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Everything posted by sexnonstop724

  1. sexnonstop724

    Such a beautiful face!!
  2. I like it because I can see my lady friends visit from time to time and reminds me...it's time to spend some time with them again. SNS724
  3. Usually the soapy shower for 2 after the first round with a helping hand do the trick for me. SNS724
  4. sexnonstop724


    Perfection within reach!!
  5. sexnonstop724


    Lovely naturals!!
  6. Some business people can use their company card for misc charges. I am surprised that not more of these requests come up. But for both parties, any trace and trackable $$ might not be the best option. SNS724
  7. Some business people can use their company card for misc charges. I am surprised that not more of these requests come up. But for both parties, any trace and trackable $$ might not be the best option. SNS724
  8. Regardless of political views. We have lost a great Canadian. SNS724
  9. I am sure it will be a welcomed sight!! Do show us!! SNS724
  10. Nice new addition! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3592&pictureid=22214 SNS724 Additional Comments:
  11. The best I had was at a cottage with some friends. Nothing planned, just happened. At a private beach, just chatting with a friend of friend, sun tanning. Sex wasn't even part of the conversation, just made a connection. One moment we were just talking, next moment, we looked at each other in the eye and bang, we were right into it without even worrying if anyone was watching. That sudden spark was hard to come by and sometimes. Once in a life time. SNS724
  12. She can be nominated to multiple best of threads!! Nice Legs! Nice Bum! Nice Breast!
  13. Lucky for me, we fitted into the shower just fine. And even have a little room to play. Can't wait till she goes indy one day. SNS724
  14. Kylie added more pictures. Worth another look!! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3558 SNS724
  15. Heck, I would even take watching the Twins thing, letalone doing the Twins thing! Just find it hard to find and rarely comes by. Lucky you! SNS724
  16. How could I have forgotten the twins fantasy. Even biological sisters would be a good start! SNS724
  17. Dear Malika, It is unfortunate that you have to run into people that are close minded. People fear what they don't know or understand. And whatever religion, some time along the way, the minority extremist had one time or another made it bad for everyone else. In many cultures, super natural powers are better understood and practiced. Usually for healing and protection. I would either ignore what I see or openly ask about the practice. Might learn something new and exciting, doesn't mean I have to practice the craft. But knowledge is power!! How you use that power is totally another story. SNS724
  18. But well worth the wait!! Enjoy my fellow cerbies!! http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=3558 SNS724
  19. Have a fun filled trip!! Don't get too attached in UK. We want you back here!! SNS724
  20. sexnonstop724


    I can spend hours with you!!
  21. Orgy with 5-6 ladies of multi ethnicity, lots of oil covered bodies, nonstop oral for as long as our bodies and mind can handle. The image of different skin colour all tangled up, different hair colours, blonde, black, red, brunette, brown, pink etc all covered with glistening oil. Even thinking about it now I am super turned on. SNS724
  22. Thank you all for making this an extra special day for me!! SNS724
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