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Everything posted by THRacer

  1. No Ceigo I do not know the schedule of all the ladies. Daniella mentioned she was leaving the next day and if I wanted to come back that was the day for a few weeks. and the cover is $2 which is the most ridiculous thing for the club. BTW I didnt want to leave impression I didn't like the club. It is quirky (run down, porn movies, no DJ other points mentioned about) but I always find one interesting person to spend time with and go around once a month to chill out.
  2. Only one lovely lady (alexandra) at 77 on Dec 24. A great time however.
  3. Club is pretty run down. Right out of the late 70's and prob the last time renovated. The lady your friend saw was Daniella pretty fun but YMMV. I had a good time. She is in Cuba for the holidays some other not bad ladies but a bit hit and miss. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Posted via Mobile Device Additional Comments: We should do what we can to discourage this travel idea. Peachy for Gatineau. Priceless!! Posted via Mobile Device
  5. The 51 week construction is for building a new bridge so the major issue is the traffic on Casino. The highway is one lane but just for under the bridge going to Ottawa. Traffic usually isn't too bad.
  6. http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=9388
  7. Very funny buddy It's actually a hot OGFE Sam-wich (thats as in SAMANTHA). V
  8. When first posted in announcement section Cowboy chimed in with happy days are here again. Doubt that was a shill post.
  9. I would buy coffee until the heart gave out or I won a frikkin donut. The losing streak continues... yes I know there is another thread for this. so build a big garage and buy collectible cars.
  10. I can't look at my fat bear honey jar (honeypot?) the same way anymore.
  11. Hey Rick, It was where the restaraunt is across from the gas station north side of maloony. Definitely not the ranch or 77 which is farther up main/
  12. Anyone remember the name of a club in gatineau at corner of main and malony from the 70-80's? was topless then full
  13. You crack me up man. After she loses her virginity she will get immediately screwed by the taxman.
  14. I asked at one point and you could choose any 2 of the 3 but not all 3. Trios only available at McDonalds on the north side of the river. We call them Happy Meals/Combos.
  15. Believe the Annabelle who teamed with Janeva and occassionly another lady advertises in the Sun sometimes.
  16. Doesn"t john school diversion apply? no names released on first offence?
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