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About Krayzie

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    General Member

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    Thunder Bay

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  1. I've seen Misty numerous times now and have not been disappointed once. She really is that good. She's funny, sweet, caring and incredibly beautiful. Things get better with every visit.
  2. I thought it was a bit odd that the video had so many comments for something that I thought was new until I saw the 2006 date A quick google search led to http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1832445,00.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spray-on_condom
  3. Her name sounded familiar to me so I had to google her...in case you weren't aware: http://www.kara-sutra.com/ http://blip.tv/sexed102withkarasutra I also found that it was her holidaychild account that was banned but she still has http://www.youtube.com/user/KaraSutraTv
  4. There's really not a whole lot I can add that hasn't already been said...I mean the term 'addictive' seems to say it all doesn't it? Sugar Kayne really is that good. I only spent an hour with her and regretted not asking for more time. The only thing I can add is i'm not really much of a talker, but she was able to get me to open up and even tell her a short story of something funny that happened to me. I had a great time with her and hope to see her again soon.
  5. Thanks for the gift idea Phaedrus. Seeing as my cousin and I only buy eachother gag gifts, this will be a good one for Christmas.
  6. I lost a cat when I was a kid and 2 dogs that weren't mine, but knew and saw often enough that it still hurt deeply. A few years ago I came across this while looking for something totally unrelated. It's certainly a pleasant thought. http://www.petloss.com/rainbowbridge.htm
  7. Sometimes an explanation goes great with an apology even if you don't think it will be accepted.
  8. I was buying a new tv at a big box store on boxing day, the sticker right below the display said 1299.99. Salesman: "That's a great buy for $1299." Me: "Sure looks like it. How much is it?" Salesman: "...1299..." Me: "...I meant after tax..." I wasn't fooling anyone. What I meant to say I was dating a girl in high school. One day after school I was home thinking about her when the phone rang. I picked up and instead of saying hello I accidently said "I love you". The person on the other end responded with "Now that's what I call a hello!" It wasn't my girlfriend.
  9. I stumbled across a video today of a guy in the US who apparantly is quite popular. When looking through his videos on youtube you can see he's been on the news multiple times as well as The Maury Show, the comments and number of views on his videos shows that he has a following. http://www.youtube.com/user/videovigilanteokc#p/u http://johntv.com/ Has anyone heard of this guy?
  10. Terry Crew's Old Spice ads seem to make me walk around yelling "po po po po po po power!"
  11. Cerb's own Cleo Catra relaxing outdoors. She can be seen around 2:10 point.
  12. I find this to be a really good, informative place to find info: http://www.av-comparatives.org/en/comparativesreviews
  13. Hi Everyone :) I'm new to this but I've lurked around here for awhile and it seems I should consider myself lucky to have found this board as it seems everybody is helpful and friendly. As I said, I'm new to this but I've been trying to soak up information so I don't have to ask questions that have been asked before...and because I generally don't like asking questions even if it makes me look like an idiot...though I've noticed that won't fly around here. So with that in mind I do have a question... Condoms...do the guys provide them or do the ladies take care of that? Like I said, I kind of feel foolish for having to ask, but I haven't seen much mention of it before... maybe because it's a basic question and the answer is obvious and I'm too dense to see it.
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