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Everything posted by MightyMouse

  1. You are both so beautiful and sexy!! I would love nothing more than have both of you.
  2. I made an appointment to meet with a favorite SP of mine. Every encounter is hot and heavy, we can't seem to get enough of each other. After some intense foreplay she wanted to "ride" this cowboy into the sunset. Not long after we began "WHAM"!! :shock: the bed frame collapses beneath us!! :icon_redface: Luckily we were able to fix it. MM.
  3. DD Emma is my recommendation!! Can't go wrong with her. Good Luck.
  4. I like porn that has handjobs in it, it's such a turn-on for me to see a girl do that! It's so primal!! I also like videos involving dirty talk, mature ladies, blowjobs, gonzo, and mutual masturbation (male-female of course) to name a few. :givemehead:
  5. I'm a shower guy. I like the sensation of the water running down my body and I feel cleaner too! Now the only thing missing would be the company of a lady who enjoys the possibilities of such a shower! :quicky:
  6. I had the opportunity to spend some time with her earlier this afternoon and she didn't disappoint! It was one of the best GFE I've ever had. I won't go into detail about our meeting, you'll have to trust me and go see her for yourself :shehot:. Cleo :ThankYou:!!!
  7. I hope that I'm next to you the next time you cry!! :hump:
  8. Although I've met with Sabrina just one time :-(, I highly recommend that you take my advice and see her as many times as possible. I still think of the wonderful time we had together! She's truly unforgettable. :bowdown:
  9. I couldn't agree with you more Maverick. Although I enjoy shagging as much as the next guy, I become more excited knowing that I'm satisfying her needs. The more I give, the more I receive in kind. There's something to be said about guys like ourselves who enjoy giving more than receiving! :)
  10. Hmmmm...no visible replies. I must have worn out my welcome or I'm not doing enough to merit any replies. Happy New Year!! ;-)
  11. Hello!!! :grin: I'm looking for an In-call in the St-Laurent/Walkley rd area... I'd welcome any suggestions. Thanks, MM :D
  12. MightyMouse

    You have beautiful nipples!! Very sexy pic!!!
  13. I find your tattoos give you an extra " WoW!" factor on top of your already beautiful body and personality. God I'm such a pushover!! lol. :oops:
  14. I like the way you think Nicolette! I've been quietly searching for an SP who doesn't mind having her hair pulled gently. I'm just too shy to ask :oops:. There's something very carnal about it that I find very arousing!! :twisted:
  15. I've had the pleasure of meeting Luxie more than once and take it from me when I say that I simply adore her gorgeous face and her sexy curvy body!! I found her to be beautiful on the inside as well as on the outside :cool:. I consider myself a lucky man to have met her and I'm looking forward to meeting her again and again!! MM :-D
  16. Please excuse me while I pick up my jaw up from the floor and try to put my eyes back into my sockets!!!!! :-o
  17. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I won't be going :-(. Have a great time everyone!! MM
  18. I'm very happy with the response to this thread so far!! Thanks to each one of you for taking the time to help me out! :-D MM :D
  19. Hello fellow Cerbites!!! I'm looking for a recommendation in the eastern part of ottawa. I'm grateful for any help!! Thanks. MM :smile:
  20. They are both spectacular looking to me Cato. Great work!!
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