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Bethany Westbrooke

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Bethany Westbrooke

  1. I have seen a couple very special clients for overnight sessions and I have a few ideas not seen in the other thread... I would recommend a good choice of music for you both to choose from to add to the mood, safely and thoughtfully placed candles, mouthwash in the bathroom and washcloths close to the sink nearest the bedroom... A shower massage wand to make a shared shower safer, and perhaps a non-slip bathmat/treatment if you don't already have one... During one extra long massage session one of my regulars brought his iPod and played some soft music so we could slow-dance, it was really sweet and very memorable. Another gent loved to drink tea with me after our sexy time, was always a nice moment to chat and enjoy each other's company... I hope you have a wonderful night and can't wait to hear all about it! Bethany Xoxox
  2. I have never been quite comfortable with talking dirty during a massage, but know that many, if not all men love it. My thought is that it might be too easy to misunderstand someone's dirty talk- especially when certain items are not on the menu. Recently, I had a very attractive client who during the grand finale kept saying "Fuck me, fuck me!" in a sexy, albeit disturbing manner- as I had in no way been having sex with him, nor was I going to! After our session I asked him if he was interested in something like that as I had a friend who is an escort with a similar body type to mine who might help him with this. He said he just liked to talk dirty and didn't mean anything by it... In order to ensure that I am not misleading anyone in a similar manner to the above what are some things that are sexy yet not misleading that one might want to hear during a massage, please anyone SP/MA/Hobbyists feel free to respond! Thanks a bunch! Bethany Xoxox
  3. Oh my, I just played this and my cat nearly peed herself! For sheer entertainment value play this for your cat, too cute! Bethany Xoxox
  4. I don't wear perfume most days but on the odd day I feel like wearing some and I am working I will only spray it on the very top of my head into my hair. I find as I wear my hair up during my sessions to keep it fresh and oil-free it doesn't cause an issue and haven't heard anyone comment on it... I always ask clients if they have any allergies as I use febreeze and other scented products in my studio... Most are allergic to pets only from my asking them... In my off-time, I love wearing scents but still try to spray the most of it on my hair, don't like the idea of my skin absorbing the chemicals.
  5. Wow, does she see women too? She's gorgerous!:boobies:
  6. Happy Birthday to the sexiest pin-up gal around! Hope you have a great vacation! Bethany Xoxox
  7. I don't think it's as sexy as much as it's titillating! Lol... :boobies: We will always be slightly impressed by people who are unique, whether they are little people, Mandingo or Siamese twins! It's not for everyone, but there are enough afficionados out there of everything to make it worth their whiles!
  8. [URL]http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/slutwalk-is-the-loaded-protest-title-effective-or-offensive/article2017797/[/URL] [B]Join co-founders Ms. Barnett and Ms. Jarvis for a discussion Wednesday at 1 p.m. ET.[/B] SlutWalk, the in-your-face response to violence against women that began with a march in Toronto, has gone viral, inspiring plans for similar protests in more than 60 cities around the world, [URL="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/slutwalk-sparks-worldwide-protest-movement/article2017672/"]Elizabeth Church writes in Wednesday's Globe and Mail[/URL]. But it is also setting off a debate among feminists about using loaded language even if it brings huge attention to their cause. Sonya Barnett co-founded [URL="http://www.slutwalktoronto.com/"]the movement[/URL] earlier this year with friend Heather Jarvis. They were both outraged by a report in a campus paper that [URL="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/toronto-police-officers-sex-assault-remarks-prompt-reprimand/article1911915/"]a police officer advised York University law students[/URL] to "not dress like a slut" to reduce chances of assault. Ms. Barnett defends the effectiveness of 'SlutWalk', saying, â??Without such an audacious attitude, we wouldnâ??t be where we are.â? The Toronto group has faced criticism â?? most notably in the opinion pages of the British newspaper The Guardian â?? for using a misogynist putdown that some argue feminists can never reclaim. Others who support the groupâ??s bravado say any movement that challenges widespread attitudes that blame women for sexual attacks should be applauded. What do you think? Is using the word â??slutâ? is right is the right way to draw attention to the cause? Do you think itâ??s effective? Do you think the police officer's comments reflect a broader attitude within society?
  9. I was going to write a similar thank you, but seeing as yours was so similar it might seems insincere when I say it, so Ditto! Special thanks to all the gents who kept us ladies well fed drink-wise and to our lovely and awesome hostesses, best party ever!!! Cleo, I still owe you a drink, kinda forgot... Eek! Xoxox
  10. Yay, Nicki! Congrats on the 2K, I going 2 buy you a drink Thursday! Heheheh, would also like to thrown my name into the hat for the spanking volunteers! Cheers! Bethany Xoxox
  11. Hey Megan, Hope your day was wonderful! Bethany Xoxox P.s. Btw, I love this shot of you! You're too beautiful, but I still love ya!
  12. Happy Birthday Beautiful! (Couldn't resist following the trend with the lol cats!) Xoxox
  13. Loved your blog, how did I not notice this before! I am glad you are back soon! See you at the social I hope! Xoxox
  14. I think there are definitely more independents/advertising MAs right now than before. Thankfully, Ottawa seems to be one of the busiest cities for massage and there are more than enough gents to keep us all busy- as a bonus with this much competition we're sure to stay on top of our game offering only our best services! I wonder if the increase in MPs is correlated with a higher level of social acceptance, obviously we are still taboo for most but this could be a good sign for the times to come!
  15. That is so sad. I was just talking to a friend about her in the Taming of the Shrew, she aced that movie. What an amazing woman!
  16. :icon_eek: Watched an amazing documentary recently about a man who marries/cares for a quadripilegic and then has 2 children with her and then decides to open up a brothel in rural Australia, lol not with her working, though that would be even crazier. A Good Man it's called. Blew my mind! Here is the movie: http://www.tvo.org/TVO/WebObjects/TVO.woa?videoid?633032291001 Enjoy!
  17. Went last night for the first time in ages, had a great time with Natasha, jaw-droppingly beautiful tall blonde with hair down to her gorgeous bum! Had fun running my hands all over her gorgeous skin and was pleasantly surprised when she returned the favour! I have a feeling it won't be so long between visits next time!
  18. Tiffany, some of the most sensual and connected moments happen in silence when you can focus in on a client's breathing, becoming hypnotized with how you are touching him, how you imagine he might be feeling and just really tuning in to his needs and desires, pampering him thoroughly! A quiet and extra sensual face-down beginning can lead to a very connected and intense flip, just allow yourself to get lost in the moment and try to focus on how your touch is relaxing your client's stresses away! If he wants to talk, then talk, but as much as possible let your fingers do the talking '''all over his body!" Xoxox
  19. I recently met Karine19 at the last CERB social, see Sponsors list to the right, she is in amazing shape and very fit!
  20. My older brother had a subscription, they were unavoidable, but really, I loved reading them...
  21. Yet another financial/food reference, not the worst one I could tell but the most memorable and life-altering... About 3 years ago, in my student days, I went to the asian grocery on Somerset (now closed) in my scrubs right after working a 7am-3pm Saturday shift at my horribly underpaid but very rewarding PT job at a nearby senior's residence. I had been very closely adding up my purchases while shopping so that I wouldn't go over the $80 I had left on my debit card. Sadly, after being checked out, my card was denied due to insufficient funds! I was quickly and mercifully directed to another cash so another cashier could help me figure out what I could afford with the 18$ cash I had in my wallet, without holding the line up. I was pretty embarrassed... Turns out my OSAP payment was late in being withdrawn from my account, and I was more cash-strapped than I thought. Before then I'd been poorer, and richer, but this experience stands out for me as it was right before I started doing massage. One of the many reasons I finally took the plunge into the business! Financially, it was an opportunity I just couldn't refuse, and coupled with my already risque and sexy lifestyle it just made that much more sense(lol, cents)!
  22. I completely agree with you Cleo, with a special mention for Annessa, after hearing her sing sultry jazz tunes how could one not be smitten! Also Victoria Jolie, I love her photos! Great thread idea Megan!
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