I haven't read every reply here, so this has probably already been said...
While getting into shape is advisable (health wise et...) it's not going to turn an abusive jerk into a prince. While you're young & your daughter is little, get the hell out of this 'relationship' before your daughter grows up thnking that being belittled by her future partner is normal. I don't care if a person is male or female... straight or gay... if you are being physically or emotionally abused by a person who claims to love you, kick'em to the curb & move on. Life is short, why spend it in a drama filled (potentially violent) relationship?
As for exercise etc... (for your OWN self asteem) check out the women's workout forums at various sites... www.elitefitness.com used to have a good female forum. Or try Body for Life. Just avoid anything to do with drugs or odd supplements. Live a healthy lifestyle physically & emotionally and set an example for your child.
*general statement* People, if you're being put down, humilated, beaten, etc... by your partner, get out of that relationship. It's better to be on your own than live like that.
Just my 2 cents. *Steps off of soap box*