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Exotic Touch Danielle

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Exotic Touch Danielle

  1. As much as I enjoy what I do and spending time with my regular gentlemen I know what the relationship is between us I have a seperate life from this I was seeing this one gentlemen for some time and when he asked if I was involved with someone and I.told him yes he gave me an attitude and I.never heard from him again The time we spend together when we are together is exactly that when.we leave to go our ways what you do is your concern and what I do is mine We owe each other nothing other than respect and friendship I provide you with companionship/friendship
  2. One thing I absolutely hate is when someone books and then cancels because they don't know/like the neighborhood you are in Like please stop with that ignorance ....you don't have to be located in the south end.of Halifax to get good service in a clean safe environment I hate being judged on where I live...o well your loss! On to the next for you
  3. Mmmmm kiss me right where you see the lips muahhh
  4. I have had a few gentlemen message me saying they saw me cerb but were hesitant to give me their cerb handle(which makes no sense to me) unless they were lying or they were just time wasters I believe its only fair
  5. I prefer my appointments being confirmed and booked via phone only(I just like to.hear the voice of whom I am going to be intimate with an feel what type connection we may have).I also don't like to give my address email/ texting I have had two girlfriends call my number asking who I am and both times I explained to.them that their boyfriend's must have written the number down wrong that I.had no idea who they were(smh) I never send out my location unless we speak! Another pain in the ass (turn-off) for me is when someone books an appointment and.confirms and no call or reply back??? It only takes a moment to call/pm to cancel (No shows=time wasters=on my ignore list)
  6. I am not sure what the problem is with CL but I go through the same thing and sometimes my post wont even go up at all I think the server gets over loaded Doesnt matter much any ways.its pretty hard to keep your post up considering they all get flagged lol
  7. I just absolutely hate disrespect and there is a lot of that in this Just because one person may work.a certain way doesn't mean someone else will work the same way What may be right for you may not be right and work for.someone else We all do what we feel is comfortable for us and should never be made to feel less because of what someone else may want or feel I.enjoy what I do and absolutely love.spending time with kind respectful gentlemen
  8. Argggg!!! I am so extremely pissed! One major turn-off for me is when.I.have been seeing a gentlemen for some time and he feels he is entitled to talk to me any way he chooses and expects me to do as he wishes because he is paying for my time! I have forever been.posting my hours of availability and for as long as I can remember I stop about 10pm every evening(which by the way he knew this) but because his work.schedule was conflicting with the time I stop working he started to bash me and become pretty rude and inconsiderate of me and my time telling me I am an escort that 10 pm is not an acceptable time to stop....I am also a mother and I work a job in the early am We as sp providers do live a separate life and also have other priorities I unfortunately cannot work 24/7 I would like to thank the gentlemen that are respectful of my hours and my life xo
  9. Great post! Thankyou and sending out a Happy Mothers Day to all of the other ladies who are moms( one of the hardest yet rewarding jobs on this planet) xo
  10. Exotic Touch Danielle

    From the album: Danielle

  11. Exotic Touch Danielle

    From the album: A few oldies

  12. Let's say you.had an appointment booked with a psychologist and the appointment was for 2pm and an hour.long....you pay $200 for the hour of his/her time...the.appointment would then be finished at 3pm because that is what you.had scheduled and paid for What I'm trying to say is ... The time should start when we confirmed the appointment if for whatever reason you may arrive late depending on the circumstances give or take.10 minutes I would start the time when you arrive and walk through my door I'm usually pretty understanding when it comes to this It really all depends on you and how you feel There really is no.wrong.or.right answer Some women prefer to give 15 minutes to get showered and then start But don't let someone take advantage of you and your time We are.busy ladies and sometimes our time is.limited
  13. I sometimes get that too Meg! I don't mind sharing some things about myself with those I have been seeing for some time and feel.comfortable with But I will.absolutely.not put my life right out there to someone that I am not comfortable with and do not know I think sometimes they just like to.break the.ice and use those things for conversation starters because they are.nervous(and some are just plain.nosey) but I do agree I don't want to talk about my personal life regarding my family or personal relationships Some.things are best kept to yourself I always say.....what happens in.Vegas stays in Vegas and when.we are together let's just enjoy each other and talk about nothing but us
  14. * Assuming I do drugs or offer party favors because they may have seen another lady who is into that type of life style... Please don't judge me without speaking to me and taking the time to get to know me as a lady first and fore most! We all don't work the same and we all don't have drug habits *non smoker and 100% drug free But I do enjoy a nice glass of white wine! Yum
  15. True indeed! I love to watch porn and it excites me when I am with someone I have never been asked for porn but I am open minded and personally wouldn't be against it But to each their own *smile*
  16. To walk out of work and see the sun shineing was absolutely wonderful!
  17. Well I haven't really had the chance to personally get to know any of these beautiful ladies ...but I would like to nominate each and every one of you for the wonderful services you all provide and being so kind and generous! Xo
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