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Everything posted by sexnonstop724

  1. sexnonstop724

    IMG 1011

    Very lovely picture! Beautiful eyes!
  2. sexnonstop724

    Enjoying the view

    We are too!! Beautiful view I won't grow tire of.
  3. sexnonstop724

  4. Check these out! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=5769 SNS724 Additional Comments: Back to Back good ones this morning!! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=6033 Makes me think of a duo day!! SNS724
  5. Finally took a chance with an Asian agency. Experience is far better than expected. Coco is such a sweetie, cute, pretty and so tiny! All you Asian fans out there. This is probably what you might be looking for. She start off very shy and passive. But as we got more acquainted, your requests will likely get accommodated. Location is nice and clean. A new Fan for Coco. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=2829 Repeat a must. SNS724
  6. Regardless of where you are, RESPECT is still warranted. I am sure if we read and post our comments only on local issues, it will be kinda boring. I am sure we all have commented on issues beyond our city limits. Be it on this board or others. SNS724
  7. Make sure your number is not blocked or call from pay phones. Most do not answer to any of these two type of calls. SNS724
  8. sexnonstop724

    Licks and nibbles!!
  9. Looking forward to seeing your post again on CERB! Get well soon! SNS724
  10. sexnonstop724

    Ready for you.

    nibbles and licks!
  11. sexnonstop724


    Beautiful shot!
  12. sexnonstop724

  13. sexnonstop724


    Hottie alert!
  14. Night time, day time, dinner time, lunch time...anytime is good is good times when you are in Ottawa!!
  15. sexnonstop724

    great view :)

    Simply perfect!
  16. Thank you, fellow Cerbies!! Especially CATO, you are amongst the first to wish be a happy birthday! SNS724
  17. You don't want to miss this one! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=5337 SNS724
  18. A hot bowl of soup always gives me the warm and fuzzy. sns724
  19. sexnonstop724

    Kitchen fantasy!
  20. Play the Harmonica for her next time you see her! Works both ways. Keep her guessing or advance the train wreck. SNS724
  21. What a sweet and wonderful experience I had this morning!! Nice location, clean apartment. With her, even a 2 hr sessions is too short, especially with the soapy shower and nice massage. And with that mischievous smile and twinkle in her eyes when she said "Are you ready to go again?" She sure got me going again! And I am sure I'll be going again and again! SNS724
  22. Not much need to be added. Excellent lips and tongue skills. And really knows how to pamper and relief stress. SNS724
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