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About Vikingman

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    General Member

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  1. Vikingman


    That is a truly special picture!
  2. Vikingman


    Rebecca tu es séduisante! Mmmm
  3. Wow. Rebecca is simply amazing! Best time ever. She is very beautiful and exceeded my expecations on every level. There is not one thing I would change!
  4. Vikingman

    IMG 3486

    I Love this picture. Wow - so suggestive ans sensual.
  5. Vikingman

    IMG 3573

    Looking great! What an enticing shot!
  6. "So Good" restaurant on Sommerset has great veg choices. Try the "Salt&Pepper Tofu"... and many more
  7. You can also use a number from a service like is described here (http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=25627&page=2) so that if you ever lose your cell phone, you can simply have your calls directed to a new cell phone. Also if a SP moves between cities - you could even have numbers in multiple places that ring through to the numbers of your choice. When you originate calls using this service, the number you call never gets stored on your cell - the calls will always appear to be to your PrivNum. Of course on the actual phone that receives the call - you still need to erase incomming call info as described int he other posts.
  8. PrivNum: http://sites.google.com/site/myprivnum allows you to get a phone number in many places in North America (or apparently optionally in other countries by request). When people call this number, it gives them the option to just leave a voice email, or to ring your regular phones (You specifiy which phones, eg: your cell and landline). When you call your PrivNum number yourself, you can enter a secret code that then allows you to place calls anywhere in the world - rates look low (eg: <1cent per min in Canada, and pretty low in most other countries too). Sure beats getting robbed by your cell provider for LD charges! These outgoing calls have your PrivNum number as the calling line ID, so no-one ever sees your permanent number. Payment can be via paypal or CC, and you just put a balance in your account and as you use it, it just draws-down against available funds. You can even set up PrivNums in multiple cities. Funds are in $US, but that is not so bad these days! Probably best of all - instead of giving your real number out to everyone, you give your PrivNum. If a creep starts to bug you, you can add them to a block list, or change your number completely without having to deal with cancelling/changing your real number. Would seem useful especially to SPs!
  9. Happy Birthday Erin! I hope that you have a good one!
  10. I prefer panties - but hopefully any objections will be short lived!
  11. It's been a long while (almost 1.5) years ago that I made my first trip ever to see Bethany. I finally figured I should at lease give the great feedback that she was due! (I was not sure about the etiquette of posting or not, but have read further since) She is a really lovely woman, very intimate, respectful and great at what she does. Her place was well set-up and inviting. Since she knew it was a first visit, she actually did say "you should visit my friend Michelle" - which was nice of her (although I must admit she gave me few reasons to think of going elsewhere :grin:). She has a great curvy body, and lovely face, even nicer than her pictures. Not a thing I would want to change. Highly recommended! Vik
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