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Everything posted by Seymour

  1. This situation serves to remind us that there is still a dark element out there and as responsible members of society we should do our part to ensure no one is taken advantage of in this fashion. Further incentive to properly select your dates.
  2. SUNshine Girl Jen is 20 years old and hopes to become an environmental researcher. Yes - I feel a warm front coming on. :wink:
  3. What the ?? I go away for a couple days and there's another birthday party and now talk of a last hurrah?:!: and there's SNOW outside.. Hmmm- ok... But that aside - belated birthday wishes man. Many happy returns - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbG2b5xbI8k
  4. You might want to try this link: http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=8223 By the way -I'm not endorsing this provider, just giving you a tip to go check out the site. Good luck.
  5. Welcome again gents - lots here to keep you busy. Just take the time to do your research and it will pay off. Gotta get busy. 8)
  6. SUNshine Girl Carmen is 21 years old and hopes one day to own her own restaurant. Carmen stays in shape by running and playing soccer. Her favourite show is Grey's Anatomy and she loves to laugh. Nice butt Carmen :-)
  7. Wow mod, that is a lot of backups. Who would have thought that there would be this much resilience in the design of this type of service. Kudo's to the team for the recovery.
  8. Dude - welcome to Ottawa. There are rude people in every city. The ladies are very pleasant here. Don't let one bad experience with a motorist cloud your perception of this fine city.
  9. Seymour


    Welcome back SA -sounds like you had a great weekend.
  10. I think if you're meeting off the clock, it should still be discussed regarding donation. Chances are as the client, if you're doing this, you have met the lady before and feel comfortable with being with her so perhaps it is easier to raise the subject of donation for the off the clock encounter - just to get it right. Sometimes I guess it is possible to get caught up in the moment and the big head isn't the one doing the thinking. I agree with capitalman - communication is key. Alex - your situation sounds like you're being exploited and has potential to become more messy.
  11. This word comes up a lot in the relationships we forge. A lot of members here have a spouse, and even for those that don't there has to be someone you turn to for advice - (besides the boys). I suppose it is possible to have different type of feelings for different people -two of my closest female friends come to mind. I guess I love them, but above this I respect them. They are both smoking hot - one is married but both are off limits. They do not know about this 'hobby' of mine - but it is possible to discuss many topics from relationships to politics to cuisine to fashion with them. These are amazing people that can share their experiences, emotions and can be a great sounding board. I enjoy their company and I value their friendship. It is great to get a woman's perspective on many topics. Now don't get me wrong, there are some lovely ladies in 'the business' that share a friendly piece of advice on many a topic (you know who you are my lovelies). The question for members here - who do you trust enough to turn to, open up to, for advice and for being a sounding board?
  12. Have a a great day buddy and here's to many more. Wait - one of my friends want to say hi: 8-)
  13. After getting wound up in the main room, you take your favorite lady for some lap grinding with something like this: The video isn't erotic but the music kicks ass - this is about your memory when you leave the club. Enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J8q4cBSkTQ&feature=related
  14. Bugger I think you went full circle on that one. It is nice to receive the compliments and be made to feel special (yes, we are all human), but ultimately what does one really want? If one has rules for how one plays the game, sometimes things happen that makes you question them. Perhaps then, a good compromise is to be aware of your own boundaries and let time take it's course. If it is difficult to reach her, keep in mind she is an individual with her life, responsibilities and schedules and likely has valid reasons for being unavailable. Perhaps again with time and trust, she will let you see the real person. Keep in mind it is very difficult for some people to open up, as they do not wish to leave them self vulnerable. Mentally, you have no idea what emotions she might be going through, she in fact may be seeking the same answers as you on some level. Time - give it time. But above all, do not take advantage of her friendship.
  15. Yes - I've been to many a suite and have been graced with some fine looking hostesses there. Have had to keep the flirt meter down due to the fact that I'm either with potential customers or partners. Yes - there is some fine eye candy there - have often wondered if any of them might be interested in a little shootout action after a game -after the business partners have left of course.
  16. Damn - tied up right now ...and not in a good way...
  17. Too busy lately to check the direct link - you gents posting the creme de la creme is awesome. Sharing is caring. :-)
  18. Thanks for sharing your thought everyone - I am not planning to pursue this angle. I know about five couples that have the same place of employment. In some cases they are in the same department -certainly brave. Deal with the spouse all day and then again after work. I don't think I'm that strong. :lol:
  19. I'm all for that! I find that lately I'm in quite a few social gatherings and there is always a healthy mix of female company - and out comes the charm. A few have joked or made comments about me being a sweet talker. :-) What can I say, I work hard but I like to play harder!
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