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About sumcanuck

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    General Member

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    Just a nice, maature guy, love a fine lady and a fine bottle of scotch.
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    Boring, always horny, but boring nonetheless

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  1. Hi all, are there any ladies that offer foot fetish or bdsm in the Ottawa area anymore? Hoping to find a new SP to replace a close friend who has retired and is moving to Vancouver. I'd love to find someone Ottawa based with her own studio/incall. Not a huge fan of spa's as I am a bit shy. Tia 🙂
  2. My idea of foot fetish fun may be pretty vanilla lol. I enjoy extended foot worship, love to suck on toes and love having my nether regions caressed by a nicely lubed set of footsies :0
  3. I know I know its been beat to death on here, but I looooove foot fun so want to revive this thread. Looking for input and recc's on the best sp for foot fun :)
  4. Wow. You are judging my rationale and by extension me, with absolutely no idea of why I would choose to see someone, dine with someone, or of my unique personal circumstances. I have no paranoia issues, rather a valid and genuine need for discretion and a preference for not having to explain new "friends".
  5. Breakfast with an attractive lady, what could be a better way to start your day:)? EXCEPT probably, for us attached guys. I'd love to find an early riser to visit with from time to time as early mornings are easy to schedule. But breakfast in public would absolutely terrify me!
  6. Hi all, since this is a huge fav of mine thought I'd resurrect this thread and see which current providers offer this? Thanks all :)
  7. Talia seems to have left the forum, anyone have a reco for an ebony SP?
  8. I guess I should have been more specific. Summer was a good friend, Alex knew that, she asked me if the original post was in the correct area or if I had an idea of a more appropriate posting location. I understand the need for privacy as well as dare I say anyone. I also know that Summer's family will need some help, but without this aspect of her chosen professions becoming publicized and posted this hoping someone would have an idea as to how that can be accomplished.
  9. Details are sparse, but the gist of it is the community lost a great person, a good friend and an outstanding human being to a sudden brain aneurysm. I will post more details as I learn them but please, anyone else with info do so as well.
  10. Info anyone? http://ottawa.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/come-enjoy-this-sexy-mature-blonde-for-a-relaxing-time-joanne/28770701
  11. As per the title, any reco's? And another question, any that specifically cater to foot fans? Tia
  12. Anyone up for a mmf get together tomorrow? Drop me a line here and we will make it happen :)
  13. Any reco's on an SP that happily caters to foot fun? I am always to shy to ask when meeting and always kick myself after the fact. Anyone had a good experience with an SP that loved having her feet done?
  14. Boy oh boy does this discussion bring back fond memories! The Voyageur, The Carlsbad Showbar, Berwick, Hammond, The Gap....The Ranch...man oh man those WERE the days. And, as mentioned earlier, there was an air of respect between the patrons and the ladies...touch a gal and you were gone (unless she asked you) and the aura was simply one of sexual promise, teasing, and rarely fulfilled liasons. The fleeting touch from a dancer made many a young mans heart flutter, and wallets lighter lol. Ahhh those were the days.
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