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Everything posted by drlove

  1. Ok... I was looking at the actual Halifax Playmates homepage. I was not aware that the other ladies were inactive as it was not specified. Thanks!
  2. Why not? PM me... Additional Comments: No, HP's website still has an ad up for Jenna, stating that she is available evenings... I guess I'll just have to keep trying! :;
  3. I've been trying to book Jenna Sweet for an outcall, but I only ever get Nikki's voicemail. I left a voice message and sent texts, but they have gone unanswered. Just wondering if HP is still around or if they have closed up shop.
  4. I feel it is very likely that the Supreme Court will find in favour of Bedford et. al. However, I'm not so sure that the Government can't pass new legislation. Such a verdict would no doubt stick in Harper's craw, and people like Joy Smith would like nothing more than to see prostitution be made illegal in this country... I'm hoping that the ruling won't come down until after the next federal election, by which time (hopefully) the senate scandal will have taken its toll and Justin Trudeau will be the new Prime Minister.
  5. We better be getting compensation for this!
  6. Ok, so I can't make or receive calls on my cell phone. I tried accessing their website, but no luck. Even their nationwide toll free number for customer support appears to be down. Does anyone know what's going on? Thanks...
  7. I know it sucks... we've all been there. I remember when the woman who I thought was the love of my life broke up with me, I was in the same situation as yourself. If it's any consolation, you're young with a lot of time on your side. Let this event turn into an opportunity to explore and to experience what's out there. Variety is the spice of life as they say, and Cerb just happens to offer a very nice selection of intelligent, sensuous, elegant and absolutely beautiful companions with whom to spend some quality time with.
  8. Have you seen Jenna? I called last night to book an appointment but was told she was off for a month. :(
  9. Quite possible... I'll have to check it out! :)
  10. Thanks Cristy. My reason for posting is that I wasn't sure if this was an agency who screens their ladies before hiring them, or if it's simply a website which advertises a group of independents. Given that Jenna is an unknown here on Cerb, I'm having a few trepidations about TOFTT.
  11. I was perusing SEA, and came across an agency called Halifax Playmates. There's a really hot blonde there who goes by the name of Jenna Sweet. Has anyone seen her?
  12. Has anyone seen Skittles yet?
  13. Don't you just hate it when that happens?
  14. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave...
  15. It's unfortunate that this sort of thing happens, but it does. It's a double edged sword since you don't want to miss out on a great experience, but you don't want to spend your valuable time on something that may never materialize either. For what it's worth, sometimes there are legitimate reasons for this type of behavior. Case in point: I had an experience similar to this one a few years ago with a provider, and I was so fed up I was about to call it quits trying to book an appointment with her but then I thought the better of it and gave it one last attempt. To my surprise, she turned out to be totally legit and provided great service as well. She was just having some difficulty getting things organized on her end. I know that may not be the same situation here, but sometimes persistence pays off, even when it seems futile!
  16. That's what I'm wondering... Also, she hasn't posted anything recently regarding her availability etc.. Hopefully someone will TOFTT soon.
  17. I'm hoping she posts some photos soon!
  18. It seems a bit odd that he just made the post, and now his account is inactive.
  19. I trim instead of shave, and I've never had an issue.
  20. Has anyone seen Lilly Scott yet? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
  21. If it's a major issue for you that's preventing you from having fun, opt for an outcall - 100% legal.
  22. It's not an inappropriate topic at all. In fact, if more people were well versed in money management, Canadians likely would not have the staggering debt loads that they do. Unfortunately, it's not something they teach you in school. How you handle your money is both a learned behavior and a choice. Both of my parents were good with money and imparted their ways on myself. However, once upon a time when I was young and foolish, I became enthralled with the novelty of the hobby and tended to spend a wee bit more on it than I really should have. Luckily, I realized the error of my ways and henceforth have stuck to a budget. Money management isn't rocket science; all that's needed is a bit of rudimentary knowledge. First, make sure you pay yourself. That is, whatever you earn - put aside at least 10% in savings and investments. It may seem like a daunting task at first but you'll get used to it. Case in point, I now invest over a third of my income and don't even flinch. You also need an emergency fund for, you guessed it - emergencies! Try to have on hand at least six months of income in your daily bank account in case something drastic happens and you can't work. At least you'll have money to live on without going into debt. Next , hire yourself a reputable financial advisor and listen! Some good starting points include setting up an RRSP so you can benefit from the tax breaks, maxing it out if you can, opening up a TFSA, putting excess monies into non-registered investments, and finally when you're on secure financial footing - investing in real estate. Granted, that's a lot to take in, and it won't happen overnight. It took me years to get to where I am today, but I can tell you without a doubt, it's all worth it. Your future self will thank you - trust me on this. The key is to start off slowly, but make sure you start - the sooner the better. Also, pick up some good books that will guide you through the basics ; "The Wealthy Barber" by David Chilton, The "Automatic Millionaire" by David Bach and a book by Kevin O'leary - I think it's called "The Truth On Men, Women and Money" will be greatly beneficial to you. Good luck!
  23. I just wanted to give a give a big shout out to Katherine and Penelope for doing a bang up job organizing this year's social. I know things were a bit rocky for awhile, but you managed to pull it off in spades! It was great seeing old friends again, as well as meeting some new ones. It's so nice to be able to spend some quality social time with trusted and respected members of our little community. I hope it's a tradition that will continue...
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