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Everything posted by drlove

  1. Just wondering if anyone's seen Mandy recently, as I noticed she hasn't logged into Cerb for a couple of months. I sent her a PM to book an appointment but I haven't heard back from her yet. Perhaps I'll have to try another means of contact.
  2. Thanks for the kind words on your experiences in Halifax. Hopefully this will serve as an endorsement to other ladies to visit our fair city. We'd love to see you!
  3. I think Scott is bang on. It has to do with the state of the economy and how it influences consumer confidence. The latest report is that the recovery is losing steam which has created fear of a double dip recession. I know I am still hurting from a 40% drop in the value of my portfolio since the crash. It has rebounded somewhat, but the Dow in the States is at the same level now as it was back in 2002. The TSX is currently around 11,700, which is a far cry from 14,000 and 15,000 respectively in 2007. At best, the economy can expect little to moderate growth over the next few years, so most investors have either lost money or are just breaking even. Add to that the uncertainty in the job market, and you have the perfect storm. For me, I'm focusing on recouping my losses, paying down the mortgage and doing extensive renovations to my condo which requires a lot of capital. As such, I have scaled back on discretionary expenditures such as hobbying in order to compensate. Granted, my specific situation is not the same as someone else's. However, in my opinion the general theme rings true overall.
  4. I prefer a PM or e-mail for initial contact. It allows me to ask any pertinent questions I may have, and then follow through with a phone call at a later time when I am ready to book an appointment.
  5. Ahh, but that's why Mod invented the "edit" button... now we can all be perfect spellers!
  6. Mine was at Hedonism II with a civilian. I was in the dining hall sitting at the table with about six or seven other people after supper. We were watching some poor schmuck doing his best Elvis impersonation when suddenly I spotted this lady in a silver dress coming toward me. I vaguely remembered passing her on the beach earlier that afternoon. Now, with me being completely clueless, I thought she was coming over to ask for directions. Nothing could have been further from the truth. She promptly sat down on my lap and started giving me a lap dance. Then she decided she wanted a bit more and started undoing my belt. I protested a bit at first since we were in public, but she was rather determined. In the end I gave in; However - I was not prepared for the numerous flashes from a multitude of cameras which suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now I know what Britney Spears feels like! Btw... needless to say, there are now pictures of me in photo albums all across North America! *lol* :p Additional Comments: I've relayed my most indiscreet moment with an SP in another thread. However, the jist of it was that I encountered an SP in her civilian workplace. However, she basically "outed" me by not displaying any tact or discretion in the conversation she chose to have. In effect, she was more or less flaunting our client / SP relationship in public! I was floored to say the least.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. NO ONE should EVER have to encounter abusive situations. I hope you're ok... hang in there.
  8. Or in other words, marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
  9. I agree... discretion and privacy are of paramount importance, especially when using social media. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention.
  10. The idea of the unknown is what makes it so intriguing. It really depends on how one would use the power. For instance, I'd correct a few blunders that I've made in my life - no harm in that, right? It was already bad before, so it can only get better. I'd also have started saving and investing earlier than I did. Oh, to hell with it - I'd just buy a 6-49 ticket with all the winning numbers! :mrgreen: *lol*
  11. I came across a large ad in the Chronicle-Herald recently: Karen - busty redhead, lingerie 36 E Has anyone seen her? I'd appreciate some feedback, including her age. PM me if you like. Thanks.
  12. Thanks, Mod You saved me from having to delete them all myself!
  13. An SP actually did that to me once (actually it was about three or four times during the course of the appointment)... Needless to say, I never saw her again.
  14. How about the ability to travel back in time and correct all our mis-steps over the years? If I knew then what I know now...
  15. Amelia, I think the posters who suggested you leave this occupation off your resume are most likely correct. After all your educational achievements speak for themselves! Best of luck with all your future endeavours. Additional Comments: Wow, I can't believe someone did this to you, Lexy. Have you considered pursuing legal action?
  16. Congratulations... keep up the good work! It seems like a slew of posters have been hitting the 500 mark recently... Hopefully, I'll be next! :-P
  17. Melissa Joan Hart Kylie Minogue (love that Australian accent!)
  18. Hmmm... that's a good question, Amelia. How about "Therapeutic Massage Technician"?? (I don't know if I like the word technician, though - maybe you could substitute the word "specialist" or something else along those lines). To be honest, I'm really not sure. However, I will say it's a travesty that sociey at large still harbours a stigma toward the adult industry, as doing so debases its intrinsic worth. I'd like to think that closed mindedness in this regard is endemic only to those few who still hold to the antiquated Victorian notions of repression where sexuality is concerned, but it doesn't seem to be the case. It's rather ironic, since we've broken barriers with gay pride and the like, yet sex work continues to be relegated to the shadows. Hopefully this will change. I say, humble be damned! I hope you find a way to market your skill set, and I applaud you for putting it out there.
  19. This discrepancy is what I was getting at in my original post, but I agree... Cowboy Kenny Said it best!
  20. Meditation can definitely aid with stress relief. The entire procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, which involves repeating a mantra. The ironic thing is, I've been too busy recently to find the time, which only adds to my stress... go figure. Failing that, listening to some tunes, going out for a good meal and a drink, talking to a friend on the phone or taking a hot shower work well, too. Getting back to the obvious, IMO sex is the best stress reliever - Btw... the body's subsequent release of endorphens is reportedly beneficial in getting rid of headaches too! (remember this the next time your partner says "not tonight... I've got a headache." *lol*!!)
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