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Everything posted by Jabba

  1. I think it's pretty easy to get sidetracked with religious and professional conduct issues here. I think the core of the discussion was that Malika welcomed this person into her house and offer her services without the intent to offend anyone. The individual observed some icons and took it as an obligation to object and berate her over a difference of beliefs. Personally, where does one draw the line over what is objectionable? Burning a candle could be considered to be representative of pagan rituals (pre christian btw)...I think this guy was totally out of line. Malika is a sweet, welcoming individual. She should not be treated to such disrespect.
  2. I personally have never considered having a tat done. It's just the generation I come from. I understand those who have a passion for body art. I have my own passions, but they don't include ink (oh well). But, where does the scale begin or end - would anyone consider skull implants or teeth shaping. I think work like that has got to be an artistic/personal statement, but at what age does interest in that end? What got folks interested in body art? Good experiences, Bad experiences? Is it a chick thing now? Hopefully I didn't offend anyone here.
  3. Sorry this happened. I hope the other lady is a member here & will read this thread.
  4. Sheesh! Some people don't have a lick of sense. Did you ask this person to not address you by your working name?
  5. Rats! Didn't work. :tresmauvaisehumeur: I guess I'll have to download IE9. Rats!
  6. Public service announcement: I just found out that I come from a race (the Hutts) of Hermaphrodites. I guess I should have checked myself out a little more carefully. Next time somebody tells me to go F**k myself, I'll have to give it a try. I wonder how many positions are possible? But seriously, this raises several interesting questions for those who are genderly split. Anyone have any experience?
  7. Thanks all for the suggestions! I went with Bucken's solution. IE9 takes up about 49M & I didn't want to give MS the satisfaction of knowing another (Happy?) client downloaded their piece of crap browser (do I sound bitter?).
  8. I'm using Firefox4.0 as my browser because it's not a space hog & it doesn't set up complex tracking index files as does IE. So, here's my problem - my OS detects that I'm not using IE and I keep getting a download IE9 window popping up every now and then. It ticks me off, because my OS considers it a critical update so it bogs my system down until it displays the download prompt. I've tried enabling my pop-up blocker, but the bastards at MS bypass that. Is there any way to stop this F%$#ing IE9 download prompt?
  9. I'm not going to rank the nice ladies listed here. They were all great in my books because they had personality and (I hope) they genuinely enjoyed my company. I apologize if I missed anyone. Each had their own wonderful and unique qualities. MAs: Janice (Inner Image) - A very nice lady! So likeable. Carole (Inner Image/Essence) - Incredibly hot! Christa (Owner Inner Image) - Fun and great conversations! Fiona (Inner Image, Maureen's) - She was a psychopath but I really liked her. Taylor (Jasmin's, Maureen's, Hannia's, indy) - Hold on! Michelle_MA (ALO, Indy, Relax/Enjoy) - A real gem. Isabelle/Liz (Magic Hands, Essence) - Mature & she was so amazing for me on many levels. SPs: I've been hobbying for so long, I could mention some names, but they won't ring a bell. Sue (mid 90's) - Oh man, I was in love with her. Stockings, garters, high heels, slow kissing, squirting, toys, experimental. Dang...my mind went blank from all the erotic joy. Will add more when the blood returns to my head.
  10. Hi, I need to get my roof re-shingled. Does anyone have any recommendations on who to call (or who to avoid - no bashing please)?
  11. I wonder if anyone's actually made a phone in the shape of a vibrator? You would get some serious looks if you answered it in the lingerie store!
  12. I think I'm closer to a decision - I like the rider opinions for the Kawasaki Nomad. I was just "this close" to a Valk - but I had to re-examine my logic. Sadly, the smoothness, reliability, etc isn't enough to fit my purchase criteria. There are downsides. Overall - it is very difficult to make a rational decision on what is essentially an irrational vehicle.
  13. ... We really messed that room up for those bible thumpers. Too Funny!!
  14. I just love our pre-occupation with dead stuff. Watching a movie about it - is like watching a crazy motorcycle crash with destiny. The ickier it is, the better. I liked Campbell's work because he doesn't give a rat's ass about Hollywood or anyone who is a hanger-on or suckup. He just wants to make crap movies that make money. What could be more honest. Just loved Return of the Living Dead because it takes living flesh by inches and makes it dead...but hey, it had a sense of humour about it. The nudity is quite nice too. Got both movie series in my DVD collection.
  15. Had to share. Pretty funny. No Agenda on my part, just a laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TLA_f7S0cw&feature=related
  16. I was visiting beachfront in Maine for the very first time back in the day with my future wife. Arrived on a sunny afternoon in 30c weather - holy hell that was nice and toasty! No AC in the car either. Just windows and a sunroof. The morning after we checked-in at the motel, I tuned-in to the weather channel to check out the beach conditions. Announcer gleefully predicts...guess what folks??...Hurricane "Bob" is going to pay us a visit - expected category 1. I had 3 words: WTF! So, the Motel caretaker guys start chucking the pool furniture into the pool. One crazy Motel caretaker bastard told me the best surfing is done during a Hurricane. He said that with a shit eating grin & that told me he was dead serious. The hotels/motels on the ocean side had to evacuate, but for us cheap bastards on the other side of the road - all we had to do was stock up on booze and strap the doors shut. Man, did it rain!! Visited the local foodmart. What a mistake! Everyone from town is either buying booze, beer or ice-cream. Now, the booze part I can understand cuz, booze never melts. Ice cream - now that takes a little forethought.
  17. I'm one of those people who are sensitive to perfume of all types - includes those imparted by soaps or whatever other means. Even the scent left on a lady by other patrons. It is absolute poison to me. I used to work in a place where some Arabic guy had the unfortunate habit to drench himself in the most obnoxious cologne available. Maybe a cultural thing. It hung in the air like heavy fart. Very offensive and inconsiderate.
  18. I just love a good summer storm. The impending doom of the distant thunder rumbling, mumbling, grumbling boom-boom-boom- a silence ....and then BOOM! A giant steps through the valley searching just for you. My imagination flies when I gaze in wonder at the bruised sky. Green, black, blue swirling and gathering overhead. Cotton ball clouds. I pause to admire the art. How long dare I linger? How bad will this be? Bad but harmless, I hope. The breeze dies a quickened, fleeting death and the oppressive heat sinks in. Silence seems to creep along the streets like a shadow; visiting each house and building. Stalking all as a deadly plague there is no escape. Colour disappears and is replaced by strange light. My heightened senses smell the air and the detail of the leafs in the trees leap to my eyes. I welcome the pending violence as much as my courage will allow. I know nothing of the adventure that awaits, but I trust my home to protect me. Foolish boy. Pardon my poetic approach - I love storms. I've been in some pretty violent hurricanes and tornado conditions, whiteout snow and of course the Ottawa Ice Storm. So what brave tales do you have?
  19. This really sparks my imagination from several POV - artistic, literary, social, political. I'm no intellectual, but from the comments in the article, I do see the work has attracted a following. I'm really impressed with Brown's chosen format for a number of reasons: As a graphic novel, it brings the subject matter into the mainstream - maybe appealing to those who know the GN genre. While not on the same scale or artistic dimension, it appears to conquer quite a bit of territory visually and through raw subject matter. Literary, the work has drawn interest from the mainstream media to the underground audiences (us). Is this based purely on titillation or something more? Socially - I LOOVVVee the comments from the article, especially from little girl WendyStone (bless her backwards girly heart). Does she represent the mainstream injured female POV? Good for her to stand up and be counted. I love her and her thoughts about control - I really do! What she doesn't quite understand is that extra-marital sex is going to happen regardless of what she wants. She doesn't seem to want to address the female infidelity thing though...interesting. Politically - Stephen Harper and his guardians of moral turpitude (I didn't vote for anyone in his party btw) should find plenty of fodder for clamping down on freedom of expression. I should expect a scandal or two - whoops, already happened!...Bruce Carson. But really - I believe this work to be one of the cornerstones to building a more libertarian approach to sex work. Despite the current Conservative political agenda, the word must be spread that SexWorkers deserve and need the same protections as any other citizen. The Robert Pickton case should be held in the face of the government as a shameful reminder of the government's continued failure to protect society's most vulnerable. This case was Canada's Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Disgusting!
  20. Well, I feel dumber than a sack of Wookies - I forgot all about Star Wars day!
  21. Yeah, but will Jack help his cause for political transparency by admitting he was there for a rub&tug? (with the transparent/moral approval of wifey?). I don't intend to render a moral judgement. I'm a non-political person. Politics and morals are a mutually exclusive privilege. If someone has a political expression, let it be on that political basis rather than on something more or less on pure emotionalism.
  22. In response to the original post: Yes, this is indeed an inconvenient time for this information to be released. IMO, was Jack unaware of what was going on....who knows. How did the media get ahold of this info - that's the rub. Is anybody really squeaky clean? Is getting caught in a rub-joint the worst career breaker? More questions than answers - but who gives a crap. I personally don't care for the man because he strikes me as being totally insincere and without a plan for the country (just the same as the other guys). The NDP isn't going to be my voting choice and never will be. But that decision isn't based on innuendo or any other moral motives. This thread was started based on a media report and I'm just sticking to the theme.
  23. Warm comfort food and a nice snooze on the couch in front of the fireplace is good. You can justify the short term guilt with my permission. Sucks to feel like shit. Get better soon. xo J.
  24. Despite the title of the thread, this is not a life crisis decision (well, maybe it is..) I need help to decide what kind of a motorbike to get. Here are the parameters: * A decent displacement - at least 1500cc. * Want a comfortable around-town type of machine without too much weight to hump. I'm a shorter person (5'6") and I need to be able touch the ground at stop lights. I'm able to move mass if it calls for it. I know how to handle bigger bikes. * Will be doing some long-distance tours with a passenger. I need adequate rear suspension so that luggage and passenger won't put a strain on the suspension and bottom-out. * I love a cruiser style, but I'm not sure if this is the right configuration for long distance. Here are the bikes I'm considering: - 1500 Kawasaki Nomad FI (with hard bags) - 1600-1700 Yamaha Roadstar/Stratoliner - Honda Goldwing (reluctant because it's a Huge luxo-Bus). I don't think it's that easy to lug around town either. But it's reliable and comfy. - Honda Valkyrie (I worry about aging - they don't make this thing anymore) I don't want a HD - too expensive. What do you think?
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