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Everything posted by Kubrickfan

  1. One semi-humorous way to look at this issue is that if the guy is worried about that type of thing, the SP should book him earlier in the day. Once he leaves, it really shouldn't matter to him what happens after that, right?
  2. + 1 on FKS. I'm not a member, but FKS seems to be a class act. I have been fortunate enought to see two of their ladies -- Charlotte Sinclair and Sydney Lacroix (Sydney has since left FKS). FKS occasionally sends ladies to Ottawa. Also Montreal Sex City and Satin Dreamz are very responsive. And there's Eleganza Escorts with a number of ladies that look like they jumped right out of the Victorias Secret catalogue.
  3. I tend to agree with mrnice and Pete and it's one of the reasons that I prefer morning appointments on occasion. At the same time, it's not fair to the ladies, and many ladies only see clients in the evening. I definitely agree that if a lady lists a bunch of "slots" or if a lady announces that she just had an opening become available between "6:15 and 7:00," or something like that, that it makes me wince a bit.
  4. This is why, almost without exception, I have cheese, crackers and fruit at every appointment. I am certain that is why I have had such few bad experiences! I'll have to remember to add some chocolate too.
  5. Agree with the suggestion about Cowboy Kenny ... He is the Jedi Grand Master of fake pics. However, I understand his technique is top secret and never is allowed off the ranch. (smile)
  6. Happy birthday and best wishes! Say hi to Annessa for me.
  7. I dont know much about the Conservative party in Canada, but there are elements of the Conservative movement in the United States that favor a libertarian/"hands off" approach to some of these issues. Maybe not a perfect example, but Nevada is a pretty conservative state that tends to vote republican, but its the only state that allows for some measure of prostitution. Obviously there are religious elements also that participate in the conservative movement in the United States, but they dont control that movement by any means. It may work our better than you think.
  8. Agreed. Many of the "green" issues we have today (to the extent many actually exist, which is arguable) are a result of vast prosperity.
  9. Agreed. He will either dissapear or "discover" a new error in his formula. Just enough to try to keep being the center of attention for a small group of people.
  10. "Kill Bill," Part 1, made that abundently clear.
  11. Simple solution ... find one 3/4 your age and marry her. If the fraction is any smaller she will likely break your heart.
  12. I bought some extra ammunition. Per "Night of the Living Dead," its all about head shots, I think. :icon_smile:
  13. And why dont the trimmers they make to deal with said hair have this bad habit of pulling hair rather than cutting? :-x
  14. Once or twice a day. Always check the General forum and the Ottawa forum.
  15. I think the original post is a no-no because it seems to be a direct solicitation. A better way to ask the question would be whether there are ladies here that combine real dates with "benefits." The answer is obviously yes, so I tend to agree with CK ... what's the point?
  16. Now that's someone who takes very good care of herself!
  17. This could be a great addition to a cerb Book Club (if such a thing actually existed)!
  18. I dont see the problem with starting to establish one's own identity by identifying with other groups with which you beleive you share things in common. This is very much part of human (and also animal) nature ... its a way to survive and cope and better understand your own feelings and identity. I also disagree that identity is not formed "in a moment," but rather takes a long time ... in fact, I'm not sure if that ever is a completed process as all of us are inundated daily with information from groups we identify with in one form or another. For instance, this board and all of the opinions here ... I certainly dont identify with all of them, but there is much positive information here. No one is deserving of being considered, by virtue of birth, more human than anyone else. On the other hand, if you want to be respected by other people in any manner ... by being more human, more compassionate, smarter, whatever, you have to earn it. Not sure I am on the point Nathalie is referring to, but thats the best I can do at this hour of the night.
  19. Unfortunately once the video file is created, I understand it is very easy to upload the file to a video sharing website. Another obvious giveway would be an open laptop or display that has a built in camera.
  20. I just want to reiterate what Pete says about Jessy ... she had a huge string of recommendations here which were removed primarily due to a technical snafu. I have only seen her once, but that experience was wonderful. We met first thing in the morning and I really enjoyed her company from the great conversation through the physical activities. She is a VERY sensual lady and very easy to make conversation with. I hope to see her again in the near future the next time I'm in town.
  21. Pete -- Thanks for this. I'll circle back and post something on Jessy. Mod -- Is there any way that that you can ... as the all powerful mod (smile) ... simply remove the contents of that first review post ... that should leave intact the balance of the string?
  22. This and Samantha's follow up post is probably two of the most interesting and entertaining posts I have ever read on cerb and it's dead on correct. By saying that I certainly dont mean to make light of Samantha's predicament with this guy, but the other guys on this board can learn much from this post to keep their encounters with SPs in the proper perspective. Bravo, Samantha!
  23. Well ... As to knives, using one to split those frozen hamburger patties apart and spending the next five hours in the emergency room.
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