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E.D. man

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Everything posted by E.D. man

  1. Myself being on dial up I have difficulty loading websites with too much on them and some SP's do not use the KISS method and some SP's have very difficult sites to understand. I have gone to some websites of SP's where i have to register or download a certain program to view the site. I like the ladies on here who post their schedules uder their name like several girls do on here. Instead of making go here and there. One lady on here will give her schedule for the week Mon-Wed I'm available from 4pm to 2 am thurs-fri. 6pm-4am off on weekend. Or I like the sectiond where ladies advertise teir availability, but thats my 2cents
  2. Ty meg i was sort of exhausted when i wrote the original post from shopping and cleaning and I did forget to put the club where she was working.
  3. You can be a young mature woman at any age. She is a very beautiful black woman who looks young but is in her mid 30's I thought she was like 21.
  4. Look guys just met an amazing young black mature lady named Tyra, who is a great dancer you would enjoy being with. she is working afternoons from Monday to wednesday coming up! at the Playmate \i highly recommend her!
  5. I believe the client should read what is provided and not ask for extras. But, I would never go BBFS, I believe it is both safety for the SP and the client. But I read what is available from the SP if I enjoy myself I am mostly likely to do repeat and write a reco.
  6. if I had a real good time with the lady I will put a reco in. I think it is important to do this if you had a great time. If you did not have a good time no reco. I have put several reco's on Kimberly-shea and stand by them and have one for Sin Cindy. To me reco's are important to our ladies and hobbiest. The recos allow the ladies to know what their doing right and will hopefully continue to do it. As for the hobbiest it gives us a guideline waht is actually provide in a meeting (mmv) And if the reco is old, the person may have changed, so an old reco may not be as good. So an update reco is better for both SP and hobbiest.
  7. I would try the Corner of St. Laurent Blvd and brittany Dr. in vanier , 5 min drive from downtown, groceries close by and its a nice area with a little lower rents.
  8. yes I have fallen 3 times with injury since 2000, injuring the same left ankle , discs and nerves , needing physio therapy, which has cost me money and hobbying, most recently was easter weekend falling over a curb at wallmart in Langley B.C., but the injury did not show up a week later with a soar back and a nice big swollen anle. So yes help teach me too walk!!!!
  9. Next time get your blood checked to see if you can donate blood, then fib and say you only have sex with people who donate blood!!!
  10. I prepaid $2000 on a crad and they started to charge me interest on my own money. They told told me I was spending there money even thjough I gave them $2000 up front. They tried to charge me $18. 50 on my last bill and I told them they owed me money and that I would take them to court. The fact is they were actually warned about doing this and had to repay someone else there money back. All of a sudden my next bill was 0. Stay away from Capital One for everything and anything.
  11. As you know our Biggest liar in politics s dalton mcguinty. He promised better health care to get elected the 1st time. Lets see he took away our eye exams and some eye surgeries, but allows sorry, but and pays for transgender surgies. He is giving us a small bribe with the HST cheques, before the electionthat is coming in ontario. Oh by the way, either way 13% of $100 is $13 oh by the way were going the way of the states where people go bankrupt and if they don't have insurance, and there left to die if they don't. And as far as i am concerned the e-health scam of waisted billions of dollars were paying for, he should be charged criminally. Sorry for my rant
  12. Sin Cindy gave me a BBBJ till the point where I couldn't hold it back. Her BJ's are the best that I know of on CERB!!!!!
  13. There were 3 girls there one in the lngerie show for $180 absoltulety looked liked mans best friend. And 2 girls in the so called massage area, one short girl and one average looking tall girl. It wa 60 for entering and another 300 for FS no kissing, no daty, no sucking nipples just coverdbj and coverdered intercourse, one of the worse times I ever had and never have been back since. There are too many beutiful women inside and out to go anywhere else now.
  14. The best real breats I have ever touched are Sin Cindy's The best fake breasts I have ever touched that feel real are Kimberly - Shea's
  15. I have repeated with one lady alot from ceb, but have discovered another lady on cerb that I would like to be alot with too. But unfortunately , medical cost have interfered in this. Sometimes you like someone you know and othe times you just want a stranger.
  16. when you go to private messages look on the side of the page for options. I am not sure which option it is under. I get my private messages sent to my regulae email.
  17. Have you tried the major libraries in Ottawa Metcalfe , Cenerpoint
  18. I would have to say there are too many people with blond dyed hair! Alot of black women have been dying their hair Blond and only about 1% can carry it off. I would say choose the hair color that looks best for you no matter what color it is. To me its about the personality that makes you sexy or hot not the color of your Hair. Look at Sandra Bullock an Average looking woman who comes off hot and sexy do to her personality and the way she carries her self. I believe its always about the way you carry yourself not the hair color.
  19. No need for a prescription but with the pharmicist is Optimyxin eye drops used for stighes and allergies or if you can can get a prescription Fucithalmic Viscous eye drops will help with itching and stighes.
  20. I believe shiftwork is hard. And I believe alot of SP's work 2 jobs and shift work as an SP. How many people on here work shiftwork? My self I wprk 7 straight nights 4 days of 7 straight evenings 3 days off and begin again. I find it hard to maintain a relationship with a partner doing this. So heres a poll
  21. How about a Puma a woman in her 60's who chases men 20 to 25yrs younger than them!
  22. Yeah I'm no longer a senior member I'm an Elite Member woo hoo!!!!
  23. I shpuld have said have you ever seen those over blown boob jobs, that the nipples are so flat you can't suck on them and the big breast look awful!!!
  24. does anyone know like what part of town its in or is it cell phone use only?
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