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Everything posted by esoterica

  1. MP - a cute German lady at Merivale Rd back around '94 SP - the unforgettable Lili Love last year
  2. Rep points are like CT money - nice to have but not the real thing. If she smiles at me, is pleased to see me, remembers me and we click again - *that* counts!
  3. When I tip her and she falls over, she gets mad at me and yells. Be careful when tipping your SP. Make sure she lands on a soft surface.
  4. I'm totally untalented but I'll learn :) Hang on... I forgot that I am a musician.
  5. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  6. Stumbleupon - the biggest internet time-waster ever. I love it. Turn on "Adult" check every option... Surf. I learned erotic things I didn't know that I didn't know.
  7. But he will love every minute of it.
  8. LOL, the boy is obviously not innocent, and what a way to start in the CERB world! Lili love - once seen, never forgotten!
  9. I love you too, mmm - can I see you naked now? LOL I trust you :)
  10. And there I was thinking that somebody loved me! I went from 0 to 100 mph in 9 seconds (rep point wise) and have no clue why. e
  11. I wasn't going to say anything here about this but the topic is interesting. I know a CERBite from a previous social setting. I have not said anything to her because the opportunity to chat with her in private has not come up since I finally clued in - mainly due to scheduling. I certainly would never say anything to anybody else about it, and I doubt she would either. And if you recognize yourself as that lady here, here's a wave <grin>, message me.
  12. If I can't afford it, I eat KD until I can (metaphorically speaking) or I stay away. I also don't bitch because I don't own a ferrari. I control my own destiny. If a lady charges less than the experience warrants, if I can afford it, I tip hugely. But, it's hard to tip big when it's a $500+ experience, so I usually try to bring wine, fruit, cheese-and-crackers or ask her to lunch. Unless it's a disaster, and there are certain turn-offs that make it really hard for me to be aroused (e.g. I can't help being severely turned off by the smell of smoke in hair), I usually behave like I really want to be there - because I do. Pretty lady, naked, smiling - man! that's heaven!! And in my opinion, attitude is the big part of the experience. I've had a few comments from ladies that some guys are so non-communicative that it is frustrating, and the guy goes online and says that the experience sucked. I'm not trying to hijack the thread, I'm trying to say that some ladies have said that a happy, repeat client is better than a tip.
  13. If I can't afford it, I eat KD until I can (metaphorically speaking) or I stay away. I also don't bitch because I don't own a ferrari. I control my own destiny. If a lady charges less than the experience warrants, if I can afford it, I tip hugely. But, it's hard to tip big when it's a $500+ experience, so I usually try to bring wine, fruit, cheese-and-crackers or ask her to lunch. Unless it's a disaster, and there are certain turn-offs that make it really hard for me to be aroused (e.g. I can't help being severely turned off by the smell of smoke in hair), I usually behave like I really want to be there - because I do. Pretty lady, naked, smiling - man! that's heaven!! And in my opinion, attitude is the big part of the experience. I've had a few comments from ladies that some guys are so non-communicative that it is frustrating, and the guy goes online and says that the experience sucked. I'm not trying to hijack the thread, I'm trying to say that some ladies have said that a happy, repeat client is better than a tip.
  14. Any time PS Do you have an old computer or an old boy?
  15. Mmmm - i like the idea of your front and centre :P
  16. A wink and a smile is always welcome. If I were alone, I would stop and chat. If I were with company, and happen to run into anybody whether it's an SP or my dentist, I would smile/wave/greet and keep on walking - usually because I would be running late. When asked "Who is she?", the reply always would be: "a colleague".
  17. I concur. Great way to spoil the mood. I ask for some of my money back at the end instead (just kidding, of course). I would not have the nerve to negotiate. Although I do negotiate for items with high price tags at Best Buy and The Brick and usually get at least the tax removed. LOL, SPs don't charge tax!
  18. I concur. Great way to spoil the mood. I ask for some of my money back at the end instead (just kidding, of course). I would not have the nerve to negotiate. Although I do negotiate for items with high price tags at Best Buy and The Brick and usually get at least the tax removed. LOL, SPs don't charge tax!
  19. My theory is a browser with an auto-refresh plugin was left on her page or a pic overnight. Firefox has a plugin that allows refresh every (e.g.) 30 secs.
  20. Neither was I. Meh - that's why they invented towels and hot water.
  21. You're just mad at me because I sampled street meat and got sick. Gentlemen - be warned. Never sample street meat in strange cities.
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