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Everything posted by curious2

  1. In the late 80's early 90's they were all wearing "Poison" (and that combined with the smell of cigarettes back when everybody smoked inside the clubs). Now there are all sorts of different perfumes and no more smoke inside, but the perfume smell can definitely be detected immediately upon entering any club! :)
  2. I don't go there nearly as much as I did when you danced there, but they've made a lot of improvements in the decor--the downstairs CR is by far the classiest looking in Ottawa, the chairs/couches throughout the club are attractive, the bathroom is quite nice (although the "trough"-type urinal is strange and the attendant expecting tips on Saturday nights is annoying), better looking murals on the walls, etc. Late Saturday nights is still extremely busy--I prefer much quieter daytimes. Additional Comments:
  3. I've noticed that stage names have become a lot more "normal" sounding in the past few years. That's a welcome change, but the trend that I thought was a bit odd is that I've had several younger dancers lately mention their real names right away, off-hand, totally unprompted. Has anyone else noticed this, and do you think it's just the Facebook-generation not being concerned with privacy as well as the lessened stigma about stripping these days?
  4. 15 years ago when I last went there they had a sign on the door that said "No Gang Colours Allowed". I promptly decided that a place with a sign like that was no place for a guy like me who wouldn't know a gang colour if he tripped over it, so I never went back. Of course, I switched to the Nuden, which doesn't have a sign but I've heard repeatedly is also heavily involved with the biker subculture so there's probably no avoiding it in this hobby.
  5. Must have been difficult in their crappy little cattle-stall champagne room! That has to be the worst CR ever.
  6. Almost totally empty of clients. You wouldn't think so as it's right downtown, but usually just a bunch of dancers standing around hoping for some guy to walk in. Nuden is also very quiet. Barefax has much more daytime traffic, Pigale even more so.
  7. They built a gorgeous new VIP room downstairs (it's behind the wall with the old small open booths). I wonder if the new bar "Obsession" will go the way of "Topaz", the pool hall on St. Laurent that closed years ago. Location seems to be the problem--there's nothing else in the industrial location to lure people.
  8. There's a small stage and pole, and plenty of room for a couple, but no movie screen.
  9. I remember as a kid in the early 80's seeing those little "Cinema Pussycat" ads in the Citizen for dirty movies in a theatre in Hull, but since VHS then DVD then Video On Demand I think the demand for public porn theatres has probably dropped off a cliff.
  10. I haven't been to Pigale's in a long time. What did they change about the rooms?
  11. I sure hope that was a typo and you meant to type Cinnamon or something SA, otherwise that might be the worst stage name ever! :)
  12. I really must say that that's a big fat lie! :lol:
  13. You're right, many clubs are completely dead with very few girls right at lunch time. Barefax isn't like that at all (you'd think with the downtown location Barb's would be busy too, but not so much). The Fax has lots of girls who start before noon.
  14. She was one of my favourite dancers at the Nuden. I was then happy to find out that she moved to the massage club CMJ--I got a lot of dances from her in their "Seduction Lounge" (kind of like your own private Champagne Room, except with a stage and pole, and much more economical than a strip club!). She left there several months ago, and I don't know what she's doing now.
  15. My wife and I used to enjoy going to them years ago, but they stopped running them (and I always wondered why, since the place was packed--way more than the typical evening). They switched to just occasional "Chippendales"-type shows for women, which aren't real enticing for me to go to. (Like their website says they're having a "Girls Night Out" on November 7, "Ladies Only"). It would be great if they resumed--any current information on couples shows with both male and female dancers?
  16. Ottawa used to be like that in the bad old days. Am I ever glad things have progressed substantially over the course of my "career" as a strip club aficionado! :)
  17. I disagree. I've spent a huge amount of time over several years with one dancer at the Nuden (an extremely low-mileage club), and our connection and comfort level is very good, but mileage is extremely low and I suspect will remain so until she leaves the business.
  18. A bit of a dive, but great fun anyway! Speaking of dives, didn't mean to hijack this thread... :)
  19. Like "Cougars" (probably not that particular name for the age implications!) or "Panthers" or something like that. I've been to Million Dollar Saloon in downtown Windsor as it was near my hotel, and well, I have very little ability to resist my favourite hobby, but I don't think I used their bank machine.
  20. I went to a strip club in Windsor with an ATM that charged a service fee of 10%!
  21. Several girls at Pigale have said to me that it's way easier for them to make money here because there are so many girls to compete with and they often have to give cheaper dances in Montreal.
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