as in reverse. especially if u repeat quite often. there is nothing wrong with this either way. this has been covered on several other threads, but a good restart.
  10. don't even think , just say how u feel right now. me i'm bored so i thought i'd start this thread
  11. I would also pay for this service whether its at your place or mine.
  12. you need to be more specific in what your looking for, cl is looked down upon here. I suggest looking at the reco listing and type what your looking for. and be specific about the fetish. Their are many great ladies here to be with.
  13. then the count would always be zero! the definition of normality is the same as someone elses insanity, the definition of insanity is actually someone elses definition of normality.
  14. what about taking some of the best stories or recommendations from here, to the magazine and a small joke section, like the joke of the week or month depending on how often your going to publish.
  15. You should be a little more detailed in want you want in an escort, your milage will very from escort to escort. I suggest reading the reco section and see what you like and if they have a website read in detail and very carefully. Do not haggle for price or your answer will always be NO! Do you want someone whose very passionate or someone who goes at a relaxing pace do you want french kissing, greek, or other stuff, not all ladies here offer the same stuff. Buy reading the recos you will get an idea of what may be available.
  16. Well i am not asking for money, just want ideas of free stuff to do in Ottawa. i have some ideas such 1) 507 Bank St. where you can play cards and watch videos some days 2) pinics in Ottawa various parks 3) there are alot of free concerts but where 4)people watching in the market and parliament hill any other suggestions
  17. Do to my medical condition. I can only know a few hours in advance if i will get hard enough. Thats why I will only deal by phone. I will ask you respectfully if you can take me in a short term of time and if you say no. Its okay with me. I will then look for someone else who can.
  18. In all dance clubs your milage will very. All girls are different you will like some you meet and hate others you meet. Just like life in the real world. Some of the women will have amazing personalities and care about their client and their jobs, and you will find some who believe you are their for them and just in it for the money. I think I have been very lucky in choosing ladies 80% of the time that I like, I have 2 stripper friends from the area clubs started out as a client, but then, we got to know each other and we talk alot on the phone now. They wouldn't dance for me now anyway, as they boh said it would be weird. So to me dancers are real people , just like any other walk of life,. treat them with respect and they will do the same for you.
  19. well in my younger days I saw 2 SP's and my SO, doing it twice with one Sp and twice with my SO, for a total of 5 times in an 6 hour period. But atlast I can do it maybe twice in a 12 hour perid as get tired quickly. since I've been on cerb I have seen 2 different SP's three times in a day. As when you are on cialis you never know when your going to get hard. As my dad says at our ages never waste a hard on.
  20. I believe the playmate has a monthly amatuer contest on saturdays. Don't know which saturday of the month.
  21. It depends how many and where they are, to me i would prefer no tatoos, but the 2 SP's on here that I like the most have a few tatoos,but nothng over stating. A body full of tatoos would be a deal breaker as is eye brow piercings or a nose ring, a ring in the lip don`t even call me, I find most facial and nipple piercings unattractive.
  22. its actually illegal to run a cathouse in vegas you would have to do it probably in carson city where most of rhe ranches for women of your desired posture are available.
  23. death is part of the evelounary of life, death is not the end but a new beginning to the unknown.
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