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Everything posted by kih

  1. Have to agree that its disturbing and to me doesn't fall into this category B & S, scams or dangerous encounter. No doubt this parent will be faced with a moray of investigations soon based on hearsay.
  2. this guy needs to get a life - what a loser
  3. BN, Good luck winning this bet. Most women can have a door opened for them with just a smile.
  4. Nifty and convenient for some. I can see pros and cons with this device. The pizza guy has some sort of device that he brings to the door on occasion. Not really sure if its interac or for credit card but it is portable.
  5. Sorry Bobbi ... I got sidetracked looking at your pics. Very nice :)
  6. Much has been said about Kendra which I can relate to my own recent wonderful GF experience? I won?t elaborate the pleasurable details. Thank you Kendra J Hope to see you soon.
  7. For instanceCMJ charity drivehttp://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=19703
  8. For instancehttp://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=19703
  9. Notwithstanding the article - Jaz should put the spin on and use it to her advantage. It may be good for business. I had a friend ask me tonight and appears like he will be joining in the near future. In all, the Gentlemen's Club is private, classy and most of all legitimate.
  10. Why not make it known to all who it is. If it can't be done here try the other board.
  11. If you want to take matters into your own hands The iphone has an ap whereby the holder can create block lists of known numbers which redirect text messages and nuisance calls.
  12. Ladies,Nice to see your creative sides... Very good read.
  13. BN,Nice summary. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Congrats Annessa .... and kudos to the other nominees for your contributions. :)
  15. IWelcome to Cerb! Take a chance and share your pics. We are a community with a variety of likes. :)
  16. I suspect she may of been naughty in one form or another.
  17. You may not have a criminal record but the police force will retain information of the circumstance which could come back and haunt. Diligence is paramount.
  18. Collective information is wealth and another circumstance brought forward.
  19. As mentioned - just ask in a polite way. Additionally, why not inquire what her fantasies and fetises are as well. You might be surprised.
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