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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. Just adding to the list of myriad remedies here. I know many people who swear that this stuff can cure everything - including depression, cancer and ambition - although I can't say I personally have tried it as an answer to the common cold. It's called weed. Might not help a cough very much though...
  2. I hope that's not the scoop from the litter box. Sorry couldn't resist ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  3. There's a few shady people out there that will do or say anything to get money out of you, but you should be able to read that. I definitely wouldn't paint them all with the same brush, majority of girls that I go back to have big hearts and are amazing people. I have seen some manipulative ones too, but the minute they start playing that game I laugh them off or play with them. I hate that shit and they'll never get anything out of me...including any business in the future. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. buggernot

    Tablet PC's

    It won't be a flop because there's enough Apple fanboys and tech freaks that have to have the newest latest, but this still isn't enough to make Tablet PC's desirable. Just a big toy, that's all it is. Somebody else needs to come along and do it right - a locked down unit like this cannot do what laptops/netbooks can. Made me laugh when I first saw this picture though. It's not that the iPhone got bigger, it's more like it stayed the same size and Steve Jobs got smaller:
  5. There was this movie from the 80's that my parents had taped on VHS called Desert Hearts that had this really intense and passionate scene in it. The movie was about one woman meeting a lesbian back when it was still very taboo to be anything but hetero. Or something like that - I barely remember any of it except for that scene because I was a teenager and must have watched it to jerk off like a million times.
  6. Katedot + cerb = Lucy I sent you a PM...do you want the nickel via PayPal or Western Union?
  7. Everybody has anxiety, it's just that some have a better grasp of it than others. And some may periodically get mixed feelings about this particular activity because of uncertainties and emotional responses. Fear of the unknown creates anxiety, but conversely it can be exciting too. I think even if you have your sexuality in check and feel comfortable in your own shell, the pangs of anxiety will still emerge from time to time. If that's not the case, the creeping feeling will manifest itself continually with much intensity. C'est la vie
  8. I'll assume that you get more than a few questions that would have been answered had the sender knew how to read, or the one line 'canned' messages that seem the same every time like a guy is just looking to do anyone asap. Every response you get here will be yes, we read the ads. And you'll still get the annoying dudes asking about your services and rates even if they are flashing in neon on your website. Maybe a solution to this problem is for the sp's to embed the info right in their pics since that's all that some people seem to have the attention for. Hmmm, but then again it might not look too good to have like, rates displayed over body parts ;)
  9. You can pull a muscle taking a shit. I ain't stopping that either. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Haha - you picked to try a guy just once, right? ;)
  11. No, you are correct - but I guess my slant on what was being said is that it was suggested deception might possibly have an adverse effect, so caution was warranted. Personally I would love it right now if a friend splurged and got me an escort. But 15 years ago when I was basically in a similar situation as said roommate, probably not. It's not a deception like a surprise birthday party, and it's someone who is likely clinically depressed and hopeless. And some guys perceive the act of paying for sex to be pathetic or desperate. Taking a chance on something as emotionally charged as a sexual encounter could make things worse unless you're confident that it is an experience a friend can easily depersonalize if necessary.
  12. Yeah, Aylhin is definitely the TS that started me thinking I really wanted to try that kind of experience. Beautiful. I thought I heard somewhere here that she got the surgery and was done, but guess I'm wrong? Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Unless there was a post that was deleted here, I don't see anyone jumping on the OP or being hypocritical for cautioning against deception. Of course this whole game has a huge deceptive angle for everybody involved, but those are choices we make for ourselves.
  14. Can you be more specific? Mine or Katedot's? Inquiring minds need to know ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  15. Actually, it's not that bad an idea BUT deception is not the way to go. Just tell him, "Dude, I'm gonna get you laid", break down to him what it is you're doing and how/why you know about it, and it could turn out alright. Granted, what he really needs is a job and some anti-depressants, but the simple act of getting laid could be a small step in the right direction. If it's a trick and does not go well, the potential to make things worse is huge. Trust me on this one... Posted via Mobile Device
  16. I have a stash of Durex Sensithin and Kimonos. The Kimonos feel good but make me paranoid sometimes because if it's dark and she's really wet, they look invisible. One time I pulled out and was convinced that the thing broke like halfway down the shaft, so I freaked out and went to get another one but it was still completely intact. Picked up some Avanti Bare for those who may be lactose intolerant...fuck, no, I mean allergic to latex. Haven't had a chance to try them on a real live specimen, but I jerked off into one to see if would be a decent fit. The last iteration of non-latex Avanti didn't feel like they were tight enough on my skinny old knob, these might be better. I'll take some latex sensitive testing volunteers over here as well. ;)
  17. Because it's a penis with teeth and legs...
  18. People who don't know shit shouldn't be allowed to be quoted in the news. This woman is simply stating her opinion which has no basis in fact. It's just as easy to rebut her assertions by saying better welfare rates would be bad because it will only produce more white-trash children. And who's to say that those who profess to wanting prostitution legal are not also fighting for universal education and job skills training? That kind of black and white logic belongs in a mental institution.
  19. People may change on the inside as they get older, but the essence of who they are will remain the same. Actually, with age and life experience, a person generally becomes more rounded and interesting. Your 30 year old friend should be more attractive now than she was 10 years ago, unless all you see is the outer shell. If you don't start realizing that, yes you are setting yourself up for a life by yourself. Every time I hear someone say that they like variety, makes me wonder about why they don't understand that you have to give a little before you get. Sure, it's great and all to have a steady harem of young, beautiful girls at your disposal, but if you want real companionship, you have to make sacrifices. There's nothing better than waking up next to someone who cares about you and vice-versa.
  20. This is one reason why I wish I were gay sometimes. I'm sure there's some courtship or wining and dining that goes on for some gay guys, but for the most part it's, "Wanna fuck?" and simple. And sometimes I wish all girls were that simple too, but then again maybe not. The world might be like this ;)
  21. Whatever region you're in, just try and think of something that could spark interesting discussion and start a thread. Please. Hasn't been a whole hell of a lot of that around here lately. Doesn't matter who starts it, if it's worth talking about you'll get some varying responses and the ladies will chime in their 2 cents to boot.
  22. For me, I'm straight as they come. The thought of kissing another man is - no offense to anyone - repulsive. Probably a common thought, I'm sure. However, the phallus is a very intriguing sex object. Everything else attached I could do without but, when I really think about it, what the hell is so damn appealing about watching porn with well hung guys? You'd think that there would be a market for normal size weiner porn since all those monster cock vids must be making most men suffer from an inferiority complex. And many porn shoots are really a woman and a hard dick as a prop - you barely see anything else. A nice cock can be appealing though. I've tinkered with the thought of a TS since the other non penis bits are female. So having the experience of getting fucked or perhaps giving head is a thought. Getting head from a gay guy might be an experience as well, but that's a tough one. Takes a great blowjob from a girl for me to get off, so who knows what the impact would be if I can't get the negative thoughts from my mind. Just close your eyes and enjoy the ride? Who knows?
  23. This one's for the boys here only. Just for fun and we may get some interesting discussion out of it - for those that can be honest ;) Where on the scale do you put having a sexual experience with another guy? Doesn't have to be a full blown love affair, only some type of experience. You know, maybe get some head from someone who understands your 'parts' (a mouth is a mouth is a mouth) or try catching for once.
  24. This is one of my faves, can't believe I never thought about it until now. Although it's fairly ambiguous and could be about depression/self-esteem/suicide/etc., there's an argument to be made about the hooker angle: Interpol - Stella was a diver and she was always down
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