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Everything posted by drlove

  1. Any recommendations on Amber Star yet?
  2. Has anyone seen Shyla? If so, please post a recommendation. Thanks.
  3. If the Supreme Court upholds Judge Himmel's decision, will the federal government be forced to abide by it, or could they in turn make prostitution completely illegal, as in the United States? (I know a decision in favour of the adult entertainment industry would stick in Harper's craw.)
  4. I tried calling her, but both her numbers are no longer in her name. She's most likely moved on... Too bad though, she was smoking hot!
  5. Has anyone seen Amber-Star yet? Her photos look great!
  6. I like the Lifestyles "Natural Feeling" condom. Very comfortable to wear, and good sensation.
  7. Yes. Please refer to my recommendation in the Nova Scotia reco section.
  8. I had the pleasure of meeting Summer for the first time last evening. She has a convenient incall location and greeted me at the door in a very sexy outfit. She is a great conversationalist and we talked as though we were old friends. She enjoys what she does and is definitely not a clock watcher. I really liked this about her since it allowed the session to proceed in a very relaxed manner which added to the whole experience. Summer is all natural, which I love. She has the perfect body, IMO and excellent rates as well to accommodate all budgets. I will be seeing this lady again and again! Highly recommended.
  9. Exactly... I don't have any ill will toward her at all. In fact, she even said that she hoped we could be friends. Now, I'm not sure if she really means that, or if she's just saying it for effect. I thought I would give her some space and maybe call her mid February to wish her a happy birthday. This would be a way of opening the door to friendship as a pair of ex'es. Deep down I know we weren't compatible for the long term. However, it hurts when someone who was so into you suddenly gives you the cold shoulder with out warning, simply because the relationship didn't live up to her unrealistic expectations of what it should be. This girl thought she was a princess and wanted the fairy tale... Apparently, I wasn't wooing her enough, whatever that means.
  10. My thoughts exactly! *lol* Additional Comments: Very true... I actually thought of the consequences of living with her etc. and if I ever settled down with a woman I would have my lawyer draft a co-habitation agreement beforehand. It's funny you mentioned it, because she was actually hinting at things like living together, having kids etc. in a round about way. It really freaked me out since we had only been dating for about a month at that point. I'm used to a much more casual approach to dating, and keeping women at arm's length so to speak since my work occupies me constantly. I often find it difficult to make the time for a relationship. However, in this case I made a sincere effort, and it still wasn't enough for her. I remember when we got costumes for Halloween... She picked out a ball and chain for me - she was only half kidding!! :shock:
  11. You know, that's the really sad thing about it all. Here was a woman who was totally into me, extremely attractive, great personality (for the most part) and yet it was all sabotaged by insecurity. I'm sure there are legitimate reasons for why she is the way she is, but it's such a shame. Things could have been so much better... if only.
  12. I tend to do that. (over analyze) Again, I know that my ex had issues - she even admitted it and told me some personal things about her that set off some red flags. However, what I'm really upset about are what I view as my own shortcomings: 1) Perhaps I could have been a bit more sensitive. I always had it in the back of my mind that women don't want to date someone who's a doormat. Therefore, I stood my ground on a bunch of issues, especially when I got the feeling that she was trying to change me right off the bat. She felt that I was saying "no" too often, which she interpreted as me not valuing her opinion, and that I was putting up a wall between the two of us. I realize there's a fine line between being too agreeable and being unmoving. So, looking back I feel I could have compromised a bit more. 2) The Cellphone: This one really irk me the most, since if I had only known about (or bothered to check into) unlimited talk options with my carrier e.g. (My Five) I could have saved myself $200 a month and she and I could have continued talking, and the whole negative scene where i complained about her taking up my daytime minutes could have been avoided. 3) I need to become more in tune with how women think. At the start of the relationship I was on guard for the inevitable tests, but two months in I wasn't necessarily expecting it. I should have caught on to the fact that whole "cab ride" scenario was a test as well, and if I had been thinking at the time I would have. Perhaps if I had gone over there that night and talked things over with her, it may have salvaged the relationship. 4) Apparently, (judging by feedback from various sources) making an issue of a hand print on a wall was the wrong thing to do. Go figure...
  13. I know... you're right. She didn't know about my hobby. I kept that a well guarded secret. Although she was partly to blame for the demise of the relationship, I did some stupid things which I regret: 1) There was one time I spent practically the entire weekend with her. I got home at midnight on Sunday and she called me to talk on the phone for 45 minutes. She called me again at 8:30 the next morning and wanted to talk to me on my way to work. This was a regular routine for her. I became so annoyed at the fact she wouldn't give me any space that I told her she was taking up too much of my daytime minutes on my cell phone in a rather curt manner. While the phone bill was $200 a month, I still over reacted since I was stressed out from her. She totally took that the wrong way and used it against me. I didn't even clue in to the fact that I could have added an unlimited option to my plan - My fault. That meant instead of talking all the time, our phone conversations were limited due to opposite schedules (she worked nights) and the fact that I wanted to keep my phone costs down. 2) I made a comment about her making a mark on the wall in my condo with her still wet hand. I thought it was very innocuous, but apparently she had an ex who said the same type of things to her, and she took it the wrong way again. E.g. "You're just like so and so..." I think that really doomed things since she ignored me for about six days after that. 3) Toward the end of our relationship, there was one day she wanted to see me in the afternoon. It was unexpected and I already had plans. I changed our date to the evening, which she agreed to, albeit reluctantly. Later that evening I called her with a bunch of different date ideas. She shot them all down saying she was sleepy. She finally agreed to come pick me up (I was visiting my mom and didn't have a car). Anyway, 45 minutes later she called back to say she wasn't coming to get me after all, but would I mind taking a $30.00 cab ride out to see her? Normally, I would have said yes, but with her attitude I felt like she didn't really want to do anything anyway. Therefore I said no; however I said the first thing that popped into my head e.g. ( No, that's too expensive, but there's always next week). Of course that was the totally wrong thing to say, but I said it without even thinking. The real reason I didn't go out is because I felt I wasn't really wanted there, and I was still upset with her for ditching me the week before. The thing is, that was one of her "tests" that I didn't clue into. Inference on her part: "She's not worth $30.00" The following week, I was really busy with work and couldn't see her until that coming Friday, when it was all over. So, it is partly my fault for making some careless and stupid mistakes regarding the way I handled things. I feel had I done some things differently, we might still be together.
  14. Thanks for all your hard work, Mod. Very much appreciated! All the best to you for 2011 8)
  15. My girlfriend broke up with me a few weeks before Christmas, and I'm still a bit down about it. Granted, we were only together for two months, but it was a very intense relationship - actually too intense for me. I know she had some issues and I couldn't see it being a really long term thing, although I would have liked it to last for a few more months at least. The biggest thing was that she was very clingy, insecure and a bit jealous. Also, she was also a bit of a game player with her "tests". I was hoping we were past that stage. She constantly needed re-assurance which I found a bit draining after awhile. She wanted to me to spend time with her 24/7 or at least close too it, which I feel is too much for anyone, especially since I'm not used to that. Of course, I like to see the person I'm dating on a regular basis, just not ***ALL THE TIME*** lol. It felt like an overload, which is what I think killed it. Admittedly, there are some things I could have done differently, I know that. However, it seemed that she placed all the blame on me, and didn't want to take any responsibility for anything herself. Very one sided... I tried to patch things up, but to no avail. My friends think she may have gone back to her ex. It's too bad, since I really enjoyed my time with her.
  16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... I like variety, so I like to change it up between 20 / 30 somethings to 50+...Keeps life interesting! Additional Comments: Yes, she's gone by a few different names... not really sure why.
  17. Thanks! If you see her, let me know how it went. Regards, Dr. Love
  18. Unfortunately, since the paint was egg shell, trying to wipe it down only made it worse. I ended up having to paint over it again. She did this about two and a half weeks after it was painted. (brand new condo). I was told it takes fresh paint about a month to fully set. Additional Comments: the fact that her hand was still a bit wet didn't help matters either.
  19. I have a question: My girlfriend was over at my place and after coming out of the washroom she proceeded to touch my wall with her still damp hand as she was putting on her shoes. It left a mark since it's a brand new place and the eggshell paint was still in the process of curing. I didn't say anything at the time, but later that evening I casually (and very politely) mentioned that I'd really appreciate it if she could be mindful not to touch the walls for the aforementioned reason. Was there something wrong with saying this, or was it a perfectly reasonable comment?
  20. I see your point. However, it was the bank's responsibility to ensure that everything went smoothly. Since cheques cost money, and my time is valuable I wasn't going out of my way for them since I feel the onus was on the bank to rectify things. Admittedly, I don't think there will be any negative repercussions on my end, but it's the principle of the matter. If I hadn't been home this morning, I would have missed the banks's call and probably wouldn't have been aware that a problem even existed. By then I would have "missed" two mortgage payments In my mind, the bank made three errors: 1) Failure to set up the mortgage account properly 2) Failing to rectify things as they said they would back in November 3) Failure of the mortgage broker to return my call to adress my concerns / ensuring that everything was back on track. As such, I feel my request is a reasonable one. After all, I'm not asking for the moon - just something to compensate me for the inconvenience. Additional Comments: I just spoke with the branch manager, and she agreed to send me out a gift card... I'm happy now. :-D
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