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Everything posted by ford1976

  1. I know this is a sex related board, and I don't mean to single out just this post (sorry Sputy), but some people seem to like to through around the term sex addict, around here. I don't like this, mainly because there people who are sex addicts, and I don't think it is acceptable to make light of other peoples problems. Sexual addiction is defined as any sexually-related, compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living and causes severe stress on family, friends, loved ones, and one's work environment. A high sex drive is not sex addiction, and craving is not an addiction, these are all acceptable under a health sex life. It's when your sex life hurts the people you care about because you can not control yourself, then you are an addict, just like drug and alcohol addiction. Sorry for the Friday rant, I may have just needed a rant
  2. I always preferred to be a motivated man, behind a sexy woman :wink:
  3. I've never been much of a music video watcher, but here a a few that I like: Black Lable Society - In this River http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh3xtcc1ow0 Northren Pikes - She Ain't Pretty Pink - Sober http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89V7hvEmSD8 Garbage - sex is not the enemy Guns & Roses - Novermber Rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbkG6Za6w5s
  4. Don't worry Emma, we've got your back ..... mmmm Emma's back ....... mmmmmm Emma
  5. I can't vouch for the validity of this link, but I thought it was rather funny cause it wasn't me. http://failblog.org/2009/04/20/beach-relaxation-fail/
  6. shouldn't it be a tiara if you a princess? Queens wear crowns .... you'll have to practice your little royal half wave now. Also you'll have to use the formal "We" when referring to yourself :wink:.
  7. Just like others have said, from my experiences I've found everyone is different in what they like. I prefer to try and get in sync with my partner, if she wants things harder she will say so, if not in words, then in actions. Simple touches and teasing can tell you so much about what a person enjoys, or doesn't if you can gauge their reaction correctly. Just my 2 cents on teh subject.
  8. Hi Everyone, Here is an interesting article that some might want to read. http://blogs.usatoday.com/betterlife/2009/04/researchers-suspect-oral-sex-to-blame-for-rise-in-tonsil-cancer.html
  9. Any forum that is popular, and has even a hint of being anonymous will get people like this anyway. Some people just like to hide behind nicknames and cause trouble. If some one wants to be a valued member of the board, and they did unwittingly choose a nickname close to another valued member it is very simple to change, by realizing your mistake and fixing it. The people who don't do this always seem to be the ones to cause trouble (maybe its because they are the only ones that draw attention to themselves). Unfortunately, there is no way to keep these people out until there is a problem. Thankfully good Mods, like here, don't let it become a massive problem, but as CERB keeps expanding, the number of bad apples will also increase. Thats just my little rant on the subject
  10. Any forum that is popular, and has even a hint of being anonymous will get people like this anyway. Some people just like to hide behind nicknames and cause trouble. If some one wants to be a valued member of the board, and they did unwittingly choose a nickname close to another valued member it is very simple to change, by realizing your mistake and fixing it. The people who don't do this always seem to be the ones to cause trouble (maybe its because they are the only ones that draw attention to themselves). Unfortunately, there is no way to keep these people out until there is a problem. Thankfully good Mods, like here, don't let it become a massive problem, but as CERB keeps expanding, the number of bad apples will also increase. Thats just my little rant on the subject
  11. Someone has to keep it clean and gassed up for when you want it :smile:
  12. 1) Give half to immediate family 2) Pay off all debt 3) Buy 2 houses one for me, and one for a friend to live in rent free for a while 4) A nice long vacation, some place warm, sandy, by the water and with drinks with little umbrellas 5) A jaguar XK, you know, incase someone wants to borrow it :wink:
  13. Happy St. Patty's day to everyone! Now I just have to explain my green tongue to everyone for the next few days. Some green dyes should not be used in green beer!
  14. Mine would have to be in no particular order Anne Hathaway Evangeline Lilly Zooey Deschanel Kristen Bell Courtney Cox
  15. Hail to the king, baby. - Army of Darkness If you *really* wanted to screw me up, you should've gotten to me earlier. - High Fidelity
  16. I've always thought of you as a thunderstorm, where cool and hot meet with electrifying results ;-)
  17. Happy Birthday Emma, may it be your best Birthday yet, and not as good as the next one. :wink:
  18. I don't see why people complain so much about what the ladies charge for their time. It is their choice, as to what their time is worth. I personally set an hourly rate of my own time, and have many friends that do the same. Sure economics play a part in price setting, and prices may be cheaper somewhere else, but we are not somewhere else. We should have all learned by now that if you want something and can't afford it, either save up for it, or go without. Sure I'd be very happy if everything was less expensive and I could have everything that I wanted. However, until I become the head of a royal family of some oil producing country, I'll continue to enjoy myself when the luxury permits.
  19. It always amazes me how some people converse with other people. Why be rude, especially if you're looking to interact with someone. I know I always want to do that extra little bit for the rude ass (hmmm there is no sarcasm font). That is why I wait until 5 am to drunkenly call Emma :wink:.
  20. I'm not positive but I believe it is "to completion"
  21. and the burning bush said thou shall not commit adultery ... sorry had to say it ;)
  22. In my opinion asking anyone to lower the quality of their service for a lower rate is definitely rude. Any professional who excels at their job usually got there by striving to do their best, and to ask someone not to do their best insults them. Just like anything in life the more skilled and experienced the professional the better they are payed. The computer technician just out of school may have the same qualifications as the senior tech, but he may not be as good at the job yet. This is not to say that paying more always yields better service, but most of the time it is true. If a lady is good at what she does, she can set a higher rate because people will pay for that extra effort that she makes to make the experience memorable. You wouldn't ask a doctor for a cheaper rate because you don't think you're as sick as the last patient. This is just my 2 cents. If you're lucky you may find a hidden gem, that is not well known yet, who may provide top notch service at a lower rate. Chances are though, as more and more people find out about her (and thanks to CERB we all will) she'll become one of the elite.
  23. The first principle is that you must not fool yourself - and you are the easiest person to fool. Richard Feynman
  24. Being from Halifax, I?ve been fortunate enough to spend some time with Emma. She is truly one wonderful lady. She has that unique blend of looks, personality, class and a wee bit of naughtiness, which will put you at ease at once, but leave you wanting more. Emma seems to truly enjoy what she does and goes out of her way to set the mood, and make you comfortable. Her sensual nature is very apparent, as she is quite the cuddler. Her incall location is about 15 minutes from down town Halifax, while currently under some renovations, it does contain a very comfortable bed. Details aside, if you treat this lady with the respect she deserves, then you will definitely enjoy yourself.
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