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Everything posted by livenudecats

  1. Fuck I hate that! I used to have a neighbor the same. He had this German Shepherd for years that would just sit in the backyard and bark all day long. It's only human interaction might be for a few minutes evry day when someone came out for a few minutes or the kid chased it around the yard with a stick. I actually asked him once, "why do you even have a dog? You never walk it or play with it.?" He told me for protection for his wife when he was out of town. I laughed and told him the dog isn't much protection outside all day. Someone could break in and rape his wife and the dog is locked outside? Anyway the dog eventually went to doggy heaven and I thought, thank heavens that's done, I hope they don't get another dog. About a week later, I'm out on my deck and I hear whining. There is a puppy cying at the back door to be let in. :mad:
  2. They're not as nice as we are over here. ;) And obviously don't appreciate hot ladies such as yourself.:boobies:
  3. Just thought I'd pass along an FYI. Was at the vet yesterday with my daughter's cat and noticed they are taking donations of pet food for Winnipeg Harvest. Makes sense if you think about it. We dropped off 2 big bags of dog food and 2 bags of cat food this morning. The receptionist said all the vet clinics are collecting food so you can do this anywhere in the city.
  4. Or better yet give it to Sialom Mission, Winnipeg Harvest, Kid's Help Line, D'arcy's Arc, etc........
  5. Okay, so it seems we have some renewed interest. Great! Here's what I'm thinking. A meet and greet. Drinks. Food. Relaxed conversation. Not intended to be for liasons but if a lady and pooner wish to arrange something outside the party (:bddog:) that's their business. Late January. Its too late for a Xmas party but we can't leave it too long. A week night (Thursday) is best for me. Weekends are out. As a single dad its easier for me to make some excuse during the week to get a sitter for a few hours (late meeting, client dinner, seminar). My Tuesdays and Wednesdays are tied up with my daughter's piano and karate class. Mariaggi Suites, Jakarta room. BYOB as well as an extra bottle of wine or wahtever for the ladies. I'll supply some snacks but others can feel free to chip in with a fruit tray, cheese tray, etc... How's that for a start?
  6. Yes, bit more information regarding your likes and dislikes would help us with making a recommendation as well as a definition of "natural". I will say that if "natural" means a beautiful woman with fantastic curves, real assets :boobies:, a warm personality and :bddog: :bjs:, you need look no further than the previous poster.;-)
  7. And it likely took you the entire 2 weeks to regain your strength.:wink: :boobies::bddog::bjs::69: I'm sure a great time was enjoyed by all.
  8. Are the photos strictly for use as advertising or would they also be for personal reasons? If you were one of those ladies that posts blurry photos taken in their messy bathroom with their cellphone camera, I'd say definitely! Your photos are very nice and tastefully done. I think you have a good enough eye and know how to present yourself to do them yourself. Professional pics are expensive and in your case the difference between the two is not significant enough to justify the cost. On the other hand I do know a few ladies (not SP's) who have had professional "boudoir" photos done just because they wanted some professionally done sexy pics for themselves or their SO. Either way I'll be dusting off my Brownie and waiting for your call. ;)
  9. No replies or suggestions? Come on Cerbites, this thing isn't going to plan itself.
  10. I've PM'd Soleil about this but thought I'd throw it out to the membership. With regards to the location, the first thing that needs to be established is just what is the purpose of this gatherring? Is it just a meet and greet over drinks and snacks or is it an opportuntiy for pooners and Sp's to "rendevous" as well. This will impact the location because if it is a meet and greet with "rendevous" for who is ever interested, we need a location with access to private rooms. If just drinks, a hotel suite would be sufficient? I know in the past an SP used to host parties in her home but I don't think that is an option here (no way I'm having you perv's in my home :wink:). If we need to rent a hotel suite or other suitable location, everyone would have to be prepared to pony up for the expense. It's not fair for the organizer to pay for this and other costs and in the end not get reimbursed. Once we decide on what form this party is going to take and some location ideas, we can certainly get some cost estimates done and then let everyone know what kind of donation we might require to get his off the ground.
  11. TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! (Sorry, I got caught up in the moment:oops:)
  12. Happy belated Birthday Big Al, although something tells me your likely still sleeping/recoverring from your time with the lovely and talented Soleil. :boobies::butt::bddog::bjs::69: Cheers
  13. I need a favor. A friend and I were discussing Halloween the other day and what we were planning on handing out. I made a reference to The Coneheads and how on Halloween they gave out 6 packs (and chicken embryo's I think) but this person, who is .15 years younger than I, has never seen this skit. I tried to find it on You Tube but could not. If anyone knows where I can download it or has the link, I'd appreciate it so I can send it to them. Thanks
  14. I'd have to borrow something from you. My ex got all the lingere in our divorce settlement.:wink:
  15. I don't know about treating you badly but I'd definitely have to give you a good spankin' (or as people called it in my day a lickin'). ;-)
  16. Uncle Buck! :) "I'm Buck Melanoma, Moley Russell's wart.":lol:
  17. I apologize if this seems like a bit of a hijack but I saw this thread and had to comment. I wish people who demonize this profession could read this thread. Here's a situation where undoubtedly a great guy, Big Al, is afflicted with a disability that unfortunately in our superficial world, many people cannot see past. So what happens, in steps a woman who is not only beautiful on the outside but more importantly, beautiful on the inside (this is what I tell my daughter all the time) who brings him the happiness we all deserve. While I in no way can compare my situation to Big Al's, over the past 8 years since my divorce I've faced my share of challenges and at times loneliness. During some of those times I've had the luck to spend some time with some of Winnipeg's fine SP's and if only for a short time, they made me feel like someone deserving the company of a beatiful lady. Anyway, Happy Birthday Al. I know you'll have great one and to Soleil, you are proof that angels walk amongst us. Cheers
  18. A meet and greet with the opportunity for an intimate encounter is the way I would go. I can't see too many ladies showing up unless there was going to be the opportunity to make a few $$'s. It would have to be in a very private setting and by invitation only. The location only divulged the day of the event, a password to get in and some type of door security. I know that in the past there have been a few meet and greets at local watering holes but that would not be anything I'd be interersted in. Too public and I don't need to run into anyone I know "Hey, what are you doing here? Who are those hot ladies you're with?"
  19. I like many others never heard about this function but then again maybe he wanted you ladies all to himself (can't say I blame him :boobies:). I would consider such an event but I would need a few weeks notice and it would still depend on the night. Being a single parent its difficult to get away to "socialize" after dinner but I might be able to arrange something with enough notice. I think the big thing is to do it discretely and in a way only the serious pooners and ladies I know about it. Alot of guys would be scared of someone informing LE and them busting it. Sydnee used to host some type of get togethers. I was invited to a couple but never attended. Maybe someone who had been to one of her's could chime in with advice. Cheers
  20. Heard today there is a "Jade" working at Nevadas. Is this the Jade who has been around for many years as either an Indy or in MP's? 40+, MILF with a nice rack. I had heard she moved to Edmonton a couple years back.
  21. That's her. She seems to bounce back and forth between Winnipeg and the east coast.
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