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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. We should also be thankful that the wonderful poll here has "Up" trouncing "Down". I thought it would have been much closer? ;)
  2. In another study performed by me, I found that I had less dances from girls who were more agitated than usual, or had strings hanging from their vaginas. Still haven't figured out the correlation... Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Ah Grasshopper sweetie, I love your typos and broken english sometimes...so cute ;) Decease free is the ONLY way to go! Posted via Mobile Device
  4. All licence plates should be blurred out according to Google... I thought this was neat...typed in my address and saw my son and dog on the front lawn playing ;)
  5. Guys, do a search and you'll get all the info you need.
  6. I do believe that when you get a good reputation, it remains credible even if it hasn't been added to for awhile. Sure, the new ones bump you to the top of the list as being most recent, but any guy that does the slightest bit of research will go looking for the recs on a specific girl. There are some amazing ladies that haven't had an update for a long time and are still active. If I look up a girl that had 2 or 3 recs from posters I've never heard of and nothing has been said in 6 months, don't think I'm going to go there to be honest. If a girl has 2 or 3 pages of recs from well known cerbites, I don't put any thought into the fact that nothing has been said for months, the rep is still valid in my eyes.
  7. That's pretty common for most recos actually. Maybe some guys feel they said it all the first time, maybe they think if they keep adding to it every time that they're shilling? Posted via Mobile Device
  8. Well, given that there are some ladies that have rates ranging from $500 to $5000 per hour, you could have said your rate was extremely reasonable ;) Especially considering the stellar experience you provide!
  9. Actually, the thread is about clients, not the girls. No offense but they are 2 very different issues.
  10. Annessa, perhaps the best approach for you to take is to make it your policy when communicating back to the client that yes, you are available for that time, but it is not officially booked until you receive confirmation. In your usual pleasant demeanour of course. It won't get rid of all the scheduling snafus and inconsiderate clients, but it might stifle some of the problems. Whenever I make arrangements with anyone, there's always a well defined time, date, and place that is concrete and confirmed from both parties. If I don't have that and I don't get a prompt and clear response within a certain time frame, at a certain point I consider the date to be a no-go and make arrangements to fill my time with something else. Granted, there's always going to be exceptions to the rule and everyone is different, but I generally make a point of 'forcing' a reply to ensure that everything is understood. If a girl emails me back saying yes, she can do that time, I'll ask to reconfirm the duration and rate even though I know what it is. Even asking "Sounds good?" at the end puts a question back to be answered. I hope this isn't happening from repeat clients though?
  11. She has an ad posted here and a profile...do a search Posted via Mobile Device
  12. Wasn't me! Truth be told, closest I ever came to something like that was this one time we were putting our clothes on afterwards. It was a little dark and I was fumbling around for my jeans and mistakenly tried to put hers on instead. Didn't quite fit ;)
  13. Well for sure...you don't connect with people talking about the weather. No doubt I've inadvertently crossed the line myself at times, especially when I first started. Sometimes a conversation leads that way. But every guy needs to respect the fact that things like your family or why you're doing this or whatever is none of their business if you don't want it to be. If they get pushy, that's just as rude as asking for a service you don't offer.
  14. That's how some people relate to others, but I'm sure if you just playfully dismiss it with a smile, your point will be taken in a pleasant way. Most guys understand you have a boundary and that's that.
  15. Yeah once, and then I found out after they were yours...never again!
  16. My dick isn't huge, but it plays a huge factor in my decision. Takes over my brain sometimes...wait, what was the question?
  17. ...and now I can say I have finally seen the Canadian "Girlfriend Experience". I had a bad feeling when it started. It is a fictional story filmed as a documentary, and that method of storytelling I typically find pretentious or annoying. But as the film progressed, it became obvious that it served the narrative extremely well and was used to great effect, and actually became part of the movie's underlying motif. Even though the main character (Daniel) was an extreme case of obsession regarding his involvement with sex workers, there were many thoughts and emotions expressed - especially in the beginning of the film - that were so very close to my own 'girlfriend experiences'. Of course not everything was spot-on, but there was a lot of truth regarding some clients' perspectives...good and bad. It plays very heavily on the mind fuck aspect for the client, and this was underlined in certain ways that I found quite brilliant. You never see or hear the object of Daniel's obsession, and re-inactments were filmed to illustrate what "really" happens. In one scene, Daniel is having a conversation with the sp he is obsessing over as she is leaving. As the actress finishes her line, he wants to stop and do a re-take because he wants to stress that she didn't say it like that - use more sarcasm. Since you don't hear how the sp spoke the words in the first place, you are left questioning his original perception of the conversation. We don't remember how things happen, we distort the versions into the truth we want to believe. Even the credits at the beginning and the end of the film for the director are meant to mess with your mind...see if you catch that one ;) Definitely worth watching though, I was impressed...
  18. Not the greatest name for a website though, I avoid it for that reason alone. Besides, there's other ways of getting thumbs right off of craigs...without calling the girls bitches!
  19. I don't like it personally because I know I am capable of taking a call under the right circumstances. However, I also know there's too many people out there that don't gauge the situation properly and aren't very good drivers in the first place. So for the greater good, I can accept the law. The worst part about cell phones is that certain individuals find it acceptable to talk about bullshit wherever they are. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  20. Haven't gone through the whole thread, but has any one mentioned how the acronym for this group (RHAG) celebrating the colour red is a bit unusual? ;)
  21. Are you kidding? There will be guys lined up around the block either telling the truth for the first time in their lfe, or saying 1.5 inches and then trying to haggle whether or not she meant hard or soft ;)
  22. Well I just had to repeat and felt that this girl needed some practical gifts this time around. So I made a trip to the toy store, filled a shopping cart and much fun ensued after. Yay! Everytime I see this girl, all I hear are the immortal words of Liz Lemon..."I want to go there!"
  23. Ah yes, another time honoured Cerb tradition...the dealing with losers rant. I always hope for the threads to never come back and they always do...because there's always a few dicks that keep doing it. So if any of you gents that behave in such a way are reading, please keep these thoughts in mind: asking for a discount costs extra, and under no circumstances will you get the discount. if you're so handsome and well endowed, go to a bar and theoretically you might be able to get it for free. But then again probably not since you're a big douche. if you can't afford it, you don't get it. This is also why you drive a Neon instead of a Porsche. these girls can get laid quite easily whenever they want. And you're not what they want. masturbation is your friend. Embrace it and your penis because it is the only friend you have. Everybody else is annoyed with you. But sigh, I doubt they're reading this. Or are able to read...
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