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Everything posted by $magnum

  1. $magnum


    Ohhh lovely view omg
  2. Have not seen any advertising about le Roi spa lately are the already closed
  3. $magnum


    Very Beautifull
  4. $magnum

    Lovely :-)
  5. Taboo was supposed to reopen on March 1 i went today and its still closed anyone know anything why its not open
  6. She also has an add in le Droit paper but i never called her
  7. $magnum


    Very beautifull and sexy
  8. $magnum


    Beautiful angel
  9. $magnum

    Wow so beautifull
  10. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CE4QFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgatineau.radionrj.ca%2Finfo-gatineau-ottawa%2F2015%2F02%2F09%2Fsanctions-contre-le-bar-de-danseuses-taboo-a-gatineau&ei=ohjfVJ75E5atyATPqYDABg&usg=AFQjCNGZxG0MoDnFUCb0QdrkdbWrbK9-Mg&bvm=bv.85970519,d.aWw Here is why they are closin
  11. $magnum


    You are very very beautifull Monique :-)
  12. I know their is free buffet everyday but i cant confirm the $5.00 beer
  13. I have allready sent a pm to Lexxxy a couple of days ago nowing that she will be here on the 14 and did not get any answer from her yet
  14. $magnum

    Tres jolie
  15. For me it is Indy for all the above reasons but mostly for discretion
  16. $magnum

    Humm love the new pics very hot
  17. $magnum

    So beautifull
  18. $magnum

    Simply beautifull
  19. Beautifull like what i see
  20. $magnum

    Legs wide

    Hot realy hot
  21. It is open but will eventualy be closed for a short time for renovations and the new name will be Cabaret Moulin Rouge
  22. $magnum


    Yellow is now my preferd color
  23. $magnum


    Beautifull as usual
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