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Posts posted by rubintugger

  1. Wow... early morning typo... edited to reflect the actual sentiment... sorry for those I offended.


    I guess no one read past that, but hey.


    In no way was I insinuating that most SP's aren't worth the money they charge. My trains of thought got crossed up, and the "most" i was referring to were the BP ads, as referenced later.


    But anyways, there are SP's that are worth what they ask, and those that aren't worth a penny for the services they offer. That's my point.


    And it is a free market, so go ahead and charge what you will.


    And for the lucky pooners that have found sites like this, you don't realize just how licky you really are. There are guys out there that just have the ads on BP to judge a SP by, and that's where the bombardment advertising these scammers pull off nets them clients. All they need is a few newbies a week to make a "living", a tough wy for new hobbiests to be indoctorinated.


    Some people drive Ferraris, others drive Hyundais. You drive within your budget, and that's why there are different brands and models to choose from. And there is no protection from a purchaser from getting a lemon if they don't do their research.


    But likewise, there aren't a lot of Ferraris bought each year. If you think ou can charge Ferrari rates (even if you give Ferrari service) and still get Honda Civic sales volume, that's a marketing mistake.


    On another note, maybe the Mods of these boards should start running BP ads to help newbie hobbiests avoid the cat urine incall types, and the cash grab and runners that advertise.


    You know I find comments like this to be just horrible. Saying "most" like the majority of ladies are not worth the money they ask for is extremely insulting. Can we please keep hate comments and really nasty negative comments off the site. Discuss matters in a mature adult way please. When you make nasty comments that provoke negative emotions like this I see it as a TROLL post (Trying to cause drama more then discuss a topic).


    Please be more considerate.


    I would normally remove comments like this but I will leave this here so the ladies can see (and make note) of this comment from this member. May be someone you might want to avoid.

  2. Wow...


    I was just trying to point out that there are providers worth what they charge, and there are those who aren't. The fine ladies here that treat this profession and its partakers with respect deserve every penny they charge, and their clients know it, and appreciate it, showing that appreciation with their patronage.


    My beef is with the BP slags that advertise only there, have no overhead, no training, no customer respect, and expect $250/$300 / hr. The ones with no pro pics, website. The ones that have a crappy, cat urine covered incall in a sketchy part of town with no parking. Ones that you KNOW would never pay a penny in tax. Ones that upcharge for anything and everything. One's that don't seem to understand that one hour is 60 minutes, not just til you get tired of the client.


    The problem is that there is no apparent difference to these "SP's" that the service they provide is a completely different service than Professional Ladies.


    That's my beef.

  3. $250 vs. $200? Why the difference? Why are things $4.99 instead of $5?


    Some of it is Psychological for me, some of it comes down to rates for other professionals. Lawyers, Plumbers, Electricians... and again, there are good and bad in all those professions, there are plumbers I'd be happier paying $100/hr than others I can hire for $25.


    When a SP can earn in 2 hours what a person flipping burgers makes in a week, that makes it a little real.


    Just curious... what would you think would happen to rates if the hobby became legal, and had government approved brothels, with employees getting benefits like daycare, dental, etc... ? Would an hourly sex worker get anywhere close to what they make now were it legit?

  4. Wow... from an innocent question from a new SP to a full blown economic debate.


    As in everything, perception is the key. If a SP decides she's worth $300, and isn't, and the phone rarely rings, she has a decision. Get better at her job, and find a way to let people know, lower the price to make it meet her actual value to the market, or retire if she doesn't want to do what is necessary in an hour to earn $300.


    I've been with ladies that charged less than market rate to customers they liked because they'd rather have 10 sessions they enjoyed rather than putting up with 5 sessions they did not.


    I'm here right now because I have a hankering, and was considering trying someone new. Does price enter into it? You bet it does. I have a budget, and I'll stretch it in certain cases for certain SP's, but generally, I am hard pressed to try a new SP at over $200 unless I have multiple recommends from trusted sources that have similar tastes to mine.


    Using this formula, I rarely am disappointed.


    Would I like to see a standard price more in the $150 range? You betcha. Would it lower the amount I spend? Nope, I'd just get more value for my money.


    $250 is a lot, especially for a first visit, not knowing chemistry and spark.


    Just spitballing here, $200/session, 2 sessions a day, 15 working days a month is $6k a month. Figuring they pay tax on half (smart way to do it), that works out to the equivalent of about $90k a year to the rest of us.


    Not a bad living... 2 hours a day, 15 days a month.

  5. Anyone who wants to charge SP service to a credit card is an idiot and probably a scammer, and you can be sure you will never get/keep the moneys charged, especially through paypal. If you had a pinpad with a chipcard reader, you might get away with it, but you would need a legitimate business with a service/product and will have to have a bank account, GST number, PST number, and claim income for tax purposes.


    Anyone who actually deals in anything but cash for these quasi legal services deserves to be caught and charged. If/when a SP gets busted, there will be records of cards charged, and LE is just dying to find something like this...


    If there was a safe and legal method for using non cash devices for these kinds of purchases, every SW would have an interact machine.

  6. EB/TO isn't breaking any rules, so it isn't subject to immediate closure when the cops do decide to crack down on MP's.


    The other places are.


    Imagine if you owned a run down MP, and went through a $100k renovation, and then got busted the next day and lost your license and got shut down.


    Wht not, rather, keep the status quo, and make nothing but profit. Might be less profit, but it is risk free...


    Broadways did renovate a few years ago, turned the first floor into a very nice MP, but then got that area closed down because it was at street level, and they are not permitted or zoned for that useage. So they lost all the money/time that went into that.

  7. I'm ruined for port now. I started with Chateau Gai screw top port, bought a case when it was on sale for $3.95 a bottle (30 years ago). Thought it was great, and compared to beer and rye, it was.


    Then I tried a glass at a restaurant, actually from Portugal, with an actual cork in the top. Later that evening, upon arriving home, I got out my bottle of CG, unscrewed the top, poured a glass and almost choked! Someone had put kerosene in my port! Or so it tasted like. So my taste buds were ruined for the $3.95 bottle. Sigh.


    Then one day, after having stocked my shelves with $10-$15 bottles, I again had occasion to sample some port at a restaurant, this one had some Taylors LBV. At first sip, I could not believe the flavors. And upon returning home, found out that kerosene bandit had returned. I had to upgrade my selection to LBV.


    Then I attended a wine and cheese show. They were offering '63 Taylors at almost $20 a glass. One glass. Not $20 a bottle, but a 2 oz glass. Not learning my lesson, I ponied up the cash, and was given the rich, red liquid. A picture is worth a thousand word, and it only involves sight. Add to that the senses of smell and taste, and I'm sorry, there are just no words. Better than Sex, you ask? In many ways, especially the self indulgence of ones own personal pleasure... yes. I guess sharing it with a partner would have been even better, but it remains one of the sensory highlights of my life. And again, returning to my humble cabinet with my modest LBV's, well... at least it wasn't like kerosene... but life's colors just weren't as bright anymore...


    So now, when I drink Port, it is $75-150 a bottle, aged and decanted. Would I be a happy today drinking Chateau Gai (whose sparkling wines we had dubbed "The Ginger Ale of Champagnes) screw top port had I not been "ruined"? Probably. But that ruination led to me seeking out many other of the finer things in life. And for that, I am grateful.


    Bucket list includes a 1927 Taylors... I missed out on a tasting 20 years ago, the local liquor store had one with a cork that was unstable but hadn't been breached yet, and they decided to sell it in a tasting by the glass for $50 a 1 oz glass (the bottle was $1200). I signed up for it, but they didn't get the 26 they needed, so they cancelled. Two weeks later I was in, and the bottle was gone. I asked if someone had bought it, and they told me they had had the tasting on a spur of the moment when a wine club came by. I missed my shot that day, but I will have that before I die...

  8. I guess the question is "Why are you considering hiring the services of a a professional?"


    If there is something missing in your married life that a professional can satisfy, then your life with your spouse can be a lot better. Partners have different sexual needs and desires, and sometimes not having those desires fulfilled is more damaging to a marriage than filling them.


    Keeping your activities discreet, being careful not to bring anything home with you, or getting exposed publicly where she has to acknowledge your infidelity, its like it never happened. The "what happens in Vegas" concept.


    Even something as simple as telling a close friend can upset the apple cart. As long as no one knows, and nothing gets brought home, it never happened.


    And, having quenched that thirst, you become a better partner, more able to take care of her needs, wants and desires, because you've had the help of a professional to take care of yours.


    A win/win situation.

  9. Mp's (like EB/TO) usually offer a clean environment, well appointed rooms with hot tubs, and a selection of attendants to choose from. An independent SP who offers MA services usually doesn't have a massage table or a jaccuzzi, and there is usually just one attendant to choose from.


    Sometimes, I go to a restaurant and try something new. Some restaurants I don't even look at the menu (Bring me the Friday special, please). It all depends on what I'm in the mood for.


    Another factor if that few SP's differentiate rates based on services rendered. An hour is an hour, regardless if you're MSOG'ing your brains out or having a relaxing massage (in actuality, the SP's probably have to work harder during a massage session a lot of the time...). So, your cost per hour is generaly higher with an Indie. And no Jaccuzzi.


    If I knew an indie that had a jaccuzzi (that was clean) and a massage table and offered a relaxing rub and tug for $125/hr, I'd probably frequent her facility regularly...

  10. By searching this site, you can see reviews of the ladies you are interested in. This board will only give you recommendations on who to see, not who not to see. So use it appropriately. If you don't see a recommendation for an SP, that means no one here has anything nice to say, or possibly they haven't taken the time to say positive things about her yet, which can sometimes happen.


    No one's going to tell you not to see someone on this board, just not the way it is set up.


    But the real good ones have multiple threads praising them. They are very easy to identify. So don't be afraid to use the "search" feature, that's what it is for.


    As for ladies that you have mentioned, I've seen Soleil and Holland and will repeat with both. That's always the highest recommendation, the "will repeat" stamp of approval...

  11. "Clicking" is very important for the experience. The times I haven't "clicked" have mainly been due to the anticipation not meshing with the reality. Descriptions and pictures (with blurred/missing faces) can be interpreted differently, and when arriving at the location and meeting the SP, expectations can be hard to meet.


    Not always the ladies fault, sometimes I've read between the lines or assumed things that were essential to my encounter which are not on the table. That kills the whole session, regardless of the mechanics of the sex and eventual ejaculation(s).


    It can be something as simple as a persons voice, or perfume/incense, incall setup (messy, pets, other unexpected situations) or even the tone of the initial greeting. And, of course, hygiene. Smoke, bad breath, or other apparent hygiene issues kill the mood instantly for me.


    At that point, it is hard to back out of the appointment without the obvious bait and switch complaint, or an "I'm allergic to cats" concern.


    The original poster wonders what to do in this instance. All you can do is do your professional best. Maybe, by the end of the session, you can turn it around. Ask questions, try some of your best moves, do "the optometrist" (is it better like this, or better like this). Maybe you can find the 'on' switch.


    But, regardless, you've been paid for your time, try to make it as enjoyable for the client as possible. If you give 100%, you can never fault yourself. But if you give up and humdrum back at the client and rush him out, you haven't done your job.

  12. "Tipping" in this context is a misnomer. The "Tip" is the ladys pay for the session. I'm not exactly sure what the arrangement at each establishment is, I've heard everything from them getting a shift pay around minimum wage to actually having to pay the house for each session they have. No matter what, there is no way the house can pay them decently out of the room fee and still keep the doors open, so if you do not "tip", you are really disrespecting the lady.


    Remember, these ladies don't see 10 sessions a day, (well, most of them), so each tip covers more than the time they spend with you. So, for them to work having to put up with any guy that walks through the door, and do it with a smile, they deserve every penny of the "Tip" they receive.


    Sure, I know you're a hot, toned Brad Pitt clone, and the ladies should be happy you let them touch your body, but seriously... you want a massage without release or tip, go to an RMT.

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