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Everything posted by hunter08

  1. same to you CK have a good holiday you desevre it
  2. i've been on here for awhile searching checking out reviews been with a few never written any reviews because they haven't been worth while but now i'm just going wait and see emma alexzandra when see comes just hope it's worth the wait which i'm sure it will be [lol]
  3. it's nice to dream about a nice sp that you have met just don't start calling her name out in your sleep that wouldn't go over well for the ones that are married [just hope it don't happen]
  4. if you figuire it will help her out go for it they all need a little help sometimes and maybe you'll get a reward later on
  5. good luck in what you are going to do all the more power to you but every body needs a little play time it will always be thier in the back of your mind to go and have some fun so have a merry christmas and have a happy new year
  6. check in the post's might be some in thier just do a bit of reading then you might find yourself one
  7. just go and check out the massage section or go to the reviews
  8. if it's true i guess they'll have to advertise on cl
  9. welcome to cerb you should post a pic with some info
  10. i don't think the sp's care if you are single ,married or what ever as long as they make the money
  11. good post cumquat but how many would click on the right age
  12. go and check the reviews maybe you'll find something on her
  13. where did you find her but i've never saw her check in the reviews
  14. i never carry my wallet always leave it locked in the truck guess i should carry it because if you trust the sp enough to go see her shurely you can trust her not to take your wallet now if your going to see someone off cl then i wouldn't take it [i'd put it in a safe somewhere] lol
  15. i never carry my wallet always leave it locked in the truck guess i should carry it because if you trust the sp enough to go see her shurely you can trust her not to take your wallet now if your going to see someone off cl then i wouldn't take it [i'd put it in a safe somewhere] lol
  16. and also if you send them back an email saying your not joining that site they are a little pissed and worse when you tell them it's a scam
  17. congrats dummpy thanks for all the helpfull info keep it coming
  18. very good story guess you just can't trust know one to bad for him
  19. all he has to do is just watch the shout lots on thier
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