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About manrock

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  1. did you do cres. or ave. on google?
  2. haven't seen posts for over a year joined ten hrs ago lol
  3. they are still advertising under honey bunnies on ll
  4. i always liked that place. had some good times there. shitty parking though
  5. Man I forgot about that walk up the stairs. Always felt a little weird going there in the middle of residential street.
  6. been around for a bit. its a house there is usually two working. glove girl who may or may not be s@#$y sister and another. standard rates apply. was lucy and maya not sure if they are still there.
  7. Are you sure you are talking about Winnipeg. That does not sound like anything that’s ever happened to me before.
  8. Pretty sure that was a different Yoki from down south on pembina not the one on provenche
  9. i always felt weird going there for some reason. but the sw scene was amazing back then.
  10. then you must remember the house on Hargrave not far from Calvary temple
  11. that's a blast from the past. it was definitely a dump but i had some good times there, some not so good as well lol
  12. i am guessing his last sentence gives the answer
  13. i think when michele had her operation on henderson they had a table shower. so there might be one floating around somewhere, just not in use, ive had a few in florida loved it.
  14. not seeing any content or even a way to add content in this group. maybe I'm a idiot
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