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Everything posted by Lou

  1. http://gawker.com/5875125/the-non-sports-fans-guide-to-tim-tebow?tag=explainer That is funny and so true ! Enjoy tonight's game:) Lou
  2. Thanks for sharing! Bonne annee! Lou
  3. The Pink Room From the movie Fire Walks With Me By Angelo Balamenti Dirty Woman Pink Floyd The Wall Hommes By Brazilian Girls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1wa7ZvvCb0 69 année érotique Gainsbourg and Birkin Fais moi mal Johnny Johnny (Hurt me Johnny, I like love that makes BOUM!) Jeanne Moreau Written by Boris Vian And of course, THE Frenchie classic Je t'aime moi non plus By and With Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin
  4. No matter how the provinces decide to legislate, it is still a crime under the criminal code. The licencing by the province is not there to allow more safety for sex workers or provide better working conditions. Its only purpose is to make money from the licensing and give the impression of control over the industry to the "good citizens". Other provinces have legislate before in regards of sex work but had to repeal their laws because they were not in respect of the provincea/cities powers. Don't know how the actual Alberta municipal bylaws are written but I wouldn't be surprise if again they were going to far for the powers of the city. But, sadly, until somebody courageous challenge them, nothing will happen.
  5. Thanks guys! Feel free to send me more suggestions. Lou xox
  6. Hello Everyone, I travel often to Ottawa and Toronto but I have not figure out yet where to eat? I am a pretty good cook myself which does not make me a fan of dinning out at expensive spots since, most of the time, I am disapointed (take me to Pied de Cochon any time though, I love it!). In general, I far more prefer small family restaurants own mainly by immigrants where I can eat stuff I have never tried before or that I can't do home cause I lack the equipement. As I was told many time, I am a cheap date:) If any of you foodies can recommand nice joints in Ottawa and Toronto, I would greatly appreciate. Anything goes with me, as long as it's fresh and it is not too salty or too sweet, I'll try it! If you need nice spots in Montreal, feel free to ask. Lou
  7. Bonjour, I am Lou Simone, a beautiful voluptuous mature woman with a sexy french accent! I will be in Kingston for one night of fun on October 15th but I am also available here at all time with advance notice for long appointments. Let me know if you would like to share some special time or maybe introduce me to your city while I'll be visiting for the first time on the 15th. Au plaisir Lou xoxo CONTACT INFO [email protected] http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=19840 When contacting me please kindly provide Time, lenght and place of the rendez-vous and at least one of the above: References from 2 other SP with an Internet presence Your name and phone number Date-Check and P411 account number Rates for Kingston 300 1H 500 2H 700 3H 900 4H Dinner Date 2000 Over night Info 35+ mature BBW - Voluptuous - Busty Bisexual ( I love both women and men alone or as a couple) Highly educated I have great massage skills I love to dress up I have duo partners
  8. Lou

    I like boobies!

    no matter what size they are: http://www.break.com/index/boobies-take-everything-bad-away.html
  9. Without one I would be without business. 90 per cent of my clientel consist of men who have no clue what a review or recommandation board is, they find me by googling key words like bbw voluptuous mature escort or on directories such as EC. Also, i was told by many that after viewing my ad on a directory, they decided to go with me because of my website (informatio, design, personnality that it exposes) even if they had never thaught of playing with a chubby girl. If like me you prefer it low key in regards of reviews (which are often explicit and could be use in a court case for agency girls and incalls) you can't not survive very long without one unless your main source of advertisment is old school: the good old classified! Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Does anyone know of nice Scotch bars in Ottawa and Toronto that are the equivalent of Montreal's Whisky Café?
  11. Thanks for your answers. I do not want to reopen the constitution, go over meech, over the suffering and injustices the francos lived and the sponsorship scandal, etc.. My question is what is your attachment to quebec and canada? That's'it. And for those who wish to talk pussy well read the threads about pussies and avoid the one's'you dislike just like it was extensivly debate in the thread about cerbites exchanging about their personnal problems on cerb. I am not loking for a fight. the nations who wish for independance, wether they are inuit, quebecois, croatians, irish, basque or albertan have the right to wish for it. These are nations decisions that should respect democracy which everyone has a right to. I don't think anymore than that needs to be say and anyway, it was not at all the intent of my post. Again, what i would like to understand, and thanks for the one's'who nicely did answer my question, is why is it so important to you that canada stays the way it is and even more if quebec cost you money? Pretty simple. Posted via Mobile Device
  12. Since the campain began, I have read many posts on Cerb that were kind of harsh in regard of the Bloc Québécois. Too each there point of view, we live in a democracy, I am fine with it and by saying this I am not insinuating that I am a hard core souverainiste or a souverainist at all. Some believe that what happened with the NDP means that Québec independence is "has been". Let me tell you that since the night of May 2, I have never heard that much interest in independance again. The fact that Ontario and Toronto voted strongly in favor of the Conservative means for many that we don't live "on the same planet" and don't share the same values at all and that it is time more than ever to say bye Canada. This comes mainly from people who voted for the NDP hoping that the ROC would do likewise simply to get rid of Harper. My intention here is not to start a thread about the legitimacy of the existence of the Bloc but to understand why some of you are offended by the idea that Québec could "break Canada" one day? If Québec cost so much to Canada in terms of equalization and others, why is it a problem for you that half of Quebec wishes to be country? WHat does Canada means to you? Why is it so fundamental that Canada stays the way it is? What do you gain by having Québec in the federation if we cost you money? Is it our charming French accent? Is it the fact that Gaspesia has been chosen by Unesco as one of the most beautiful places in the world or because of the numerous strip clubs? Why would it trouble you or change anything for you? Is it because you are traditionalist and things should never change like the one's who believe the royal family should stay because "it's tradition" (that i get it even less)??? Sincerly I don't get it? We would still be there, we would not cut the ground and move the province next to San Diego or Florida for a warmer weather! Please someone take 2 minutes of your precious time to explain that mistery to me. Merci!!!
  13. Bonjour, Planning my spring and summer trips! You would like to spend some special time with me in your area, let me know, I might consider visiting your city. Au plaisir Lou xox
  14. Roller Derby is a lot of fun! I don't play because i feel like at my age, I could get seriously injured and I can't afford it but if I was 18 again I would sure join a team and be good at it, I am a strong woman! Too bad it is too late for me. However, I recommand to all assisting these events. It is cheap, fun and the room is always crowded with cute hot chics!!! Enjoy and can't wait to assist the Montreal Ottawa game:) Lou
  15. If you love all women and would like to treat yourself with both a voluptuous lady and a petite one, my lovely friend Miss Leila and myself are availalbe for duos in Montreal. We can also travel to Ottawa for longer rendez-vous specially to visit you. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=23884 If you are looking for a duo with 2 beautiful women built for comfort, I am available in Toronto with the lovely Flora Revel. We can also meet you in Ottawa or Montreal but with an advance notice of at least one week. http://www.wix.com/flora12/updated Please note that my friends and I are real bisexuals which means that we love to please both man and woman. Lou xox
  16. This article explains quite well where he is coming from and where he is heading: Why Canadians Must Say No to Harper Will He be the Man Who Killed Medicare? http://counterpunch.org/dobbin04182011.html Thisone is a far interesting one about F-35 and why we don't need these planes: Canada and the F-35 By WINSLOW T. WHEELER http://www.counterpunch.org/wheeler04122011.html
  17. The video was produced by Vote Pray Serve. Vote Pray Serve is an Evangelic group which leading members are 4MyCanada and Real Woman Canada. They made a chart of MP vote records on moral issues. They are giving the perfect note almost strickly to Conservatives and a couple of independents. The others failed. Now you may say that it is not supported officialy by the Conservatives, however, the Conservatives provided the leader of 4myCanada, Faytene Kryskow ( http://faytene.ca/ ) a VIP access that only 19 other people have the priviledge to detain. This information was presented in a documentary on Radio-Canada to which Harper responded in a letter without denying it. This VIP access provides a priviledge access to the Parlement, the MP and senators, no security check, you can go where ever you want when ever you wish. Faytene Kryskow had over 400 encounters almost mainly with Conservativers without being registered as a lobbyist because she claimed doing this voluntary. Actually, she is a professional preacher with followers both in the USA and Canada. Some of Harper's MP openly admit being followers of Madame. Harper did not say if he follows her or not. However, it is no secret that he is an Evangelist prostestant and that he gave her that special access to the Parlement. It is also no secret that, such as Faytene Kryskow, he is close to Israel right wing leaders. This is somehow new in history that jesus freaks like them are close to Jewish radicals and it is no good news to me. Not because they are jewish, because they are radicals and right wing. Some canadian liberal jewish associations have also exposed their fears of these new bounds. If any MP'S don't wish to be associated with these radicals and their campain going on on the web and on the radio, they should say it and make it clear. Maybe I am part of a minority on Cerb who worries about Canada turning into United States where the last month the budget had a hard time passing in part because of the money giving by the federal to Planned parenthood? http://www.voteprayserve.ca/Vote.html4MyCanada ( http://www.4mycanada.ca/ ) and Real Woman Canada http://www.4mycanada.ca/
  18. Yesterday I heard of radio and Internet advertisments that are aired in English Canada. They are produced by evangilist, Real Women of Canada and 4myCanada. I was shocked by the content of the advertisment which purposed is to encourage people to go out and vote Conservatives. The Campain is called Vote, pray and serve. About 3 months ago, French CBC did an investigation about the special access Canada's Evangilists leaders have to the Prime Minister office and his best men. I was wondering if it disturbs any of you who support Conservatives? Here is the link:
  19. for the one's who plan voting Conservateur because you believe your money will be better spend and because "law and order" is important to you, may I suggest this Globe and Mail article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/what-are-canadians-really-afraid-of-when-it-comes-to-crime/article1978257/
  20. You are absolutely right. Canada has been pointed by the finger big time by the United Nation for the lack of drinking water on reservations. Another problem is the price of food on the reservations that are far away from the big cities. Most are disturb by the living conditions of native people, the government invest money in all kind of programs but avoid making market rules in favor of the native for them to benefit from decent food at decent prices. That Carson and his gang took advantage of this is a total disgrace and the fact that these women are escorts does not make it worst. The fact that they were escorts and one is an ex "person living on the avail-pimp" convicte with of criminal charges demonstrate the hypocrisy of it all and the lack of equal treatment at the Parlement. If you are a "bad boy" but you are on our team, that is fine.... But don't dare act like this if you are not with us. That is why the public as the right to know.
  21. I don't know if we have read the same news but from my readings, the escort who some believe the identity should be protected was convinved of serious crimes. She already made the news about being an escort and a pimp. To what I understand, she used to own an agency. When the clients were "too ruff" or did not pay, her gang was using of violence, threats and was robbing clients. I understand their business was illegal but I don't believe in these tactics to solve problems neither. Also, I have a hard time with the "too ruff" affirmation (being ruff is not enough?). This case is in my book another argument for decriminalization but that is another story. My point is that she is no angel nor a victim. I kind of believe that she somehow knows how to protect herself. I believe that the public as the right to know and I don't see why as escorts, when we get into these games, we deserve more protection than anyone else. Of course, it sells more when the story involves sex and kinky secrets, but that is not the journalist fault. We all take part of society and most of us are probably like any other human: we also like to read crispy stories with juicy details that makes the celeb, famous and elite looks equal and as human as any other person. Carson is a major prick and a criminal who had a special access to most moralist, and "crime fighter" government of Canada's history. We have the right to know.
  22. "The brief asserts this provision protects prostitutes from being harassed in the streets and police crackdowns on bawdy houses help officers find women who are brought into the country illegally to work in the sex trade." Really!!! how come they still haven't found one then and that why looking for the trafficked women, all they did is arrest canadian women of asian origin...
  23. I am sorry Shortcake but I beleive we don't get our information at the same place. The Liberals are the one who introduced it, not the PC. The PC platform for that last 6 years involves abolishing it. The NDP wants part of it to be abolish or part of it change. Harper was in Québec this week saying that if he has majority, it is one of the first thing he will do. It was saved lately because Layton could manage to convince some of his elected members to keep it. They were no "ligne de partie" to follow when they voted on that issue. If it costs so much, it should be relooked at to make it costs less but not abolish. I know that problems with arm won't all be solved with it but all cops association around Canada are saying that it does help them in their work and that it prevents casulties or death of both the population and the cops. For me, a gun is a gun, no matter if it can shoot 17 at a time or 1.
  24. I think that what I said was honest and I beleive it. It was not mean or rude, just simply honest. I did not say they were "this and that", just hypocrite with a ! at the end of my sentence. People got to learn to laugh at themself. I am the one being honest about my point of view and risking to lose business here. Plus, I don't believe that my affirmation will keep any guys from sleeping tonight. I am the one losing here but guess what, I am the kind of person who stands for what she believes, no matter what. I am well aware of what happened in Suède and the context of it. The wikileaks Assange story made me see clearer in regards of what happened in Suède in 2006 when they voted for all kind of non sense laws regarding sexual assaults and prostitution. Not that I am a blind supporter of Assange, I have no clue if he should be found guilty of anything. My views of Suède laws have nothing to do with what he did or not. The political party who reacted the best when Himel was made public is the Liberal party. Their reaction was smarter than any other, Bloc and NDP included. However, I don't vote in regards of prostitution laws, it sure has an influence but there is more to life and good government than sex work I think I gave a list of reasons why I dislike the Conservateur, and I could had more and more to it. Economie and there vision of it is in my view as dangerous as there views of social issues. Just take a look at Ireland and the United States where coprporations and free markets rule the countries... Not going well. And yes I do recall le scandale des commandites. Yes it was the liberal. No, they are not the same team now, the leaders that were there at the time are gone. Regardless of what they did then to keep Québec in the Federation, I still way prefer them than the Conservatives, mainly a bunch of Tea Baggers and Evangelists where reason comes second to religious beliefs and where society has a group has no meaning at all. I am an atheist but guess what, I apply way more some of the values preached by the religion they value so much. Conservateur care about profit, profit, me, myself and I and free speech only when they are talking, not the others... Thanks for all the billionaires and great fortunes who still believe that paying taxes and sharing wealth is essential for a healthy society. Thanks god that all rich are not Conservateur.
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