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Everything posted by conquistador

  1. Congrats RG...8000, Wow!...Another 8000 more?!...is that possible???...probably is if you're posting! keep up the great postings, cheers.
  2. I'm not sure if it's totally fair. Yes, it was a horrible thing for him to do to you and not very respectful. The least he could have done was email/text you at some point during the day to explain himself. But for warning him to others, i'm not sure if that is fair. If he did it more than once to you then, yes, tell others that he is a time waster. And for yourself, that you don't see him again...once is too many. I just think for the benefit of the doubt and not knowing why he didn't show up that maybe telling others is harsh...just my opinion. I know i was cancelled on once and not given a reason, no answer, now i wouldn't see her again but i would not necessarily tell others she did this...benefit of the doubt...my time was wasted as well. I'm not condoning it though, as it is wrong on his part. Sorry this happened to you.
  3. Charlotte mentions $1500 dollars in her response.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgP_HmTyMQk - bud light - fishing budweiser - yelling
  5. It wouldn't really bother me to have a separate Ottawa -General section. Maybe some guys only stick to the Ottawa section, so why not have a general section since lately the chatter has picked up. I'm all for it, just would have to be a demand for it i think.
  6. I have to agree with Eric on this. Anyone can skew their religion to say it is ok to do, to get what they want. I don't necessarily agree with that, but so be it...to each their own. I grew up going to church every week and stopped pretty much when i started going to Uni, since i was making my own decisions by then. But i went for the sake of my Dad and i lived under his roof, so i didn't really have a choice. But he wasn't strict about anything at home, just you had to go to church. I never believed in having to go to church to be with GOD, you can do that anywhere, if he's listening to everyone?! In the case of Christians, not sure where in the bible they mention going to see a prostitute is a bad thing but it def objects to a prostitute. I think the main issue is that the man is committing ADULTERY when seeing a prostitute, which is a big sin in the bible. Religion can be a funny thing, especially when it comes to saying what is acceptable or not...people pick and choose. Some accept gay marriage and others don't, some accept or will see an SP and others condone it. So this is kind of why I live my life, my way and not follow anybody, less problems that way lol. I try to treat people right and think i have good morals, but if i end up in so-called Hell, so be it Curious, why have you gone back to religion CH?
  7. I would echo this Vanessa...but since i've met you, it wouldn't bother me, cause i know the person you are :)....if it was someone else i might be hesitant.
  8. Hey RG, Do you mean the email icon on the main window screen? To change the password on that one: - click on the mail icon - selecting the three dots, and select Settings - then choose the appropriate account - live.com - then scroll down to Incoming Settings - within there you can change your password to the new one. This should do the trick for you. cheers.
  9. what i like - everything! :) beautiful pics!
  10. sorry to hear this...all the best in your recovery!
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