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Verified Independent
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VedaSloan last won the day on February 2 2016

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About VedaSloan

  • Rank
    Verified Independent

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  • Profile Welcome Message
    Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Veda, a thirty-something escort in Toronto. I am passionate, quirky and lots of fun. I think outside of the box and have a personality to match.

    Have a look at my galleries, visit my website (www.vedasloan.ch) and drop me a line should you feel so inclined! I can't wait to hear from you.

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    Well-educated, sexy and rebellious.
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  1. Hi I'm Veda Sloan, a mature independent companion based in Toronto. If, like me, you've been around for awhile, you may remember me from my time in Ottawa when I went by Berlin. I'm back in town for personal reasons and have time to see a few guests! I'd love to catch up with old friends or meet some new ones. Rates (Incalls) 300 1h 500 2h 700 3h 50% deposit required. If interested in seeing me while I'm in town, please get in touch. [email protected] www.vedasloan.ch Please include the following info: -your full name -a link to your LinkedIn profile with photo OR your government-issued ID (DL, health card, passport etc) OR a link to your professional work/employment bio with photo (e.g. imdb). -your phone number -your preferred date, time and length of visit e.g. May 15 at 3pm for 1 hour -a little bit about yourself Can't wait to have some fun! Veda
  2. In a rare turn of events, I have cause to be in Ottawa May 15-17 for a book launch and would love to catch up with old friends. These dates are tentative and may change as we get closer to May. Please register your interest by sending me an email containing your screening info if we've never met or if it's been awhile since we've connected. My website with current rates and screening information can be found at www.vedasloan.ch xo, Veda
  3. Hello 👋 I'm Veda, a curvy cutie hosting in Toronto's west end. Please visit my website for important booking information and screening requirements, plus photos and more. http://www.vedasloan.ch I see a select few clients (1 every two weeks), with a 2 hour minimum. I am experienced, professional, and have exactly what you need. My incall is clean, though it is home to two cats. It is wheelchair accessible but unfortunately the bathroom is not. I do not discriminate based on gender, race, or ability. All are welcome. Must be 21+.
  4. I am a nerdy thirty-something with curves for days. Spend some time with me when I visit Ottawa Oct 4-7. Rates 30 min $160 1 hour $240 2 hours $450 To book: please TEXT 416-460-2958 and include your name, and the preferred date and duration of the appointment. A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to confirm any booking and can be sent via e-transfer to [email protected] As this is primarily a research trip (I'm doing a PhD), I will have limited availability and a deposit tells me you are serious about meeting. Schedule Thurs Oct. 4: 7-9pm Friday Oct. 5: 10-12pm; 5pm-9pm Saturday Oct. 6: 10-11am; 3-6pm Sunday Oct 7: N/A Please visit my website for more information: www.meetberlin.ch Location: I will be hosting from a downtown location TBD.
  5. Hi all, the following is a call for participants for my dissertation research! WHO: Adults (18+) of ANY GENDER who have worked in any of the followings sectors of the sex industry (escorting, camming, pornography or bdsm) at least 5 times in the past year in TORONTO or OTTAWA AND who have a disability/impairment or chronic illness or condition. You do not have to identify as disabled or consider your condition a disability to be eligible. e.g. physical (MS, ALS, spinal injuries, amputations, etc), sensory (blind, deaf etc), learning (dyslexia, ADD/ADHD etc), psychiatric (depression, anxiety, personality disorders etc), neurological (autism spectrum), or other impairments such as HIV or chronic illness/pain. WHY: Sex workers with disabilities, chronic illnesses and pain are so often ignored in studies of sexual labour, and sometimes, our illnesses are leveraged against us to support laws which criminalize sex work. It is important that relevant policy makers, politicians, health care professionals and so on, have accurate information about the experiences of those with disabilities who participate in sex work and the ways in which current legislation impacts our labour and our bodies. CONTACT: If you answered yes to the above questions, I’d love to interview you for my dissertation research exploring the relationship between sexual labour and disability in Ontario. Interviews are expected to last anywhere from 40 minutes to two hours. Your participation is voluntary and confidential. You will receive a$25 Visa gift card as a thank you for your time and expertise. Tokens are available upon request. If you think you are eligible, or have further questions, please send me a message here on Lyla, or email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you! This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of York University and complies with research ethics protocols identified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies at York University.
  6. I was quite active here before moving to Toronto but now rarely post for exactly these reasons. Toronto has its own board and various sites and tbh, if you're busy and flourishing, whether within SW or just generally, that doesn't leave a lot of time to spend reading or posting on sites like Lyla, especially if they aren't bringing you business to begin with.
  7. Someone also mentioned https://skipthegames.com/ but I haven't looked at this one or tried it myself.
  8. Forgot about NOW magazine in Toronto. http://adult.nowtoronto.com/ Basic ad runs 7 days and costs $12 (includes 10 photos). Upgrades range from $5 for highlighted ads to $45 for homepage sponsored ads.
  9. Hi all, In light of the FBI seizing Backpage, I though it'd be good to have a list of alternatives all in one place. Please update with any others you know of. VIP Favours www.vipfavours.com -free to put up a profile which includes a space to update your schedule. Slixa http://www.slixa.ca -allows free profiles, but you need to pay to have active ads. Takes credit cards. Leo List http://www.leolist.cc -classifieds site similar to Backpage (but much nicer looking, imo). Can post free ads, but bumping your ad or featured ads cost a minimal fee (you can buy bumps in packages of 10, 20 or 50 and each bump is $0.25). Takes credit cards (MC/VISA) or cryptocurrency. Has a nice feature where they make sure your ad stays on the first page (again for a minimal fee). And of course all the regular review boards that are still around. Please update with others if you're aware.
  10. EDIT/UPDATE: TER is not down, it's just not available for US users. However, I've heard that you can still log in using a VPN. REDDIT groups are still up but heavily censored. Encrypted emails: protonmail, hushmail, safe office If you're on Twitter, @melissagira is updating and keeping on top of all things SESTA/FOSTA
  11. Due to SESTA/FOSTA (Stop Enabling Sex Trafficking Act and Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) in the US being passed in the Senate, which holds websites criminally liable for user content, Backpage (all domains, including Canada) have been seized by the FBI and the owner's house has been raided. This is in addition to a number of US-based ad sites (Cityvibe, TER, etc) being taken down, all sex worker related subreddits on Reddit have been purged and Craigslist ditched the entire personals section, Microsoft has new TOS that prohibits "offensive language" and nudity on all platforms including Skype and Xbox Live, and Google has been removing porn links from Drive. Check it: https://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2018/04/02/the-impact-of-fosta-sesta-on-online-sex-work-communities/ Additional Comments: If you haven't been paying attention, escorts, I suggest you save your website content because most .com, .net, .org are hosted in the US and could be taken down without warning. You can still use Wordpress CMS, but it needs to be hosted elsewhere, if you are hosting with them directly, they will ban your site. Also, GET AN ENCRYPTED EMAIL ASAP.
  12. VedaSloan


  13. Hi all, Some of you may remember me, but for those who don't, I'm Berlin, I was a fixture here in Ottawa for close to 7 years before I moved to Toronto to pursue graduate school. Well, now I'm doing a PhD and I need your help to get my ass to the Law and Society conference in Mexico City, Mexico this June. There is a special mini conference happening within on Sex Work, Law and Society and I've been accepted to present a paper titled "The Politics of Naming: The 'prostitute' label as disability" (title is a work in progress). It would mean so much if I could go and present my work and network with peers. I started a fundraiser because I need to at least raise enough for airfare and registration by the end of February. Any help welcome! Shares and RTs in your networks are invaluable. Thank you in advance! www.gofundme.com/lsa2017 Also, if you're in Toronto--I'm still a badass escort! http://www.justberlin.net
  14. Hello Ottawa! I'm back and so excited! I'm hosting from a downtown hotel and would love to see you. Rates 45 min $200 1 hour $ 260 90 min $ 360 2 hours $ 440 Avail Fri 4pm-midnight and Sat 9am -11am. Text 416 460 2958 to book. Please introduce yourself ð???
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