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Everything posted by livenudecats

  1. A guy must really be into pain if he's sticking his dick into that little slot. :icon_eek:
  2. Ad today on CL stating they are closing. http://winnipeg.en............ca/ths/3919541658.html
  3. You are right. A little elbow grease and a few dollars in disinfectant would do this place wonders. I guess I was just thinking a bit above that. The problem in Wpg whether it comes to MP's or strip clubs is that there is so little competition. These bozo's can run these places how they like and still make money. We guys have no options. You can either go somewhere nice such as EB but no FS, you can go somewhere decent with FS but the owner and manager are nuts and chase away all the good talent (Nevadas) or go to BW's where you can get FS and decent talent but its a shit hole. Not that it would happen but if anyone ever opened up a real nice FS parlour here like they have in TO or Vanc. these other place would be toast.
  4. You are right! But what incentive does the owner have to make improvments? If the city health inpectors are going to allow them to operate such a filthy establishment and the guys keep coming. Why? There is absolutely no reason, as the owner sees it, to take $20 -30 K out of his profits and spend it on renovations when I'm sure he'd rather keep it to himself. It's human nature and I can't say I wouldn't act the same way. Now if by not improving things he was to see a dramatic drop in revenue or he could realize a significant return on investment for improving the place (more business) then he likely would. So unless the city walks in one day and orders him to clean the place up or guys stop going or girls stop working in such conditions it won't change.
  5. Maybe she's all booked up after your review. You should ask her for a finders fee. LOL!
  6. What's your preference in an SP? I ask because there are likely a few who would be excellent "naughty tour guides" and likely (sorry if I'm speaking out of turn) have a "social rate" for their time outside the boudoir. Let us know your type and I'm sure you'll get some suggestions. Cheers
  7. I'd call and speak with the management. I'm sure as a newer business they would appreciate the fact they can't have a customer come once and not return. If they are any way reputable they will make it right with you and reprimand the employee. You have nothing to lose if they don't as you admitted you won't be going back.
  8. That plus the "holier than thou" attitude most of them have. A few years ago I got a speeding ticket on north McPhillips way past Leila. I was going 85 in a 70 at 7 am on a Sunday morning and there was not another car in sight. After giving me the ticket this 25 year old cop (I'm 50 at the time) proceeds to try to give me a lecture on the dangers of speeding. He had already given me the ticket so I figure I'm not gonna take this. I tell him I don't need his lecture, I've been driving for more years than he's been alive and maybe instead of lecturing me he should get back to work and be available to take a call to go deal with a real crime. He asked me if I was being a smart ass. I told him that last time I checked free speech was a constitutional right and as a taxpayer I have every right to voice my concerns to a public servant. He then just looked at me and told me to slow down and have a nice day. I think he was so shocked that Joe Public would actually not just sit back and take his crap he didn't know what to do.
  9. I actually had this happen to me 25 years ago. I was dating my ex-wife and one night we were sitting outside her grandma's house which happened to be in the west end just off Ellice. She's got her head in my lap and suddenly there is a knock on the window and a bright light in my face. It's the cops.:icon_eek: One of her neighbors reported a strange car parked on the street. The cops took her to the back of their car and kept her there while they asked me all kinds of questions such as her full name, her age, DOB, how we met, etc. Then after confirming it with her, they still made her let them into her house just to prove she actually lived there. The one cop was okay but the other guy was an asshole who gave us a lecture about how he could, if he wanted to, arrest us for public indecency. So to answer your question, they do have ways of figuring out if she is your Gf or likely an SP or SW. If you are inside your car inside your garage with the door down then you are right. It would be considered a private place. Cheers
  10. Now, when I say what I'm about to say please think of a father advising a son or Yoda advising Luke or Mr. Miyagi to the Karate Kid. It may sound harsh but it is meant to shock you into never considerring such a thing. ARE YOU FREAKIN" NUTS! :icon_eek: Never, I mean never do a car date. It is a great way to get busted. Sex in your car on public street is illegal. You will lose your car and end up in John School. Cheers LNC
  11. If you are new to this hobby NEVER see ladies in your home unless they have stellar reputations backed up by recommenadations from guys that you trust. Seeing a lady you know nothing about in your home has disaster potential especially if something goes sideways. As for the extra charge, that is normal if it is an SP that also maintains an incall. If the SP has an incall to maintain, then coming to you costs her extra money in transportation cost, especially if she has a driver. As well if she comes to see you that takes extra time away from her "office" so even though you are only paying her for 1 hour if it takes her 30 minutes to get to you and then home, you are actually tying her up for 2 hours. SP's that don't maintain an incall likely shouldn't charge more on top of their normal rate as they don't have the monthly overhead associated with an incall and the transportation, driver, etc. is jsut part of her costs of doing business. Cheers
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the Candace/Monica you guys are referring to be atleast on the other side of 25 by now? The ad on EC says 21. I know it s a lady's right to lie about their age but if this is the same lady I'm thinking of, 21 is pushing it a bit. Cheers
  13. Was the CBJ your rule or her's. I can understand it being your rule if you wish to avoid any contact of her mouth to your penis. If it is her rule it makes no sense if she's letting you squirt into her mouth or onto her face. Thus I would assume she offers BBBJ if the customer doesn't insist on CBJ? Cheers
  14. Reading the various threads there are a few where guys are speculating on whether or not certain masseuses provide "extras". I would advise you to be very careful about how you go about determining this. Why? Well just out of curiosity I'm having a massage from an RMT yesterday. My regular gal has gone AWOL so I thought I'd try out a lady who is a friend of my assistant. We're chatting away and the conversation turns to how some guys think RMT's are MP's. She is really angry/disgusted by this so I know which side of the discussion she is on. Anyway she tell me a couple of stories about how guys have come on to her. She then tells me about how a friend of hers had a guy grab her hand and place it on his penis. The girl freaked and called the cops. End of story, the guy gets charged with sexual assault, gets 6 months supervised probation and had to attend therapy. As well, he's now on the sexual offender's registry so good luck with that. I'm not saying anyone here is that stupid. Just be careful how you approach this subject when not sure how the lady will react. Cheers
  15. Amen! Hell for less than that I'll give the guy a revolver with 3 loaded chambers and let him go at it.
  16. Saw her once about 8 years ago and "due to the rules of this board" cannot comment further. ;)
  17. Hey buddy, Not sure if you've made up your mind or not but I like many others, advise to see Soleil. She'll take good care of you. Be warned though. She's kind of addicting. ;)
  18. Are you looking for a R&T or a FS session which includes a HJ? I ask because while some of the ladies out there would give you a great HJ their hourly rate is based on FS and thus you would be over paying for an R&T.
  19. Look under Zen Palace in the Massage section. Cheers
  20. Hi guys, Over my time on this and other boards I've always been intrigued by how different we all are in our perception of quality and beauty in an SP. This got me thinking about my own preferences. I'd like to know what is the one physical trait you have to have in an SP. Assuming that everything else is average what is the most important for you? For me it's the face and especially the eyes. She has to be pretty. While I likes my titties I gotta have a pretty face to look at when I come up for air. Thanks for your input. (BTW, Intelligence is ubersexy but for now I'm asking about the physical)
  21. I know Soleil has provided services for a disabled gentleman in the past. PM her.
  22. Man I would have been shitting my pants!:icon_eek: Just the thought of him making such a threat. "Oh no, he's gonna keep calling me" is sending shivers down my spine at this moment. Wait! Hold on just a minute. Whats this button on my phone do? Cool, it hangs up a call. You mean when he calls I can just push this button and disconnect him? And this button here? Heck it turns the damn phone right off so he can't even get me. You know what would be great? A way that I could block his number so he can't even get through and leave me one of his really scarey, threatening voicemail messages. I can do that? No shit? Well, that changes everything now doesn't it Mr. Tough guy. I'm not afraid of you any more. Next time I'm giving her Confederate money. Take that! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! :)
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