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Everything posted by livenudecats

  1. Heard today there is a "Jade" working at Nevadas. Is this the Jade who has been around for many years as either an Indy or in MP's? 40+, MILF with a nice rack. I had heard she moved to Edmonton a couple years back.
  2. That's her. She seems to bounce back and forth between Winnipeg and the east coast.
  3. What? And increase her demand so she is even harder to get hold of?:( Just kidding. ;-) I don't think she needs any more recommendations than what's already been said time and time again. Same goes for Soliel.:boobies:
  4. Been flooded with PM's. I'll be getting back to everyone within the next 24 hrs. Cheers
  5. Saw Elle recently. In keeping with the spirit of this board, all I can say is you'll have to PM me for my thoughts. Cheers
  6. WHAT!?!?:shock: Sure, now I can easily see SP's who are 25 to 30 and not feel like too much of a dirty old man but what about when I'm 90? A 75 year old SP would suit me just fine.
  7. That's Moonlight. Nevadas is on Sargent near the corner of Arlington.
  8. Soleil (although I usually think of a MILF as being a bit older) would get my vote but just in case I would definitely add Brooke, Sabrina and Tiffany to the list.
  9. For anybody looking for BBFS I've got another idea for a fun game with the same amount of risk. Get a .38 caliber revlover. Put 3 bullets in 3 of the six chambers. Spin the chamber. Place muzzel of revlover to temple. Pull trigger. Repeat until you achieve your end result. IDIOTS!
  10. She comes and goes from time to time. She is also an exotic dancer who works out of town (doesn't dance locally) so when she is not advertising as an SP, its often because she is off touring as a dancer. I'm sure her ad will be back up soon.
  11. I finally had the pleasure of this wonderful lady's company today. I don't think I need to repeat what has been reported here and on other boards but I do have to say... WOW!:grin: From her pleasant and welcoming attitude when she answers her phone to that good-bye kiss at the front door she is everything a man could ask for. A beautiful, sexy, intelligent lady providing a relaxed, unrushed, session of fabulous sex sprinkled with fun, thoughtful conversation. I'll definitely be back and often.:wink:
  12. WhooHoo! And if you feed a stray dog it will let you pat it.
  13. Anyone seen her lately. Her ad is still up on EC but for the past 2 weeks her phone says the user is temporarily out of the service area.
  14. Depends on the client as well. I've had many ladies tell me that after my visits they have to take a day or 2 off to recover from my fantastic love making techniques and enormous manhood.;-)
  15. It'll just be another version of the same song for Winnipeg. Average looking girls, private dances with no touching and overpriced drinks. Woo-Hoo! Sign me up. :roll:
  16. I for one am excited to see her front. :boobies:;)
  17. Excellent review Lloyd. Your exploits with Soleil echo the sentiments of many who have seen her. Thus her stellar reputation. Unfortunately I have tried to rendevous with her a few times over the past few months but unfortunately my busy, often unpredictable schedule has made that impossible so far. Your review only serves to make me wish to double my efforts. (my only concern is, she sounds like such a gem I would want her all to myself.)
  18. You guys are right. $150/hr sounds very suspicious but that's why I asked. I have seen the odd non-pro or part timer over the years who charged $120 - 150/hr because this was not their sole source of income (one admitted to just loving to fuck men:bddog:) but they are rare.:cry: BTW, she advertises on CL as Lushes(sp?) Lindsay. Gotta love the spelling skills. Cheers
  19. I know, I know. Stay away from CL but I will occasionally call an ad that catches my eye. If the lady seems to be friendly and answers my questions I'll take a chance. If they turn out to be B & S I have no problem walking away. Anyway I've spoken with Lyndsay and she seems nice and accomodating. $100 for 1/2 and $150 for a full hour (MSOG). I'm thinking of TOFTT but just thought I'd see if anyone out there had any info. You can PM me if necessary. Thanks.
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