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Hank Parlor

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Everything posted by Hank Parlor

  1. I'm looking for a Provider who can provide fantastic service while having fun playing a character...anyone had a good experience along these lines?
  2. I would probably be more comfortable with youth, but thanks for the recommendation. I'll definently look into it.
  3. I'm definently new to this game, but am starting to put together what I'm interested in. I'm finding I really like a girl who can back up action with words, if you follow me :). Any recommendos on girls with golden tongues?
  4. I can say i've tried them. Well, Nikki at least. The number thing is very odd. It'd seem like one of the things you'd try to remember in your ad lol. I got it from an ad earlier this week that I don't think is up anymore. Once I did call her, though, it was great-no bullshit, no scam. We met up, and it was incredible. Those eyes, that body....:D. I was delighted to find the pic was real. I dunno why more people aren't sharing experiences...I personally had a phenomenal time.
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