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Everything posted by rubintugger

  1. I know there have been guys using an internet presence to solicit reduced rate or free visits with new ladies in exchange for good reccomendations. I could imagine after being caught and blowing their legit handle, they might want to use someone else's good rep to accomplish the same. Still remember on another board when Nicky Orangefingers got Slothy to post a good review before she tossed him a free one, and the backpeddling afterwards. She certainly got the better of him that time, and he got his just due. If you are trading on your CERB name to get special favors, and the lady knows about/uses CERB and wants new/current info out there, the CERBer could start a thread about the lady, saying that he has booked and appointment and a recommendation will follow... that way she knows he's legit, and he is committing to posting about her. If she isn't afraid of the dreaded "due to the rules, I can't say anything", they can both end up winning. Not saying this should be common practice, but it is a legitimate advertising method, as long as its not shilling. And this community at large rapidly outs shillers.
  2. I never understand these guys who shill themselves to an SP declaring huge size, etc. Most SP's I've encountered don't want to be stretched out down there :dncdick:. You want an SP to want you? Tell them you have a tiny dick and come really, really fast.... maybe a brag about tongue prowess... depending on the SP... :icon_cool:
  3. I don't know about other guys, but as I get older and in worse shape, things have changed. MSOG may or may not be in the cards in an hour, but the first SOG, depending on how long its been and how intense the stimulus, can be very quick and unfulfilling. So, at least the attempt to make a second SOG is a minimum necessity for me. In my experience, most of the Asian SP's are shoot and go. Some list a MSOG option for extra on the hour session. Not sure if its a cultural thing, or just the fact that they tend to be high volume providers and that MSOG puts a lot of wear and tear down there. For that reason, I have stopped partaking of the visiting Asian ladies. I truly love the Asian appearance, bodytype and accompanied shower, etc., but I find the detached service and the thought of just how many clients they see in a day has changed my attraction to them. Now, that said, SP's like Ji or Destiny Xu are a completely different story. Asian appearance, but a true GFE experience. That's what I'm talking about.
  4. Missed the Penthouse hidden in the title of your post... Hey, great minds and all...
  5. Dear Penthouse Forum... I've always read your letters, and thought they were fiction, until this happened to me....
  6. Not asian? She's about as asian as you can genetically be. Other than the blonde hair and french accent, she is perfect asian. And absolutely gorgeous... Oh, did I mention, she's sexy as hell, and gorgeous?
  7. She advertised here: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=137988 Her website is in the ad and shows her tour dates, too bad you missed her, but she may be cumming back... In the meantime, look at the pictures...
  8. You should try Destiny Xu... but you might be disappointed, she is way hotter in person than in her pics, if that is possible.
  9. I've seen Vicki a number of times, and never been disappointed. She is full value in service, and is one of the rare SP's that actually cares about her service, and defends her reputation. That can get a little "interesting" at times on the boards, but in the end, she's still the same Vicki that most of us appreciate, and some don't...
  10. I think Dwayne was referring to the fact that, as has be conjectured about Mistress Dru, you also recently went from F to M... it was a joke...
  11. Is it just me, or does a user, named Jessica, who is identified as female in the profile, mentioning have her "balls" touched seem odd?
  12. Well, just returned from seeing Destiny Xu, and I will repeat, for sure. She was incredible, an ATF for sure. She advertises a flawless body, and she was spot on... and very enthusiastic and skilled. An incredible experience, and I will definately repeat ASAP...
  13. I booked with Destinyas soon as I saw her ad. I've been wanting to see her since I first saw her pics. Some of them are incredible, and none give me any concern. She advertises that she has a flawless body, and I look forward to exploring every inch to confirm that claim....
  14. Are you serious? There are quite a number of exceptional ladies that fit your desires here in da 'peg. Many are members here.
  15. Really? For a basic HJ? Maybe for a nude reverse, accompanied bath or a BJ. I guess it depends on the room rate as well.
  16. Just a point of grammar, you are using the services of an escort. Not using an escort... a little difference in grammar, a huge difference in intent. When you are paying for an intimate encounter, a certain level of maturity helps make the encounter more enjoyable. Many young men think that a hour of "pounding at the hole" is what they are paying for (and at that age, a possibility, damn you teenage endurance:icon_cry:), hence some SP's reluctance to see young men. My best encounters as a young man were with a lady that was a friend of my sister, who dabbled as an SP later in life. She was almost 15 years my elder, and very definitely knew what she liked. My 18th birthday ended with me very drunk, and her putting me to bed. She left, much to my initial chagrin, but I was truly too drunk anyways. A few hours later though... lets say the night was quite memorable. And gave me a level of sexual confidence I might never have attained otherwise. She continued my tutoring for a year or two after, until she moved away. I would get an occasional call, requesting help with changing a lightbulb or some such, and another lesson would ensue. If you are looking to expand your knowledge base, then choose a mature SP, if you're looking for exercise, a younger SP might be more your cup of tea. Go into it with the right attitude, and you will have a rewarding encounter.
  17. Very accurate review. Saw her today, and was not disappointed. She is exactly as described, and one note, she had a reaction to any deodorants, colognes, aftershaves. No scents, please. She likes what she does, and likes the human form more than most masseuses I have visited. Not even close to the massage you'd get at Southpoint or Spring or Ness, very light touch, but very skilled in what people coming here are looking for in a massage.
  18. Very intrigued by her pics, but concerned about the lack of what her menu is being offered. Has anyone with double digit posts seen her yet? One review mentions CBJ, so I assume she is a safety girl, which is good, but no mention of any other services. Deal breaker for me is good DATY... any clarification there?
  19. The big problem with this thread is that a) poster states that limits to service were repeatedly expressed and b) poster thinks that it is OK to "see if it changes" with more visits. There is no good outcome to this methodology. Masseuse has very distinctly outlined terms of service. If poster does not "get his way", masseuse is a bitch. If he does, masseuse is a liar. If poster wants to be happy (at the ending) he should give his business to someone willing to service his needs. And there are no shortage of those. Still don't understand people who think that they can combine their "hobby" with Blue Cross / insurance scamming... do they respect themselves at all?
  20. Quick question. Do you think that there are any LE lurkers here with 20 posts?
  21. I was going to say the same thing... sounds like Annie... except no mention of an accent...
  22. OK, I have figured out the 411 on the logistics of the massage place on Warsaw st (google is your best friend, never would have thought WFP had archives from Sept 2012), but other than the fact that someone left happy once, we need more info. Male Massuese? Female? Young? Old? Draped? rates? Tip? Don't tease, recommend!
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