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Everything posted by drlove

  1. Has anyone seen the British lady who advertises in the Chronicle-Herald?
  2. I just logged in after being away for a few days... congratulations!
  3. I don't know why so many stereotypes still persist; it's quite unfortunate. I encountered it recently with my ex-girlfriend. She told me that she was a former escort, and I thought it would be nice to lay my cards on the table and have a clean slate all around. I thought she of all people would be understanding about my having been a hobbyist due to her involvement in the industry. Alas, it was not to be. She was the one who judged me, even after I had treated her like a queen. It was akin to the pot calling the kettle black, and signaled the beginning of the end for us.
  4. I'm very visual so I prefer the lights to be left on.
  5. I have "Pretty Woman" on DVD. Unfortunately, it's the anniversary edition with the extended "fight scene" left in. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of the original?
  6. I totally remember this! That's bad, isn't it? lol
  7. I just had the pleasure of spending time with Lana. She's a sensual woman with curves in all the right places, silky smooth skin and a great attitude to match. She was very accommodating and really enjoys what she does. She is also a great conversationalist and time just melted away with her. She left me feeling on top of the world. :)
  8. I have the conversation view switched off now, as per WIT's suggestion. It's all good...
  9. It's just that I'm used to Yahoo's set up of individual e-mails. I've found it difficult to retrieve certain e-mails with Google as they are all lumped together, so to speak. Additional Comments: Thanks, WIT... it worked!
  10. I've recently switched to g-mail, but I'm a bit annoyed with the fact that they do not separate e-mails, so that numerous messages are lumped into one "conversation". I don't care for it at all.
  11. It's odd, but my cellphone has been on the do not call list for years, yet I still get a call from a telemarketer every so often.
  12. With the news of an impending transit strike in my area, I thought I'd through out the question as to whether or not public transit services should be deemed essential. Certainly for those with limited or fixed incomes, or those who rely solely on the transit system to get around, a strike would cause undue hardship. Furthermore, since their tax dollars go toward its funding, it adds insult to injury as a service which they indirectly pay for is taken away by circumstances beyond their control. As such, a strike by virtue of a labour dispute is akin to holding a city hostage. Now, while unions will always strive to secure the best possible deal for its members, I feel that most unionized workers have it fairly good, all things considered. In an age of financial restraint and poor economic growth, I feel they are hardly in a position to make demands. Perhaps they should be satisfied with the status quo for once, like many of their fellow workers who are not so privileged to have a union representing their interests. Just my two cents.
  13. Wow... that's incredible, and very realistic! Additional Comments: Thanks for sharing.
  14. I've done that already, but my browsing history continues to be recorded. What I mean is, I don't want the browser to track my history. In other words, I want a system like Firefox where I don't have to continuously delete my tracks.
  15. Exactly... I've still done well - the only difference is that I had to invest money in large chunks in order to "catch up", as it were.
  16. Is there a way to have the google chrome browser never remember history, like firefox?
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