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Everything posted by drlove

  1. Back in the day I used to rent hotel rooms on a regular basis for an SP marathon *lol*. It was a lot of fun and a great way to meet a new lady on neutral turf. I've only done a limited number of incalls as I'm risk averse. These days, I prefer to do my research in advance and then see a lady at my residence. For the $300+ or so I'd be spending on a room and meals, I can have an extra appointment!
  2. The "back in my day" rant really hits home. I think the difference is that various generations will have their own comfort zone. When I was growing up, there were no cell phones, no e-mail, no tablets or I pods, no netflix etc.. I recall that the Commodore 64 computer and Pay TV were considered "cutting edge" lol. With reference to the above quote, talking on the phone was considered normal, in the same way that texting is the norm today. Young people have never known a world without modern technology, so for them it is the accepted standard as opposed to a technological advancement. I happen to hate texting and will only do so when there is no alternative. I would much rather pick up the phone and call someone to hear their voice, but it's only because it's what I'm used to. I'm sure someday when the newest technological communications marvel is unveiled and youth of the day jump on the bandwagon, people will be saying "Why doesn't anyone text anymore?" haha.
  3. I always send a thank you note to the lady I've seen. I feel it's a thoughtful gesture which also reiterates how much I value the privilege of having been able to spend some quality time with her.
  4. Yes, but what kind of solutions? If the SCC rules in favour of decriminalization, is it conceivable that parliament will go the way of the United States and make prostitution and everything surrounding it 100% illegal?
  5. This happens to me all the time - I'm often "on call", which means my schedule may change at a moment's notice. This month has been busy - 60 hours per week during the day, plus getting called in to cover some overnight shifts as well. It makes it very difficult to book in advance as many ladies would like you to do. I prefer "the day of", or spontaneous last minute bookings if at all possible, only because I would never want to inconvenience anyone by having to cancel an appointment due to unexpected work commitments.
  6. That's awesome, Lexy! It doesn't matter to me which date, just as long as it's on a Friday, since that's my only day off from work.
  7. The problem with saving it up is that you run the risk of popping too soon. However, on the flip side - if you masturbate too much before an encounter, you may not have any ammo left for round two. The curse of getting older! lol.
  8. My deepest condolences go out to you at this difficult time. I hope you find some measure of solace in celebrating his life through your memories.
  9. Joan and I are old friends, so naturally I was ecstatic when I learned she was back in town. She was even hotter than I remember, with her long blonde hair now cascading past her shoulders. We started off catching up on old times, and then moved on to more sensual activities. Joan is a true GFE in every sense of the word, and does her utmost to make you feel special. I especially enjoy holding her in my arms and talking, as she has an incredible personality to match her smoking body. I'm counting the days until I can see her again. Highly recommended!
  10. I believe Amber Wyld was in a movie or two - She's local.
  11. Let's be reasonable... I feel that's an unfair statement. As long as you see someone reputable, e.g. (the ladies from Cerb) you should have no problems. I've had countless outcalls to my residence over the past 13 years, and only once did I ever have an issue. However, that was only because I called a "no name" agency. I should have known better...
  12. I do... I figure that these guys don't have the greatest or best paying job in the world, so as long as they get the food to my door within a reasonable period of time and are halfways courteous, I'll give them a tip. I have no problem with it.
  13. Exactly... people need to read between the lines.
  14. This was my second time booking with MGF. I decided to see the lovely Jennifer this time around. Again, the booking process was flawless, and Jennifer arrived right on time. She is very beautiful and a great conversationalist. (I think her sexy French accent is hot as hell).She has a way of making you feel at ease from the start, and then treating you like her long term boyfriend. Jennifer was very accommodating and eager to please, as she really gets into the action. I had such a good time with her that I didn't want it to end. Hopefully, I'll have the opportunity to see her again soon.
  15. This is so true, and it goes back to what I said in my earlier post - society is a slave to convention. It's perfectly acceptable for a guy to go downtown, talk to a lady, buy her drinks (while spending lots of money in the process), and then get lucky... or not! lol. There are no guarantees in the civilian world, yet the hobby offers up an honest monetary exchange for a service. It's essentially the same as the millions upon millions of transactions we deal with on a daily basis. The only difference here is the type of service being offered. Throw that into the equation, and suddenly all bets are off. Go figure... Similarly, it's perfectly acceptable for a couple to spend money on one another in the course of dating, only to arrive at the same end as paid companionship. Also, since we're talking about getting screwed, don't get me started on the amount of money which changes hands in divorce court! :icon_eek:
  16. Yes, and I also want to say that you were quite correct in pointing out that too many rep points too soon for newer members may skew the perception of credit worthiness. It's a very valid point, and should be considered. Additional Comments: Ultimately, it will be up to the Mod / Council on how to best proceed, but judging from the responses in two threads so far, I feel it merits some debate.
  17. I do understand your point of view, especially since I started at the bottom almost five years ago and had to earn every single point (in 20 point increments, no less!) I was merely suggesting that we should not get hung up on appearances, and focus on what really matters. However, in the interest of fairness - perhaps mod could top up the senior member's rep points. In other words, if new members are accorded 5000 points, while older members were not afforded this luxury then long time members should now receive a "bonus" 5000 points, or whatever the number happens to be, to even things out. How does that sound?
  18. I noticed the same thing, and contacted Mod about it. I was informed that the reputation points have been re-calibrated, which explains some of the anomalies. Also, the system is not perfect, and there are a few glitches. For instance, while I have over 24,000 points, I still lost the last two orange squares on the rep bar. However, bear in mind that what's really important is what we the members give back to Cerb by way of our contributions - thoughts, ideas, opinions and recommendations. Let's all strive to make Cerb the best possible community it can be, and while we're at it, stop worrying about trivial things like a rep bar. Just my two cents.
  19. I'd like to divide my commentary into two parts: First off, having been a hobbyist for 13 + years, I will say that I am not ashamed in any way, shape or form about what I do. After all, why should I be? I feel that society at large has been fooled by convention - that is, they tend to buy into the accepted (and expected!) notions of how one ought to behave - most often in a "morally upright" fashion. I'm here to tell you that I stand up proudly and unabashedly when it comes to my participation in the hobby. I have met the most incredible people, and have had a myriad of unforgettable times that most people can only dream of. Once I realized how misguided all the stereotypical views surrounding this industry actually were, it was as though I had been given the keys to the kingdom, so to speak. Participation here is all encompassing - it offers companionship for the mind, body and soul - in a word, it is cathartic, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. More than that, it's taught me to appreciate a certain way of thinking / outlook on life. In other words, I was made privy to the hobby by being able to decide for myself - to look beyond the rhetoric and see the industry as a whole for what it really is; not for what people make it out to be, and for that I will be forever grateful. Now, for a decidedly different spin on things - Here is the part which truly saddens me: My last girlfriend happened to be a former escort. I didn't find out until we had been dating for a few weeks. Anyway, one night we were lying in bed and she told me. I was actually elated - one, because I completely respect any lady's decision to work in the industry, but most importantly, I thought it would give me the opportunity to lay my cards on the table, as it were. I've always hungered for a relationship in which I could be completely honest with someone - devoid of any hang-ups, compunctions or trepidations. I thought that if anyone would understand, it would be her. To my utter dismay, I encountered the same backlash I would have expected from a civilian - it was akin to the pot calling the kettle black, as from her perspective, it was ok to do what she did, because she had her reasons, whereas I should be ashamed for my actions since I had other "alternatives". I was completely taken aback and appalled. I hadn't anticipated that type of a reaction from her. Then again, a previous girlfriend had made a comment too, about how she could never respect sexworkers - no doubt attributable to an inherent bias she possessed. In any case, it made me come to the sad realization that it would be very difficult, if not impossible to ever have a completely open and honest relationship with someone - not because of any personal flaw, but because the other party cannot stand to hear the truth, and will not take the time to listen.
  20. Being wee groomed is simply a matter of common courtesy. It should be second nature to freshen up before a date, regardless - e.g.( a shower, deodorant and a hint of cologne.)
  21. I remember reading a similar account on another "erb" site some years back. It was also a civilian date which involved Mexican food, although the lady was on the receiving end in that case. Needless to say, it did not turn out well for either party. The best approach is to be cognizant of what one ingests, prior to and during a romantic time with one another. It's best to shun anything that may cause an excessive build up of gas, regardless. It would be a shame to have your fun ruined by something like that, as it can be avoided altogether if you take the proper precautions beforehand.
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