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About legman2007

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    *NEW ACCOUNT* (Moderated Member)

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    Fitness Enthusiast
  1. Being fairly new here and a once-in-awhile user of sp's. I was a little surprised at the info gleamed here. Since I'm mature, professional, fairly carefull (thanks for all the great reviews folks), and wouldn't think of cancelling at the last minute (and it's business - damn straight it's 50% if I gave less than 12 hours notice), I'm a little shocked at so many apparantly doing this. After several encounters over 2 decades, I'm still virginal material here, but I just sent a request for next week for a lady well reviewed here, and I hope my lack of being well known does not jeapordize my hoped for appointment. For all you no-shows, shame on you. 1: It's a service- unprofessional 2: It's a lady I might want to see you are standing up. - real men don't do that shit. 3: It's bad manners - You obviously don't get that part. 4: Your mommy doesn't let you out at night? Thanks for an enlightening post and replies.
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