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Everything posted by VedaSloan

  1. Yeesh, I blow the first 15 minutes teasing you ;) You see what I did there? :dncdick: xx
  2. That was beautiful. Thank you for reminding me what it's all about :)
  3. Taking some inspirational photos for you boys today hopefully. xo
  4. They still exist! There is one around Ottawa--outside of Ottawa though. I don't remember where. And I know for sure there is still one back in my hometown. I have many fond memories of getting it on in the back of my boyfriend's truck.
  5. I offer this service as well. I add you to Skype and you send me an email money transfer. Easy peasy.
  6. I am getting pulled pork burritos from Hang 10 (Tacolot). DELICIOUS.
  7. The way a lover whispers my name in my ear--or calls me something dirty ;) Thunderstorms A good beat!
  8. I was going to echo what Cleo said, a better question would be who DOESN'T enjoy this :) Making out gets me wet pretty much instantly.
  9. It goes both ways! I've learned about some of the following things: music recording Kantian philosophy accounting/tax info organic gardening euphoniums! And that is why I love this job! I love learning/hearing about new things, especially things it wouldn't occur to me to seek out otherwise.
  10. I went to my first yoga class today and it was awesome.
  11. 1. Never feel any shame about what you like! You're not a freak, you're just a dude with preferences, like everyone else. 2. Ask before you book. Other than that, have fun :)
  12. Or, how about, dare I say it, Vanessa and I together? (with her blessing of course!) That'd be A LOT of boob.
  13. VedaSloan

    I love your photo shoots V! Always sexy! xo
  14. From my point of view this just sounds unprofessional, regardless of her relationship status.
  15. The best chocolate I ever had was from a famous chocolatier in Brugges, Belgium. I can't recall the name now, but there was a giant dinosaur in the window made entirely from chocolate.
  16. Not only that, but why should she have to deal with a husband pestering her constantly for something she doesn't want to provide? If the emotional connection is still there, just let him see escorts. Again, this is my personal opinion, which I don't expect everyone to have, but I think that expecting a marriage partner to be able to fulfill all your needs, is unrealistic. There are over six billion (probably more, I'm not up on my world stats) in this world and we're supposed to believe that there is one person for us who will be perfect for us and we'll live happily ever after until we both die of old age in each others' arms? RIIIIGHT. It just makes more sense to go through life knowing that no one is perfect and can live up to such unrealistic standards; different people can fulfill different needs and it doesn't make any one of them any less important.
  17. In theory, yes. By any standards, sleeping with someone else (paid or otherwise) without permission of your partner is cheating. That being said, I don't think it should be considered cheating, with all the associated stigma that goes along with that. Men and women (who are partnered) seek out escorts for a variety of reasons, but it usually (in my experience) has to do with something that is missing from their relationship with their partner (for whatever reason--no interest, illness, because they're human beings who can't be expected to fulfill every need at all times, etc). While I do think that partners should be honest with each other about their needs/desires/feelings, I also think that society generally needs to be honest about sex and learn to take value in sex itself. If more people realized that sex isn't this sacred thing that should only be shared with certain people, but that it is more akin to feeding oneself--something you have to do to live, as it can affect not only your physical sense of self, but also your mental health--then I think that seeing escorts would be less stigmatized. But of course, these are only my personal ideals. I'm not sure we'll ever get to a place where everyone isn't all kinds of fucked up about sex. Partners have no need to feel jealous or inadequate or unloved if their SO seeks out the company of escorts. Yes, if your partner does it without your permission, you have a right to be upset--about the lie, not the act itself.
  18. I also have a male partner for duos (though, no male on male interaction).
  19. Always good to get tested. I go every three months, but for pooners, once every three new partners is a good rule of thumb. Thanks for posting this Emily!
  20. A sports bra! I didn't think I'd find one to fit these huge cans of mine, but fear not, Old Navy to the rescue!
  21. A lot of the major image hosting sites don't allow adult photos (nudity, sex acts, etc), so I use an adult hosting site: http://redfiles.info/ All photos you upload are public unless you register and then upload them to a private album.
  22. This cock lover would love an invite please! Great idea Emily!
  23. I just bought myself some yoga classes, so my goal is to start slow and try to go once a week.
  24. I slept until my family woke me up to open presents. We opened presents and then my Mom made breakfast and then we all sat around watching movies until the big turkey dinner! And then I pretty much lapsed into a food coma. It was wonderful.
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