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E.D. man

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Everything posted by E.D. man

  1. I would prefer nice nipples to suck on with a small breast than big breast with no nipples!
  2. Yes Meg I want the Flyers to lose, so you must cheer for rhe Flyers!
  3. Hi have all the ladies from cerb naked fanning me by hand! man i can't cool down! But really I have my ceiling fan going and a stand up fan goingand half naked in my undies sometimes!!!
  4. What I like to do take your bread and toast it . Then put meat sauce with peporni on it then place mozzarella cheese on top broil for a few minutes until cheese has melted. Let sit for two minutes and eat 4 of them inless than 10 mins. yeah 4 Little Pizzas
  5. If your looking for a 21 yr old who can blow your mind. I'd say sin Cindy!!!
  6. Happy Birthday Sin Cindy!!! My wish for you is that you have the greatest life ever and the best customers in the world. To me you are one of the top 10 most beautiful woman I have ever met!!!
  7. WellI'm glad but I have met some good nice, naughty ladies there. Black Jasmine is amazing dancer. My friend keyana who goes there about 3 times a year is someone you would die for nice sexy coastarican
  8. Some one please loan Meg a Flyer Jersey Please Please
  9. American pie 2 Stiffler andthe other kissing each other for the 2 lesbians American wedding Michelle under the table giving head during the engagement scene Stiffler dance off with the gay guy Bear Stiffler having sex with grandma FOCUS
  10. I agree with Annessa, eating hot Buffalo wings and then going down on your partner is not recommended. But it ok if the partner who didn't eat them to go down on them. Right!!!;););)
  11. just bring photo I.D. like your drivers license and show them and make sure the pic looks like you!
  12. Well dates like that cuddling and hugging , can just make someone feel better and listening to each other can be cool. I have done this both with escorts and dancers. My most memborable dance club moment, was when I hugged and cuddled with a dancer for 2 hours and she only charged me $100, but I have to say I massaged her neck shoulders legs and feet also. We went on 2 dates after that for a chinese food buffet and fed some ducks in the park and the other to Red Lobstrer. So yes cuddling and hugging can be enjoyable.
  13. yes my sperm does not taste salty either! Some days it taste sweet and other days it taste little spicer. I believe it isthe intake of what you eat over atleast a week. So if you want your sperm to tatse spicer, it salt free foods but eat chili or bolanaise sauce that is high in spices. I suggest make your own without salt. Thus taking the salty taste away.
  14. I hope its in late Oct. or early Nov. around my Bday
  15. The Best time to go is Wednesday at noon when the free buffet is on there's over 30 girls at that time
  16. I miss TV's that turn on right away finding DVDR's that work PVR's suck because you can't take'm withya
  17. You could try an Orleans SP or a South Keys SP who does outcalls, but you may have to pay a little extra for their travel time. Their is a thread on here on east ottawa ladies.
  18. I think chuck needs the money for rehab, yeah I heard that too, later that night
  19. I was a client with astripper/SP If she stayed 1 or 2 hours she would charge me $250 to $500, but if she stayed the night she didn't want to be paid. She did use those 3 little word quite often and then she dissapeared after 3months without a trace.
  20. As a male SP I would be Rocky Pepper As a female SP I would be Fire Angel
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