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Everything posted by redmachine

  1. Just wanted to thank all who extended birthday wishes yesterday and to take this opportunity to thank all the lovely ladies on cerb that I have had the pleasure of meeting in the last year (you know who you are) for making this a amazing year! And to all members of cerb a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year. A very special thanks to the amazing Emmaalexandra for making this a very special day:grin:.
  2. According the the story in the Herald this morning this lady was the only person working out of this residence. I'm not up an all the laws but I thought as long as she was not living off the avails of others or procuring others to work for her this type of operation in Canada was legal. I would not call this area upscale but certainly a very good area one I would feel very comfortable going to.
  3. This is what the recommendation thread is for. I really dislike these who is the best threads. If you want some idea of who may be the best read through the reco's. How can anyone say who is the best at anything in Halifax unless you have seen every sp/ep in your area? I never respond to these threads with my pick as every experience is different and to only pick one would be to hurt someones feelings.
  4. She still runs a ad on cl every now and then seen one last week.
  5. I know I tend to over use the word sweetie but never use the word hun.I always start any pm or email using the sp/ep name. I tend to use the word sweetie more in verbal exchanges something like "thanks sweetie that was great".
  6. The offending post has been deleted from the system.
  7. Very sad and unfortunate.:sad::sad::sad: I guess there is some truth to the saying "don't tug on Supermans cape"
  8. I agree with Annssa actually I believe that if a sp/ep fails to follow through on a agreed upon special request weather it be attire,fettish.fantasies.or a specific sex act it is just another form of bait and switch. Personally I am not comfortable discussing these things beforehand I prefer to check out a sp/ep recos and web sites before hand to get a good idea if she is someone I would like to spend time with. Sever months ago I did have a similar experience as Steve with a sp/ep I had seen a few times before we had exchanged several pm's with a couple of special request on my behalf when I arrived she had no recall of these request even though she had replied to all of them for that matter I'm not sure if she even remembered who I was. That was several months ago and she is also a well reviewed lady here on cerb I have not been back and have no intention too the way I see it if I can take the time and read through several pages of recos and web pages the sp/ep should take the minute or to it would take to check a few pm's before our date.
  9. I don't ever recall needing to turn you upside down to remove your clothes but is is putting thoughts and visions in my head:grin:
  10. Welcome to cerb blockedout and the Emma fan club:-D
  11. Having personally participated in Octobers theme I think I know the answer to this one:grin:
  12. When did you get a tv? Did it come with the futon?
  13. Happy Anniversary Amelia we are indeed lucky to have you:grin:
  14. Been there done that don't think its the same http://www.halifaxnewsnet.ca/index.cfm?sid=76123&sc=608
  15. Don't worry about TOFTT especially when it comes to "the herald girls". Personally I believe with the quality of ladies now available to us here on cerb (Emma,Amelia and others) and ladies like Emily and others visiting us on a semi-regular basis the only reason to visit "the herald girls" would be a attempt to duplicate the experience at at discounted rate. Good luck with that!
  16. Sorry seeing Emilyintoronto is not TOFTT she has been here several times and has been well reviewed. BTW you are going to love her see is a absolute sweetheart.
  17. Between Halifax/Ottawa/Winnipeg there are over 150 coments in your name under recommendations it has been a VERY long time since anyone had TOFTT when it comes to you.So if you always forget what it means it is understandable as the term is irrellevent to you.
  18. Yes indeed........And you got to love when the "Caper' starts coming out in her
  19. No I don't believe that these lovely ladies do it with me for pleasure however I do believe that no matter what we do in our time together that we have mutual respect for each other. I have great respect for any lady who totally gives of them self during a true gfe.The day that I even remotely believe that anything that I have done has crossed over to "controlling sexist mean-spirited shit" is the day I will find a new hobby.
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