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Everything posted by esoterica

  1. Except for safety issues and good recommendations... How about everybody just not believe anything they hear about anybody here. OK... now can we end the paranoia, gossip, bullshit, and other crap and get back to the business of <grin> boinking?
  2. {Hmmm, Emma, Erin and Eso all together. MMmmmmmagic.} O o . dream
  3. I think the eunuchs are the ones that don't sing. <rimshot>
  4. When I am visiting the lovely ladies, in my little mind, none of you other men exist. It's all about me! Saves on drama :P Well, except for 'luki :)
  5. Yes... but I have to make this reply longer. It was one of the hottest things that I have read here.
  6. Emma - your presence is enough for pure ecstasy. Remember, you are the Fantastic Lover Experience.
  7. I recently wrote about one of my wild encounters, and I have read a few on here including the one which Emma A wrote about regarding a hard body and a hotel room. How about a thread on wild encounters, in particular fantasies fulfilled. e
  8. Emma does indeed. They are even better when she surprises you with one unexpectedly. Especially when you know how long her finger nails are, it can be quite nerve-wracking - but never fear, those nails do no damage.
  9. My fetish / fantasy is being given a script by email and being expected to follow it, no questions asked. Anybody want my email address? I have a great story regarding that. I was out of town for work for an extended time. I had made contact with a complete stranger on one of those plenty-of-fish-like sites (but not that one). She and I flirted but I was not expecting anything from it. Then out of the blue late that night, she sent me an email of instructions. She would arrive at my hotel. All the lights would be off. We would look at each other by the hallway lights to make sure we were what we described, and that was the chance to bail out. She would go to the bathroom, freshen up, and come out barely clothed. I was to get naked, and wait. She would come into the bed, and we would have sex in a certain way that she had described. I had specific instructions as to what to do and how to finish. (All safe!) She'd leave. It was fucking mindblowing! Anything could have happened (I'm not stupid, I had taken precautions). She could have been an old granny or a tranny, or a crack ho. None of those nasty things happened. She was hot - cute, tight and taut, mid 30s. I felt like I had won the lottery. She and I still communicate by email. I need to visit that city again one day.
  10. They drug you up nice and good. No chance of anything too painful happening. The prep beforehand is much worse - the fleet enema.
  11. Why? Not for the release. The company is usually fun and non-judgemental, the foreplay is unmatched, and maybe I am addicted to the adrenaline rush. I met this woman once (non SP) who was addicted to men. She said "I love lobster but I get sick of it every night. Sometimes I want steak".
  12. Non-SP, at least 35 to 40. SP, 9, IIRC. I stopped one-nighters because the SPs that I have met are nicer than random women. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Emma will take good care of you. Bring an umbrella!
  14. I agree with LS. I will not be offended if ladies who cannot vouch for me remove me from their lists.
  15. I am not married, I don't wear one, but I would not take it off if I did.
  16. For me, it's oral hygiene - bad breath - yellow teeth - coated tongue Erection killers.
  17. For me, a GFE is when I don't want to leave, and I cannot wait to come back. For me, a PSE is when I have to leave - to recover, and I cannot wait to come back.
  18. Emma, it's very complex. And definitely confusing. As much as I try to look at this logically, I cannot. I guess the only thing that makes some sense to me is to insist on emotional fidelity.
  19. I don't think about GFE, PSE, etc. I don't think I have ever had sex the same way twice - be it with a provider, lover, wife, GF or one-night-stand. And the differences are why I am still sexually active, sexually interested and am so happy to see you.
  20. I had just separated and I wanted sexual intimacy without an emotional commitment. I had visited MPs while my marriage was 'non-sexual' so the idea was not so remote to me. I discovered a world of sexy, lovely ladies who could be raunchy and mischievous as well. I have had some amazing conversations, had some mind-shattering orgasms, learned a lot about sensuality, and met some people who I'm pleased to call 'friend'. I have met some weird ones too but it was worth it. The adventure continues...
  21. Each person has their own experience and preference - I like eyes, others like boobs. I like kissing, others like COF. I prefer non-smokers, others don't care. Some have a price point. I wait until I can afford to see who I want to see. So I will give the advice that I always give. Go to the Ottawa recommendations area and see who has the most recommendations. On that list, there will be ladies who have the attributes you desire. Call one or more. To get that many recommendations in a tough town like Ottawa, each of them are really that pleasurable to be with. You can't miss out, and you will feel good having discovered her yourself.
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