The Swedish Touch in Vancouver is closed after 37 years. They lost their Bodyrub license a year ago and were stuck with a Health Enhancement license, the same type of license that is getting other Vancouver MPs raided by Vice, such as ISHQ, Kitten Club, L'merage, Serenity, Alley Cats, ShangriLa (some in the suburbs like Burnaby and Surrey).
Swedish Touch had the only Full Service Bodyrub license in Canada, costed them $ 8700 a year. The girls could greet you at the front door in see-through tops, entirely legal as per their unique license.
Brandis Showlounge is also closing. Both leases are not being renewed.
What power does Vancouver City have to just pull Swedish Touch's Bodyrub license without giving justification?
Is having a Bodyrub license illegal? Toronto has 25 Bodyrub centers. Please explain this apparent paradox